Knowing God essay topics

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  • God
    821 words
    First thing I want to share is that Jesus love you and so do I. The reason I'm going to write all you so that you wont make the same mistake as I did. I really fill the need to share this with you all. It started when this girl came in to my live. Today I still say it's the best thing that has ever happen to me, but I mess it up big time and I might of lost her forever, because I let the Devil comes in to the relationship. When this girl fell in love with me I was in God. I was on fire for him. ...
  • Bible God
    921 words
    Do we really have Freewill? The topic of freewill vs. determinism has always been something that has interested me. I follow the Christian faith very strongly but my views on the subject vary almost daily. The concept of freewill and determinism is something that, as a Christian, I often struggle with. By no means do I think that I have all the answers or that I am right. I believe that in order to find the truth or what is right you have to be willing to accept that everything you believe could...
  • God Every Time
    3,237 words
    Doing good? We " ve been here since sept. and people always ask what have you been doing. WE " ve been trying to fit in. We " ve stopped saying yall. Plural. We " ve started using utensils. Potholes, you have obstacle courses In cindy we drive the speed limit. I'm thinking we vote to have ish printed on the speed limit signs. Accent. People ask us how its going? How are things for the new church coming along. Let me tell you. We learned a few weeks ago that the financial support we would receive...
  • Weariness In The Search For God
    503 words
    Exegetical Essay on Matthew 11: 25-30 This passage opens up with the phrase, 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. This speaks of two kinds of people in his prayer: the 'wise' - arrogant in their own knowledge - and the 'little children' - humbly open to receive the truth of God's Word. Are we wise in our own eyes, or do we seek the truth in childlike faith, realizing that only God ho...
  • Strong My Faith In Christianity
    489 words
    Theology Reflection Chapter 4-Page 66-Number 1 Imagine a situation in which you are arrested and imprisoned for being a Christian. What are you thinking as you sit in your prison cell Write down your feelings and behavior as if writing a journal entry. As I sit in my prison cell for something that I have no control over, being a Christian by birth, I wonder why they would do this to me. They know there is nothing that I could do about being born a Christian. Even though I was born into Christian...
  • Aga Pic Love
    574 words
    Reflection Paper "Who is God?" , this becomes as impossible a question to answer as the question "Who am I?" . Michael Himes, the author of this book which is called, Doing the Truth In Love, expresses his ideas and thoughts on how we are supposed to think about God, feel about God, and understand who and what God is. Mr. Himes, explains first and foremost that God is a mystery. He gives his opinions on how He is mystery and on how we should identify "God with God". Himes states that God is agap...
  • My Life Journey
    899 words
    As of late I have been feeling an immense hole in my life. My life journey feels as if it is nothing than a jumbled-up mess of confusion, heartbreak, betrayal, and lies. So with a life full of loss, like any normal college student would do, I joined the pity-party bandwagon and felt sorry for myself. In my "destined to roam the earth alone and useless" state I was positive there was nothing that would ever change my dreary outlook on life. I read a few books, prayed like crazy, talked to my pare...
  • Rational Demonstration Of God's Existence
    1,434 words
    Contemporary atheism is a positive and new humanism trying to re-found and re-construct the entire human universe of thought and values. It shows the possible abuses of religion and points out all concepts of God are only imperfect means to see him. What they say about God couldn't possibly be. Atheists are avoiding responsibility. God is not like anything we know so stop talking about him. Everything you " re saying about God is wrong and invalid. The most important problem is the problem of th...
  • God's Knowledge Of Man's Future Actions
    740 words
    A problem that occurs in the Eight Chapters is does God's foreknowledge contradict man's choice? In other words if God hardened the heart of Pharaoh, as we are told in the Bible, then does this not make His subsequent punishment of Pharaoh unfair? What happened to man's free will of choice if God forced this mortal to behave in a certain way contrary to his own? One of the solutions to this apparent problem is addressed by Moses Maimonides. The core of his argument is that Pharaoh was not a blan...
  • U God
    2,248 words
    Also referred to as the life and times of a simple man In the Beginning god created me... he didn't really give me a fair chance did he, I mean makin me back like it is, god ive hated him fo that, pretty ironic saying god ive hated him for that, insulting god, using his own name, is even god a he? , I doubt it, I doubt it gods a she really, I doubt it so much god even exists, I mean its pretty handy him having done all these miracles so long ago that noone alive can remember them I think its jus...

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