Lives At Home essay topics

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  • Youth In The Breakfast Club
    417 words
    The Breakfast Club Five teenagers who don't' know each other spend a Saturday in detention at the suburban school library. At first they squirm, fret and pick on each other. Then after sampling some marijuana, a real encounter session gets underway. The stresses and strains of adolescence have turned their inner lives into a minefield of disappointment, anger and despair. The catalyst of the group is Bender (Judd Nelson), a rebellious working-class punk who seethes with rage and attacks his peer...
  • More's Utopia Life
    766 words
    Living in Utopia Private property is abolished in Utopia, and society is communally organized in such a way that there is no shortage and that everyone has work, food, a home and opportunities for cultural expression. Sounds great, eh Would you like to live there, and if not, why Your answer should take account of More's context (why he wrote Utopia) and should be supported by reference to the text. In Thomas More's Utopia life is very structured there is no crime or prejudices. The people live ...
  • Energy Into The Home
    669 words
    I ambitiously decided that I would brighten the lives of the elderly by volunteering at a rest home, but discovered that the elderly were being neglected, shoved aside and forgotten. As I stepped into the home a pungent odor penetrated my nostrils, causing an instantaneous gagging reflex. The place was abounded with neglected and subdued inhabitants, yearning for attention. Anybody that passed them caused a sudden outburst of ranting. The negligence and disregard the home displayed appalled me, ...
  • Generations Live Under One Roof
    1,616 words
    Multigenerational Households A multi generational household is defined as more than two generations of the same family living under one roof. Multigenerational households are common in other parts of the world. They are still uncommon in most areas of the United States, but lately they have been growing in popularity. Throughout the country, multi generational households represent just a fraction of the population. According to the 2000 census, four percent of all U.S. households have three or m...
  • Important Effects On One's Life
    494 words
    Living away from your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but at the same time it has very important effects on one's life. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the three main effects that living in another country can produce in your personal life. The major effect, and also a very common one, is that once you start a regular life away from home, you miss everything. This fact doesn't mean that you are unhappy but that you are aware of being on your own. Missing...
  • Foods The Miwoks
    594 words
    History Final Miwoks set many standards for themselves and the tribe. They were usually very hard workers, working harsh numbers of hours a day to keep the tribe alive. There were hunters, fishers, and many other jobs for people. A non-nomadic people, the Miwoks settled in the Yosemite Valley. My report is on the Miwok Social Life. Games, customs, jobs, and many other things about the Miwok Indians will all be covered in this. The way they lived, what they ate, and what they farmed. They all had...
  • College Dorm Life
    827 words
    College Dorm Life vs. Life at Home Last month in our country, thousands of eighteen year olds flocked and migrated to a location where they could finally escape the stress of parents, siblings and their very own house and neighborhood. For the majority of the students, the move was indeed a success, an enjoyment, and otherwise a great new place to call home. There are some teens however, who are finding the new life in college to be struggle, and for some, an unenjoyable event. In this essay, I ...
  • Family In The 1950's
    610 words
    During the fifties, to be the norm in society was to be the norm. To be the same was to be what every one else was being. Doing what every one else was doing was what was supposed to be what was being done. Did you catch all that? And then here we are in the nineties. In the nineties, to be the norm in society in to not be the norm. To be the same is to not be what every one else is being. Doing what other people don't do is what is really expected to be done. Now, did you catch all that? Let me...
  • Happy Living In Their Joint Families
    1,975 words
    22 November 2004 PAKISTANI chose to do my research on the customs and lifestyles of Pakistan and their people. It took me quite a while to get in contact with someone who lives there, but once I finally did, I made a friend for life! I was very curious how the Pakistani's felt about Americans, and if I could get an honest answer from someone there. My friend "Hussain" assured me that although there are extremists, just as there are everywhere, who take their hatred for America, and for any other...
  • Stay Home With Your Kids
    478 words
    It seems as though, some people feel a two-career family is necessary for todays society. Today, the cost-of-living has soared to an enormous height. Ideas of living in a gigantic home with brand-new cars tend to flourish the minds of parents. Meaning, both parents must work, not only for a place to live and an automobile to drive, but also for enough funds to raise a family. Only a few centuries ago, American families lived different life styles. The thought of a mother working, to provide for ...
  • Smell Of Your Home
    559 words
    What do you think of when you hear the word home? I think of comfort, love, and of coarse the sweet smell of warm apple pie. The first thing that you notice when visiting someone's home for the first time is the smell. If the first thing you smell when you walk into someone's home fore the first time is a dirty wet dog, the chances are you won't want to revisit that house. That's why the smell of your home is so important, not only for the people who visit but also for the people who live there....
  • Theme Of Regular Peoples Lives
    747 words
    Dubliners Counterparts By: James Joyce After reading several stories from James Joyce Dubliners, many of the themes are similar. There is not usually an enormous plot, because all of his stories are about working people in Dublin. Every story has a very important theme that he brings out through his description of these regular peoples actions and through the setting. He does not use a normal story line, a plot, or a definite climax and resolution. In the story Counterparts, he uses the theme of...
  • Home After The War Krebs
    727 words
    The short story, "Soldier's Home", by Ernest Hemingway proves to us that the setting someone lives in usually influences theme of a story. This story goes into a time when things were much different than today and society wasn't as unpredictable as it seems this day in age. In one sense we can see this young man's whole life being over at the early age of 19, stuck with having to repeat the same cycle day after day. As the reader, I could easily see that this young man's life is being predetermi...
  • Aspects Of The Australian National Identity
    651 words
    The Call Of The Bush The poem I have chosen is titled "The Call of The Bush" that is written by Dora Wilcox. The subject / story of this poem is about the poet / writer being in the outback without anything but the horizon in front of her. The main emotions expressed in this poem are happiness, relaxation and peace. The poet has used the following poetic devises to create a clear picture in the mind of the reader. These help to convey the message and include: lines one and two rhyme, lines three...
  • Reece's Hobbies
    344 words
    Child profile on Reece Name: Reece Date of Birth: 25.02. 2001 Age: 2 years and 6 months Gender: male Type of family: Reece lives at home with a nuclear family; this includes his parents, 2 brothers and sister. Reece is the youngest in the family. Both parents and siblings spoil Reece, he is very close to his family as he spends lots of time with them. Extended family moved away but visit regularly. Siblings: 2 brothers aged 17 and 19 and a sister aged 15. Type of house: Reece lives in a semi-det...
  • Crazy Ivar
    1,230 words
    PAPER #1: O PIONEERS In Willa Cather's novel, O Pioneers, she tells the story of lives that were played out in the early part of American history. She created a character that was odd by nature, but brought an abundance of life to the novel. His name was Ivar, but was referred to, by many, as "Crazy Ivar". Ivar was a deeply religious and slightly imbalanced elderly man. He had no faith in the civilization he was living in and behaved peculiarly around the people who lived there. He had an intrin...
  • Students
    439 words
    Nowadays many students prefer to live at home. They do not want to move away. Moving away from home does not only mean moving into a new flat, most of the time it also means moving into a new city. Many students do not want to miss or give up their family, friends and neighbours. They do not want to miss the closeness that they have to these people. Living at home, while studying gives students the opportunity to keep up their good relationship towards family, friends and neighbours. This seems ...
  • Log Cabins
    898 words
    The colonists that came to America many years ago had to build their own homes. Some of the earliest settlers' had built several types of homes for survival. The most common home came to be the log cabin. Most Americans today live in houses or apartments with running water and indoor bathrooms. The pioneers in the 1700's certainly had a much harder life and lived differently from the way we live today in the Twentieth Century. However, they also had the need for shelter, transportation and commu...
  • Independent By Your Own Rules
    369 words
    The age of leaving at home has clearly increased up. Although one has a girlfriend and a well-paid job, he prefers staying at home. On the one side, living at home has fewer responsibilities for that person. First, in most cases, the house the parents live in is paid entirely. If you stay at home, you do not have the charge to pay a mortgage or a rent so that one big financial problem disappears. Another reason to stay is that the housework which has to be done is done by another person, often a...
  • Different Biomes In Canada
    787 words
    Where do we live? It sounds like a simple question. We live in houses and apartments. We live on streets, and in provinces and countries, too. But each of us also lives in a natural home- a home that was here long before people were. Scientists have a name for out natural homes. They are called biomes. Biomes can be on land or in water. Figuring out what biome you are in isn't always easy. People have changed most biomes by building cities, planting crops, and cutting down trees. If we could ide...

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