Lives And Believes essay topics

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  • Unique Beliefs About The Afterlife
    493 words
    Death and Dying The Afterlife Considering my thoughts on the afterlife is something I have done several times in my life. My views and beliefs have changed over the years regarding this subject. My Catholic upbringing was probably where my first views came from. They were the traditional heaven and hell beliefs and also of purgatory. Today my thoughts are not so black and white. I am not sure what lies beyond this life. I do believe that we just don't disappear but that we change forms. I person...
  • Control Fate
    1,097 words
    FATE Fate. Fate is what controls our lives... or so some people think. Now what is the actual definition of Fate? The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events; the inevitable events predestined by this force. Now look at the word supposed. We don't even know if Fate exists. If it does, why does it have to be predestined or predetermined? PRE is a prefix that means before. Now Fate happens based on something before? I thought it happened then and there not before. Some people...
  • Buddha And Zarathustra
    574 words
    Buddha vs. Zarathustra Why do people suffer That is a question man has been trying to answer for hundreds of years. Two men attacked this question from very different angles. Their names were Buddha and Zarathustra. Buddha was an Indian and founded the eastern way of thinking. Zarathustra was from Persia and believed in a more western theology. Zarathustra was a wealthy man that lived a normal life until he was twenty years old. He left his family and wandered the country for ten years. Finally ...
  • Live In Connecticut
    542 words
    The Witch of Blackbird Pond Kit Tyler, the main character of Elizabeth George Spear's book, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, must leave her carefree life in tropical Barbados, and go and live in Connecticut. She learns that playing is what is to life, but hard work. She learns that if people do not know you, that they pre judge you. She also learns that if you don't live up to the Puritan life style, that they will look down at you. Kit must learn to cope, and learn from all these changes in her lif...
  • Tracy Latimer
    920 words
    On Sunday, October 24, 1993, Robert Latimer killed his daughter, Tracy Latimer. Robert Latimer placed Tracy in his truck and ran a hose from the exhaust pipe into the cab of the truck. Tracy was killed by carbon monoxide poisoning and Robert Latimer confessed to the murder. What makes this case so unique and debated is that Tracy Latimer had cerebral palsy. Robert Latimer has been in court several times and has only served minimal time in jail. On November 16, 1994, he was first convicted of sec...
  • More Unconscious Thought Process
    1,417 words
    Human beings believe that they live their life in a conscious manner; that they are aware of their surroundings and know what is going on around them at all times. Yet deeper analysis of the word conscious leads to a more confusing thought process than a human being may be able to grasp. The Personal and Collective Unconscious by Carl Jung believes that "the unconscious contains only those parts of the personality which could just as well be conscious and are in fact suppressed only through upbr...
  • Expansion Vs Preservation William Sonntag
    754 words
    Expansion vs. Preservation William Sonntag was acclaimed in the 1850's as a painter of the dramatic landscape. In his painting "Garden of the Gods", Sonntag portrays a family in the time of the westward expansion. The very subtle painting, expressed by its loose brushwork, captures the shifting atmospheric contrasts of light and dark. Apparent in the painting is a family struggling to survive in nature. In the bottom left corner of the painting is a weather beaten shack, the home of the struggli...
  • Self Reflection
    299 words
    In Blackburn's article, he concluded that if a person doesn't understand his / her situation fully, he / she cannot begin to think about what is the next step to take. To support his conclusion, he stated some of his believes. To start, Blackburn believes that if you do not understand your life, then it is not worth living it. He insists that through rational reflection, a person can eliminate the bad things in life and replace them with good things. Also, he states that a person does not have c...
  • Poor Teacher And A Wealthy Drug Dealer
    693 words
    There is a new Broadway show out called Rent, which poses a very thought-provoking question in its chorus line. 'In 525,600 minutes, how do you measure a year in the life? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife?' How do people actually measure their lives? One could measure their lives by the experiences they have been through. It could tie in with the bumper sticker: 'The one who dies with the most toys wins!' But, I believe the on...
  • Zarathustra Prologue And The Three Speeches
    594 words
    Summary of "Zarathustra's Prologue and Three Species" At the beginning of the story a man named Zarathustra who was thirty years of age had left his home to go live in the mountains. He had lived in solitude of the mountains for ten years. The text said, "He enjoyed his spirit and his solitude, and for ten years he did not become weary of it". I believe that Zarathustra move to the mountains and lived a solitary life to get more in touch with himself. He probably wanted to get to know himself mo...
  • People Are Victims Of A Greater Force
    345 words
    People Are Victims of A Greater Force: The Environment People would like to believe they can accomplish everything they want in life. In reality, it is just a positive way of thinking. It would be nice to believe that a person could do anything if he puts his mind to it, this way of thinking is not reality. People are victims of greater forces. The force is not a force of God or magic. The force are our environment, our Biological instinct, and our inherited characteristics. This philosophy is c...
  • Words And Teachings Of Sathya
    405 words
    On November 23, 1926, in a remote village in southern India, Sai Baba was born and given the family name of Satya narayana Raju. He was one of the person born for success. Many stories began that after Sathya was born, strange 'miracles' were beginning to occur. His was different from the children around him, and his actions and behaviors were obviously very strange. He was a vegetarian, unlike the rest of his family. He lived opposite his parents in a way that his life was nothing like theirs. ...
  • Textbooks Advocate Evolution
    3,409 words
    -This essay is not mine-THE question "Do you believe in evolution or in creation?" is more than a matter of idle curiosity. The answer that one gives will be deeply reflected in his attitude toward his fellowman, his moral values and his outlook on the future. 2 Belief in evolution is not new; it did not originate with Charles Darwin. But, following publication, in 1859, of his book The Origin of Species, the supporters of the idea have greatly increased in number. In those lands where considera...
  • Evidence In Support Of Its Truth
    1,781 words
    This section provides us with two selections from the essays of William K. Clifford (1845-1879) and William James (1842-1910). Clifford's essay, The Ethics of Belief, is based on the concept of evidential ism. This concept 'holds that we should not accept any statement as true unless we have good evidence to support its truth'; (Voices of Wisdom, 346). James wrote his essay, The Will to Believe, as a response to Clifford's essay where he endorsed a philosophy called pragmatism. Pragmatism is des...
  • Fleur Lives
    1,240 words
    Fleur a story written by Louise Enrich is a tale about a young Chippewa Indian woman who is feared by all the people that live on her reservation, Argus. They believed that she has been cursed by the water monster of Lake Turcot who seeks her life for his own. Her general lifestyle is an awe to them because she lives outside of traditional ways. She stirs things up with her uncanny luck and the circumstances that surround her. I believe this is a good story because I like the way that Fleur did ...
  • Believer In The Value Of Dialogue
    582 words
    In The Ethics of Authenticity Charles Taylor makes a radical claim that we only become capable of understanding ourselves and defining our identity through dialogue. He says humans are fundamentally dialogic al creatures (29) and cannot develop into individuals without interaction with others. Through dialogue we are able to exchange our ideas with others and construct our values and beliefs from bits and pieces we hear. This is how we become authentic humans. Authenticity is being true to yours...
  • Live After Death In Heaven
    957 words
    Many of us, people dont believe that there exists live after death. We think that this is not possible. People are just dying and they are living their bodies behind them, and leaving this world. Some of us believe in the reincarnation. We died, but we are born as a new human being. In the book What dreams may come there exist live after death- in heaven. The book tells about a men name Chris and his family. One day he was coming from the theater and three cars hit him, and he died. He woke up a...
  • Jean Valjean Believes
    400 words
    Jean Valjean, once a runaway thief, became a major of Ve go. He is a person of justice. Jean employs poor people to work in his fabric. He helps people, because he knows how it is to be poor. Jan Valjean is a republican. He is not a person who wants everything just for himself. He sees France as a better society without dictators. According to him everybody deserves another chance. Javert, the police officer, who is after him, gets another chance. Jean Valjean knew that he will be after him all ...
  • New States 1 By One's Own Arms
    545 words
    Machiavelli's Ideal Prince It seems all the 'great thinkers' of ancient times believed that there had to be a class of oppressors who deserved to have control, and a class of the oppressed who should live in subjection of the elite. Machiavelli is no different and believes "men ought either to be well-treated or crushed" (3). In his writing he explains how one determines who in the state is crushed and who will crush them. As he talks about colonizing on page three he believes the natives of one...
  • Adult Entertainment Club
    1,259 words
    Adult Entertainment And First Ammendment Rights Essay, Adult Entertainment And First Ammendment Rights The essence of the American dream stems from freedom. Before this nation was even called the United States of America, religious separatists ventured across the Atlantic Ocean so that they would be free to practice a religion that was not controlled by the state. Today, we find ourselves in a constant battle with ethics, morals and values in the United States. Seeing that we are a nation that i...

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