Lysistrata essay topics

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  • Treaty Of Peace For Athens And Sparta
    818 words
    Lysistrata has planned a meeting between all of the women of Greece to discuss the plan to end the Peloponnesian War. As Lysistrata waits for the women of Sparta, Thebes, and other areas to meet her she curses the weakness of women. Lysistrata plans to ask the women to refuse sex with their husbands until a treaty for peace has been signed. Lysistrata has also made plans with the older women of Athens (the Chorus of Old Women) to seize the Akropolis later that day. The women from the various reg...
  • Sex In Society
    752 words
    Lysistrata Ah, the joys of living life as a woman in Ancient Greece. Being able to walk down the street holding your head high with pride as men approach you inquiring your philosophical views of life and politics. Lady Marmalade strumming from an anonymous harp as you stroll down the corridor. Right. The poor women with their little voices suffered miserably all because Gloria Steinem wasn t born. So along came Aristophanes to throw some grease into the fire with his gender bending ideologies o...
  • Lysistrata's Dominance
    1,641 words
    In what ways is Lysistrata a woman behaving badly in her own cultural context? Women can be seen as behaving badly thought the entire of history, yet the cultural context to which they belong defines what is bad and what is not. Context has been seen to effect values and attitudes to a great extent, therefore determining how a text should be viewed. Lysistrata by Aristophanes was written in ancient Greek times, so Lysistrata must be viewed as a woman behaving badly in regard to the values and at...
  • Lysistrata
    423 words
    Letter on Lysistrata: A Plea For Equality Dear friend, The first thing that I noticed, which you might notice also, when I started reading Lysistrata was the very informal style of writing. The second thing I noticed was the strong presence of female authority rivaling against the age old male chauvinism of most of the early cultures including the Greeks. Even though the Greeks did acknowledge the women in society more than, for example, the Romans, the Greek society was still on the large part ...
  • Chorus Of Spartans And One Of Athenians
    1,013 words
    Aristophanes' Lysistrata is an excellent example of satirical drama in a relatively fantastical comedy. He proceeds to show the absurdity of the Peloponnesian War by staging a battle of the sexes in front of the Acropolis, worshipping place of Athena. Tied into all of this is the role of sex and reason and is evident in the development of some characters and the lack of development in others. Although the play is centered on Lysistrata, the story is truly propelled by the ideas of sex and reason...
  • Lysistrata And The Peloponnesian War Many Comedies
    1,420 words
    Lysistrata and the Peloponnesian War Many comedies of this time period explore issues that were of importance to those people. Lysistrata is no different. It explores issues relevant to the time period in which it was written. Aristophanes uses the Peloponnesian War to illustrate the differences between the men and women of the time period. As Lysistrata begins, the women are gathering for their meeting with Lysistrata. They gripe and complain about how late the others are for the meeting, while...
  • Lysistrata's Ending Of The Play
    840 words
    The world of comedy is fundamentally safe. Comedy provides a space that allows characters to take risks and play dangerously because the playwrights always provide a happy ending. The freedom to court some danger in the name of love can sometimes seems as though it has gone too far, in Midsummer's Night Dream, Oberon's cruel love games. However the reader is always on his way to a happy ending, to the love of a good woman. The feminine romance is infinitely valuable. Lysistrata by Aristophanes a...

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