Locker Room essay topics

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  • Locker Room And Naomi
    13,592 words
    I had been running track all through high school and was just about to start my senior season. I had never been great, but good enough to make states last year in the middle distances. Up until this year our only coaches were your typical, out of shape, over the hill, middle aged women who only coached track because they were either mean old biddies who liked to boss around young women or were athletes themselves before they let themselves go and now wanted to relive their fantasies of victory t...
  • Random Locker Search
    358 words
    Opposing Side- Random Locker Searches The IV amendment states The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause... This means that a person will not have their private property searched or taken without a warrant or probable cause. Therefore, random locker searches are illegal, against civil rights, and wrong because, if they are done randomly,...
  • Random Body And Locker Searches
    454 words
    Do high school administrators have the right to carry out unannounced body or locker searches? Does it violate the student's body or personal belongings? Many people think that it is wrong for administrators to have random body and locker searches, but I think it is ok and somewhat necessary. Having unannounced body searches or locker searches is necessary because they keep schools safer, they enforce rules and they avoid harmful incidents. Random body and locker searches keep schools safer. Whe...
  • Reporter For Sports Illustrated
    837 words
    Women In Sports Journalism The profession of sports journalism has existed since the early nineteenth century, when newspapers and the media began covering horse racing and boxing events. However, when one reads a history of sports journalism prior to the 1970's, it quickly becomes apparent that all of the famous writers and commentators were men. There was a general feeling in the early years of journalism that women were unsuited for some assignments, and sports was one of the topics that wome...
  • Smell In The Locker Room
    436 words
    A Day at Football Practices Its three o'clock in the afternoon and the sun is beaming down on the practice field as if it was touching the field. At NGC it's time for football practices. The training room, locker room, and practices field is what comes to my mine when I think of football practices. When at practice players spend a lot of time in these areas. Each area has it's different in noise, smell and movement. When I walk in the training I usually see the trainer tapping someone ankle. The...

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