Makes Sense essay topics

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  • Person's Sense Of Humor
    920 words
    Laughing and Sense of Humor " What is it that differentiates human beings most revealingly? Some say it is their varying degrees of compassion; others say it is amounts of prudence; still others, people's differing appreciations of beauty, or whatever makes them angry. And there are other possibilities worth considering. But in truth nothing is so revealing as a person's sense of humor". It is not very hard to notice the many differences between people. There are thousands of things that differe...
  • Error And Mistake
    1,448 words
    Humans And Their Ability To Make Mistakes In today's pop culture, there is one very popular view of the future. All humans will be free to do as they wish, because robots and computers will work for us. Computers are viewed as the ideal slaves. They work non-stop, never complain, and above all, never make mistakes. It is often said that computers don't make mistakes, that it is the person using the computer who commits errors. What is it that makes humans err, but not computers? I will prove tha...
  • Being A Mature Person
    471 words
    What makes a person Mature Being a mature person doesn t just happen over night, and maturity doesn t necessarily have an age. Rather Maturity depends more on a persons sense of wisdom, humility, and responsibility. Being a mature person is coming terms with yourself and knowing who you are as an individual. In addition it is where your priorities come in place and the responsible way in which you treat certain situations. Wisdom is an integral part of maturity. Wisdom is the knowledge that we e...
  • Useful To A Conversation
    560 words
    Off the Cuff Do people always know what to say next? To use actions never thought of ahead of time? To carry on a conversation when the person talking to you throws out a question way off base, and yourself, the person receiving the question, doesn't know what to say? Welcome to the world of Improvisation. We all know how these questions make us feel, using improvisation is just the fancy term used. A theatrical skill used in comedies, dramas, and mostly in small time theatre groups (The Ground ...
  • Exercise The Actor
    1,330 words
    When I came off of the stage that first night, I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I was ecstatic, on a natural high. Suddenly, I had found my place in the world. As I have gotten older and more experienced, I have learned that acting is not just reciting lines in front of an audience. There is a technique to acting. It is known as the "method", "method acting", or the "Stanislavsky method". The method was created by Konstantin Stanislavsky, a Russian actor, director, producer a...
  • Form Planets
    330 words
    Solar Nebular Hypothesis The idea behind the Solar Nebular Hypothesis is that the solar system was condensed from an enormous cloud of hydrogen, helium, and a few other elements and rocks. Around five billion years this cloud of materials began to spin and contract together into a disk shape under their own gravitational forces. The particles started combined together, proto planets, to eventually form planets. A great mass of the material eventually began to form together, proto sun, and make u...
  • Sticks And Bowls
    629 words
    Source: web Flying By The Seat "We are flying by the seat of our pants... ". -Ken Weathers by Which, when you think about it, ain't all that bad. I mean, hey, it could be "Seating by the fly of our pants"! Right! Besides, the Planet Herself sings something similar: "Flying By The Heat Of The Dance"! And you pretty much gotta trust Her, even if that means twiddling your thumbs while she makes Her way through Her medley- part lounge-act, part hootenanny- featuring them "old chestnuts" like "I'm An...
  • Hot Tea
    346 words
    Is it true or just an old wive's tale? It's a tale we " ve all heard, usually in the form of a helpful suggestion from a friend. Whenever you mention that you " re hot, someone will point out that (believe it or not!) you can cool off by drinking hot tea. The logic behind this claim, is that the hot tea makes you sweat and that helps cool you off. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Funny how no one ever suggests that turning up the heat in your house would actually make you cooler. But many people...
  • Sense Of Home
    525 words
    The Brown Wasps The Brown Wasps is in my personal opinion, a very good narrative essay that not only has interesting description but comes to a more personal level with his reader. His choice of words and the way he presents the emotional content of situations make the reader think of his own life and how he may associate parts of the characters life with his own. I think that Eisley's main point or thesis reflects in his examples that many forms and variations of life try to keep in their mind,...
  • Philip K Howard Have Rules
    749 words
    THE DEATH OF COMMON SENSE How Law Is Suffocating America. By Philip K. Howard Have rules replaced Thinking This is the question that corporate lawyer, Philip Howard, asks of American law throughout his work. He argues that rules are simply not enough and that they cannot supersede human judgment. He believes that the excess of government regulations does not only not protect Americans, but in fact can even immobilize them and their ability to take action. Howard's book makes an undeniable point ...
  • Senses Of Smell And Taste
    664 words
    The Nose The nose is a organ used for breathing and smelling that is found in the center of the face above the mouth. In this report you will learn about how it works, and things that can affect it. At the end of the nose there is a pair of nostrils, these allow you to breathe in air and exhale it. At the end of the nostrils comes the nasal cavity. Going farther up, the cavities divide into 3 shelf-like bones called nasal concha e or turbinates these warm inhaled air. From there the sinuses open...
  • Imbalance Of Colors And Lines In Scream
    345 words
    I chose to write about Edvard Munch's The Scream. In 1893, Munch used oil, pastel, and caes in on cardboard as his medium. The result is a timeless 35 and 3/4 inch by 29 inch painting that is currently housed in Oslo's National Gallery. The representational piece depicts the feelings of nature screaming and symbolizes great emotional anguish. The lines in The Scream are flowing, yet have such abrupt and choppy contrasting lines within the main motion of the work to give a sense of chaos and disa...
  • My Essay
    292 words
    I am writing this in order to get an essay. This does not actually make sense. My essay does make sense. What is the point of your information. My essay does not contain too much repetition. If you tell me I have too much facts you are wrong. Read search engines before starting. I am trying my best to complete this essay while making sense but I guess it is not working. This is a strain on me. All I want is too get an essay. Now that I am actually getting somewhere I am happy. This one is for al...

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