Malcolm X essay topics

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  • Malcolm X Thought Blacks
    1,044 words
    Not all African-American leaders in the 1950's and 1960's agreed with Dr. Martin Luther King's ideas of nonviolence. Some blacks did not want to be "brothers" with whites. They did not think integration would work either. They wanted a separate black nation. Malcolm X was the most outspoken of King's opponents. As a minister in the Black Muslim movement, Malcolm X called for militant action in the fight against racism. He was tired of waiting for progress in the racial struggle. Malcolm X though...
  • Teachings Of Black Muslim Leader Elijah Muhammad
    505 words
    Malcolm X was a black American leader, born May 19th, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska, as Malcolm Little. Malcolm's father, a Baptist minister, was an outspoken follower of Marcus Garvey, the Black Nationalist leader of the 1920's. The family moved to Lansing, Michigan, and when Malcolm was six years old, his father was murdered after receiving threats from the Ku Klux Klan. Malcolm's mother suffered a nervous breakdown and the welfare department took the eight children. Malcolm was sent first to a fost...
  • Malcolm X And Scudder
    522 words
    Ming Sen Zhang ENG 2100 0328 9/28/99 Essay Comparison The essays Learning to See by Samuel Scudder and Learning to Read by Malcolm X, both described transformational experiences. There are several similarities and differences between Malcolm X and Scudders transformational experiences. Both transformation essays involved changes in the characters attitudes. In Learning to See, Scudder hated the odor from his specimen (a haemulon in a yellow alcohol-filled jar). But toward the end of his research...
  • Assassination Of Malcolm X In 1965
    2,233 words
    Malcolm Little, a revolutionary black power advocate and civil rights leader was brought into this world on May 19, 1925. The period of Malcolms life from 1952 to his assassination in 1965 will be discussed thoroughly in this essay. Malcolm believed that a common foe, the white man, hindered black, brown, red, and yellow peoples freedom worldwide throughout most of his life. Malcolm was a balck nationalist or seperateist during most of his life too. Malcolm in one of his last interviews said tha...
  • Autobiography And The Life Of Malcolm X
    2,736 words
    The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X and Alex Haley The book The Autobiography of Malcolm X was not only a depiction of the life for Malcolm X but it also provided and look at the issues present during his life. Many of the problems that faced Malcolm X also faced many African Americans of his time. A large part of the book showed and described the hardships faced by Malcolm X and other members of minorities like him. This book also showed the struggle of civil rights and the tremendous c...
  • Story About Malcolm X's First Conk
    265 words
    "My First Conk" "My First Conk" is a story about part of Malcolm X's life written by Malcolm X. The story was about when Malcolm had his first conk. A conk straightened a black man's hair, so he could look more like a white man. It went through a process on how he and his friend conked his hair. At the end of the story, Malcolm talks about how he embarrassed himself and his race by trying to make himself look like a white man. This story about Malcolm X's first conk is a process analysis paper. ...
  • Malcolm About Islam Religion And Elijah Muhammed
    1,197 words
    Spike Lee's version of Malcolm X's life is similar to the historical Malcolm X. By watching the movie and knowing who he was and his beliefs, one can easily tell how alike they are. When the movie starts Malcolm Little is getting his hair cut. The appearance is that he wants to look more like a white person. Malcolm X's father is a preacher, but the came to the house to burn it down. Later, Malcolm's father is killed by being tied to the rail road tracks when a train comes. His father died when ...
  • Name Malcolm
    953 words
    The Savior, Malcolm The decade of change as so many people called it, the United States of America was becoming a better place, for some. People began to speak their minds, tell the truth, and give their opinion even if it wasn't wanted. All of that forced changes, changes from whites and blacks. No longer would our country stand as a racially divided society, the protesting had began. It was the sixties, and so many of the most memorable people in the history of our country, made their voices b...
  • Malcolm During His Time In Prison
    551 words
    'When a person places the proper value on freedom, there is nothing under the sun that he will not do to acquire that freedom". - Malcolm X The Dictionary When those of us are asked to think of the legacy of a man, who confronted the issues at hand and pointed the fingers at the root and the existence of the problem, we think of Malcolm X. You begin to think of the powerful speeches and the passionate remarks made about the pressing issues that were at hand and you begin to think of the life he ...
  • Malcolm X And Other Black Muslims
    1,506 words
    The Nation of Islam was founded during the Great Depression in Detroit, Michigan by a silk merchant named Wallace D. Fard. He began preaching to the black community that they didn't deserve to live in poverty, and that the white people exploited the people so much that Fard believed that this community needed their own state. Fard accumulated more than 8,000 followers who believed that Fard was actually god, in the form of man. Elijah Poole, later known as Elijah Muhammad, took over the Nation o...
  • 21st Of February Malcolm X
    500 words
    Malcolm Little was born May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He grew up around eight siblings. His mother was a mixed woman because her mother was raped by a white man. His father was a very outspoken black Baptist church minister, who preached that blacks should go back to Africa. Due to death threats by white supremacist his family had to relocate to different places to live. After all that time his father was murdered when police found his body on the trolley tracks. The mother new it was by whit...
  • Leader Like Malcolm X
    839 words
    Personally, I have easily come to appreciate Malcolm X's willpower, dedication and his ability to grow as a human being. I never understood how much change he encountered throughout his short life. It only shows me how open-minded he was and how willing he was to except the truth. Being a Muslim myself, I am very proud to have had a leader such as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. You notice that I didn't say a leader like Malcolm X, for he did not teach the real religion of Islam at that point of his l...
  • Nation Of Islam Malcolm X
    915 words
    "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" by Alex Haley " We're not Americans. We " re Africans who happen to be in America. We were kidnapped and brought here against our will from Africa. We didn't land on Plymouth Rock -- that rock landed on us". (Lord, Thornton, and Bodipo-Memba, 1992) Words like those above would engrave Malcolm X into the minds of Americans from all racial backgrounds and socio-economic classes. Malcolm X was certainly not one to mince words. America would come to remember him as "...
  • Malcolm X
    541 words
    Malcolm X was one of the most influential black American leaders of the 1950's and 1960's. At first he was a criminal but then changed himself into an important defender of the rights of blacks. Growing up as a boy his father was a follower of Marcus Garvey, a black leader who worked to create close political and economic ties to Africa. In 1931, Malcolm's father died after being run over by a car. Malcolm believed white racists took his fathers life. When Malcolm was 12 years old, his mother wa...
  • Malcolm X The Movie Malcolm X
    618 words
    Malcolm X The movie Malcolm X revealed the extreme racial tensions in Harlem. Malcolm came from a broken family life. His father was murdered on the railroad tracks, he was taken away from his mother as a young boy, and involved himself in gangs, drugs, and burglary to survive. On his own, he teamed up with "Shorty" and began working as a shoe polisher to earn money and receive access to the dance club. There Malcolm involved himself in a white woman who became his partner in crime. After Malcol...
  • Malcolm X
    560 words
    I have recently read the Autobiography of Malcolm X as told by Alex Haley. This paper will contain views on how racism in society has changed in the past 30 years. Racism is a very debatable topic. People view racism differently in all aspects. Society has changed greatly since Malcolm X has made these statements. He believes the government was the true racists. He states the government nourished a racist psychology in the minds of the white people. I believe the reason he thinks this way is due...
  • Malcolm X
    833 words
    While in prison, Malcolm read widely and developed an interest in the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist religious movement whose members were known as. Malcolm studied the teachings of the leader of the Black Muslims, Elijah Muhammad, who advocated an independent black state. The Nation of Islam was based on a theology adapted from several models: traditional Islamic teachings, Marcus Garvey's principles of black nationalism, and economic self-help programs that addressed the needs of African...
  • Malcolm X The Title X
    609 words
    Malcolm X by Mack-Williams. The author of this book has an objective point of view. Malcolm Little was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was one of three children. He had two older brothers. At a young age of six his father Earl Little was ran over by a street car and died. Without Earl's support the family was in struggle. Malcolm's mother Louise Little was offered welfare from the state and neighbors but refused it all because of family pride. Eight years after his fathers death his ...
  • Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X
    464 words
    Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X grew up in different environments. King was raised in a comfortable middle-class family where education was very important. On the other hand, Malcolm X was raised in the ghettos of Detroit, Boston, and New York, with much of his life without a father. He received little schooling and rose to greatness on his own intelligence and determination. Malcolm X was born and was raised in a completely different atmosphere than King, an atmosphere of fear, anger, and ...
  • Malcolm X And The Nation Of Islam
    1,851 words
    The book I chose to read this quarter was The Autobiography of Malcolm X. This is about the life of Malcolm X. It follows him from when he was a little kid to his death. The setting of this book is set in America. It covers over 40 years. Malcolm's childhood is in Lansing, Michigan. He moves to Boston to live with his aunt. Malcolm is imprisoned at the age of 20. After leaving prison he travels all over the U.S. The main characters in this book include: Malcolm X – The main character and h...

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