Make Life essay topics

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  • Amazing Quality Julie
    764 words
    An amazing wit, an outrageous sense of humor, an extraordinary personality, and a worldly knowledge about life are all things that describe one young but amazing sophomore, Julie Rhett ington. Suffering abuse from her sister in her younger years, Cass an learned to cope with what some would see as insurmountable trauma. She learned to take care of herself and look within for direction. Although this put a strain on Julie, it wasn't as harsh as a diagnosis her family recently received, her father...
  • Macon's Travel Guides
    729 words
    In what ways is Macon the Accidental Tourist The logo on the front of all Macon's travel guides is a picture of a winged armchair and Macon's wife Sarah believed that this was not only the logo for The Accidental Tourist books, but for Macon himself. Julian describes metaphor of the winged armchair as "while armchair travelers dream of going places, travelling armchairs dream of staying put", and Macon does his best to help his readers feel as if they have never left home. He advises them on the...
  • Jealousy And Pride
    521 words
    What Is A Perfect Life? In life, the reality that we face on a normal basis is depressing, disappointing and lifeless. A perfect life is a life without hate, jealousy and pride. A creation or thought of emptiness to which only myths or legends originate from. But if a dimension of omnipotent peace was resurrected this is what it would be like. Hate, a feeling of demonic control of anger. A bitter rotting corpse of emotion balled into a pale, cold, burnt of flesh smelled dough, waiting to be mold...
  • Sacrifices For The People
    922 words
    Life's many ups and downs leads to many options There are many decisions you will need to make in life. Decisions such as deciding whether or not to make a sacrifice for someone. Every day there are many sacrifices being made. In fact life requires sacrifices to be made. Sacrifices such as dying for someone or choosing something instead of another. People also make sacrifices for what they believe in such as their beliefs or religion. Many people choose to make sacrifices for the people they lov...
  • Old Black Woman And The Struggles
    510 words
    Chris MizelleRay 8 September 04 English 2"A Worn Path"A Worn Path" is, in my opinion, a very good story. It tells of an old black woman and the struggles she's had to deal with throughout her life. The author names the woman Phoenix after a mythological bird that died and then came back to life through its ashes which makes it immortal. The author makes the woman "immortal" because she continues to have something to live for, her grandson, whom she apparently considers her biggest gift. The auth...
  • Tulo's Struggle With Life
    393 words
    Reaching for the Skies In a world where only money matters, Og Mandi no and Buddy Kaye's The Gift Acabar presents a wealthy insight on what kind of stuff life should be made. In a simple story of a boy's struggle to keep his dreams from being destroyed by life's adversity, the authors provide the Credenza that sums up life's significance. The use of supernatural element, in the form of a miracle, brought a change in the character's personality. It somehow provides a deeper meaning of the events ...
  • Later Adolescence Stage Of Development
    1,129 words
    Case Presentation Anne is a 22-year-old Caucasian female currently enrolled in college. She is enrolled as a full time student majoring in Criminal Justice. She lives in a single room on campus and is three hours away from her family. She is currently in the Later Adolescence stage of development and is dealing with several different life issues. During the previous life stage, Early Adolescence, several developmental tasks had to be dealt with by the subject. While physical maturation was going...
  • Mattie's Life
    691 words
    Kenyatta Stackhouse English 206 Dr. Christopher Mattie Rigsbee is the main character in Clyde Edgerton's southern style novel, Walking Across Egypt. Mattie is a seventy-eight year old widow with two middle-aged children. Living alone in a small house, she makes sure that everything is taken care of. Although begins to display some signs of aging, and her family is trying to convince her to slow down her lifestyle, Mattie's character and mind setting prohibits her from becoming the stereotypical ...
  • Life
    402 words
    Life is a tricky thing. It will kick you in the butt one day. And help you up the next. The trick is to 'Fall down seven times get back up eight'. That's an old Chinese proverb. It just says the only mistake you can make is after failing not getting back up and trying again. You know what they say when life deals you a lemon make lemonade. Just make the best of what you have been given cause wishing for more will only lead you into jealousy and anger. Both of which are bad. So life isn't all bad...
  • One Important Choice In Life
    707 words
    Life Is But A Choice Greg McGuigan Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can imagine life as a long winding road with millions of other roads branching of fin many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose his / her own roads through life...
  • My Golden Age Many People
    600 words
    Creative Story: My Golden Age Many people have their own Golden Ages. It is like a dream that a person would like to live out. Many of these dreams tend to be similar to a utopia, ora perfect world. Due to the fact that their Golden Age is a perfect world, most of these dreams are a little bit on the unrealistic side. Most of them never come true. However, I am not so picky. I would make the best attempt to make my life the best it could be, and also knowing that it could come true, and still be...
  • Making Of The Child
    2,047 words
    Designer Babies " ve been poked and prodded at ever since I can remember, but what I didn't know was that I was actually a poked and prodded at individual even before my existence. Transplanted DNA is what they should have named me instead of Wang. I find my existence to be not as real or as wanted as others who were conceived naturally with both loving parents and even the idea of other loving parents adopting their children. It just seems unfair that my parents would make decisions for me befo...
  • Magazine Critique Single
    793 words
    Magazine Critique Single is an independent word that means freedom, in social terms. Freedom is basically another word for having the time of your life with as little responsibility and as much fun as possible. Socializing with whomever you desire gives you that lack of restrictions, and almost unlimited options in the societal game. In other cases, there comes a time when being single means being lonely and depressed, which becomes a fear to overcome. Rather than sit around all day waiting for ...
  • Kelvin's Life
    1,013 words
    Main Idea of Solaris The main idea of the novel Solaris, by Stanislaw Lem, is commonly thought as a pretty easily distinguishable one. It is thought mainly as a study of the question: What is human I see it a different way. In my opinion the main idea of the novel is life is what you make of it. I think that this theme is trumpeted throughout the novel. This theme is shown through the actions of the ocean and the individuals on the spacecraft. Even the visitors exhibit the choices that make thei...
  • Deals With Similar Issues As The Wanderers
    890 words
    For a movie to be entertaining there has to be catchy dialogue, developed characters, and thought-provoking issues. I should not only come out of the movie having been entertained, but thinking about the context of the story. Many of today's movies like American Pie take complex life changing situations and sugar coat them into nothing more than a slight passing discomfort. The Wanderers, directed by Philip Kaufman, deals with many thought-provoking, life changing issues. It deals with gang viol...
  • Our Small Life Tapestry
    612 words
    In Hayden Carruth's "In the Long Hall" the poet presents a struggling and weak human, undergoing changes, then getting to the point of stability for short moments. The speaker is an individual who is going through stages of life and the significance of the poem is addressed to the reader. The famous singer, Sting, states that "life is a roller coaster", because most of the time we are down and full of anxiety. Occasionally, we reach the top for a quick, yet joyful moment that motivates us not to...
  • Guiding Actions Of My Brother
    476 words
    Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. People today are so worried about the way they look and act that their true character is masked behind some fictional person. Even today I am occasionally guilty of trying to be someone that I am not. I learned from a close friend and mentor that being yourself is much more important than always trying to impress. In the end, it will be much easier to make decisions based on the right morals, and not what ...
  • Quality Of Life
    269 words
    Thousands of years ago, people thought of nothing but understanding the world and making life easier for those living in it. We are capable of reading about the ancient Sumerians, the Greeks, the Mesopotamian's, the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the French, the Amazons, and other famous contributors to the pool of knowledge of the world. Up to now, we human beings are still trying to decipher the forces and phenomena of nature, writing them in mathematical and scientific equations, and m...
  • Their Children A Freedom Of Choice
    319 words
    How would you feel if you were born in a family that has rules and regulations for every single thing? how does it feel to be living like a robot throughout your life. Discipline is important at some instances, and one could not deny that, in fact living without it makes us in a total chaos; however, everything has it's limits and using discipline in every single aspect kills diversity. I personally think that children should be encouraged to be independent. Generally speaking, giving a child hi...
  • Technology With Life
    1,056 words
    Life changing patterns By Navi rah Zafar Ji lani With the rapid advancement of media and technology, the packaging of needs have forced small molecules in the human brain to think otherwise. And it goes far beyond that. The choices one makes in life dictates what types of clothes you wear, where you live, who you marry, the colours in your home, the type of plants and flowers you have in your garden, what you eat for breakfast, who you choose to dine with, the type of car you drive, what you wat...

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