Lung Cancer essay topics

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  • Risk For Lung Cancer In Non Smokers
    2,596 words
    SMOKING: THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF LUNG CANCER Lung cancer is a disease in which a primary cancer (the original site where the cancer occurred) develops in the tissue of the lungs. Lung cancer was first described by doctors in the mid 1800's. At the turn of the century, it was still considered a rarity; that has changed dramatically. What has not changed is the difficultly of detecting lung cancer in its earliest stages when it has the greatest chance of being successfully treated. "Lung cancer is...
  • Known Causes Of Lung Cancer
    1,799 words
    bibliography Anku, Vincent. treatment of cancer. Seattle, Washington: Doubleday and company Inc., 1986. "Lung, Cancer". 4 November 1998. web "Adults cancer help in the uk". http: //md web. beam. ac. uk / cancer help / public / specific / lung /indx. html. "Cancer". the New Illustrated Medical and Health Encyclopedia. 1959. Laszio, John. Understanding Cancer. New York, New York: Harper and Row. 1984. Holleb, Arthur. Cancer Book. Garden city, New York: Madrona Publishing Inc., 1984. Struss, linda....
  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
    674 words
    Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lung. Normal lung tissue is made up of cells that are programmed by nature to create lungs of a certain shape and function. Sometimes the instructions to a cell go haywire and that cell and its offspring reproduce wildly, without regard for the shape and function of a lung. That wild reproduction can form tumours that clog up the lung and make it stop functioning as it should. Because of the large size of the lungs, cancer may grow ...
  • Small Cell Lung Cancer Stage 0
    4,718 words
    What Is Lung Cancer Most cancers are named after the part of the body where the cancer first starts. Lung cancer begins in the lungs. The lungs are two sponge-like organs in the chest. The right lung has three sections, called lobes. The left lung has two lobes. It is smaller because the heart takes up more room on that side of the body. The lungs bring air in and out of the body, taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide gas, a waste product. The lining around the lungs, called the ple...
  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
    798 words
    Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women. There were an estimated 164,100 new cases of lung cancer and an estimated 156,900 deaths from lung cancer in the United States in 2000. The rate of lung cancer cases appears to be dropping among white and African-American men in the United States, while it continues to rise among both white and African-American women. There are two major types of lung cancer: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung...
  • Great Majority Of Lung Cancer Cases
    309 words
    The American Cancer Society estimates that 177,000 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed annually in the United States of America. The estimation in sex is 112,200 men and in women the estimation is 81,700, with a 5-year mortality rate of approximately 85%, more than 164,000 of these individuals will eventually die from the disease. More than 540,000 will die this year of cancer (nearly 1,500) per day. The 1 - year relative survival rate for lung cancer has risen from 32% in 1973 to 41% in the ...
  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
    1,728 words
    There are two different types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. It is all depending on the size of what the cells look like under a microscope. Both of these types of lung cancer can grow differently which leads to them both being treated differently. Non-small cell lung cancer is the more common of the two and it usually grows fairly slow. There are three main types of non-small cell lung cancer and they are squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large...
  • Lung Cancer And People
    747 words
    Like Reeve, widow of 'Superman's tar Christopher Reeve, 1 in 5 women diagnosed with the disease never lit a cigarette, doctors say. Yet they share an unfortunate stigma with cancer patients who smoked. ' The underlying assumption is, you were a smoker and you caused this, therefore you " re not going to get my sympathy,' said Tom Labrecque Jr., who started a foundation to raise awareness after his nonsmoker father died several years ago of the disease. No one 'deserves' lung cancer, doctors say....
  • Major Cause Of Lung Cancer
    417 words
    TEENAGE SMOKING: Teenagers Should Not Smoke Teenagers should not smoke because smoking is the most preventable cause of death in America today, especially among teenage smokers. Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. It is also responsible for chronic bronchitis. Last, there is emphysema, which is another disease caused by smoking. By smoking, people have a fivefold increase in the risk of dying from lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Lung cancer accounts for 29 percen...
  • Type Of Treatment For Lung Cancer
    1,497 words
    LUNG CANCER Lung cancer is a carcinoma that develops in the epithelial cells that form the interior lining to the lungs. The airways get the most exposure to inhaled pollutants, thus most people who get lung cancer are smokers. Lung cancer is not just one disease. There are many types of cancer that form in the lungs most of which you can only see through a microscope. The most common cancer of the lungs is epidermoid. It is also known as squamous carcinoma because its cells look like a flat sur...
  • Cigarettes Cause Lung Cancer
    1,358 words
    INTRODUCTION It's a proven fact. Each year more Americans die from lung cancer and other smoking related diseases than they die from aids, drug abuse, car accidents and homicide, combined. Cigarette smoking is a danger to our life and health. It is the leading known cause of lung cancer. Each year more than 30,000 people will die of lung cancer and 4 out of 5 of them will get it because of cigarette smoke. Studies have proven that there is no safe way to smoke. Tobacco contains many dangerous ca...
  • Early Stage Non Small Cell Lung Cancers
    871 words
    'Lung cancer is an uncontrolled, extremely deadly division of cells in the lung'; (World Book, 'Lung Cancer'; ). The two major types of lung cancer include small and non-small cell. Many different risk factors contribute to lung cancer. There are numerous symptoms that are difficult to detect in the early stages of lung cancer. Doctors use special machines to detect the severity of each stage. Treatments and cures differ in each individual case. Lung cancer is a huge problem because it is the le...
  • Side Effect Of Pdt For Lung Cancer
    1,553 words
    Lung cancer is the most common cancer-related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future. Through understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors can easily dia...
  • Main Cause For Lung Cancer In Women
    691 words
    Lung Cancer I chose to do lung cancer in American women because of the fact that many women die from it every year. Women put themselves in danger by risking the chances of a premature death and other types of complications from smoking. In this report I want to learn whom smoking effected more, men or women, what age bracket does smoking most occur in women, and the overall effects that smoking and lung cancer has on women. Lung cancer is caused by development of airway obstruction, and clinica...
  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
    2,721 words
    Lung Cancer Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer among both men and women. There are two different types of lung cancer: non small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. There are also many different things that can cause lung cancer, but the number one cause for lung cancer is tobacco use. What is lung cancer? This is a question that a lot of people are still asking. Lung cancer is definitely something to want to be educated about so that it can be recognizable. There are healthy cell...
  • Risk Of Developing Lung Cancer
    443 words
    An estimated 146,000 Americans died of lung cancer in 1992, and 90 percent of these deaths were caused by cigarette smoking. Smoking is responsible for about 30 percent of all cancer deaths annually in the United States more than 155,000 each year. If smoking-related cancers could be eliminated from our society, we would see a significant decline in the annual cancer death rate instead of small but steady increases. Since 1964, the year of the Surgeon General's first report on the health risks o...
  • Known Causes Of Cancer
    421 words
    Cancer is the number one killer in America today. We can say the known causes of cancer are radiation, sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoking and improper diets. I will explain the major causes of cancer, but before I proceed let me define the term "cancer". To be defined cancer is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that can spread beyond their natural boundaries to other parts of the body. Cancers can develop in numerous parts of the body. The importance of radiation as a cause of cancer...
  • Risk Of Lung Cancer
    442 words
    Case Study #1 John, a 72-year-old grandfather, had been smoking heavily for 24 years and had a persistant cough. A biopsy of his lung tissue revealed considerable amounts of carbon particles. How could this happen considering the natural cleaning mechanism of the respiratory system? Several factors influence the effects of inhaled particles... Size and heaviness are important because large and heavy particles settle more rapidly. Chemical composition is important because some substances, when in...
  • Small Cell Lung Cancer
    1,056 words
    Lung cancer, what is it? How is it diagnosed? When someone brings up a subject like lung cancer, many people don't have a lot of information. There may be a lot of questions running through their heads. This paper is designed to get all of the questions answered and show people a path to prevention. It includes information on symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. This information can make it easier to understand what people with lung cancer are going through and for you what to watc...
  • Small Cell Lung Cancer
    1,701 words
    Lung Cancer Research Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lung. Normal lung tissue is made up of cells that are programmed by genes to create lung tissue in a certain shape and to perform certain functions. Lung cancer develops when the genetic material responsible for production of lung cells is damaged (genetic mutations). Repeated exposure to carcinogens such as tobacco smoke may cause damage in lung cells. While tobacco, is the leading cause of lung cancer, some ot...

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