Malcolm X essay topics

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  • Malcolm's Half Family
    781 words
    I did my report on Malcolm X. Malcolm X claimed himself as a Muslim. He didn't always though. He had some very challenging moments in his life. In his earliest childhood memory the Ku Klux Klan attacked his house. They were forced out of their city because his father was a Minister for a Baptist church, and tried recruiting fellow African-Americans to join his church. The white people in the community called them the "trouble Negroes". They were run out of their community. He had two older broth...
  • Blacks For Their Psychological Dependence On Whites
    1,490 words
    The LeGaCy oF maLcoLm X (El hajj Malik El Shabazz) The 1960's was the heart of the civil rights movement. Amidst the chaos, nonviolence policies, the marches and the police brutalities, many black leaders strived to unite the blacks and win them their rights. Among these leaders was a man named Malcolm X, also known as El Hajj Malik El Shabazz. The most common response to his legacy revolves on what he did wrong. People, regardless of race will say, Malcolm promoted violence, he hated white peop...
  • Malcolm X
    1,982 words
    El Hajj Malik El Shabazz: A Man of Change and Strength If there was any one man who demonstrated the anger, the struggle, and the beliefs of African Americans in the 1960's, that man was Malcolm X. The African American cultural movement of the 1920's lost momentum in the 1930's because of worldwide economic depression. The Great Depression helped to divert attention from cultural to economic matters. Even before the stock market crash of 1929, unemployment and poverty among blacks was exceptiona...
  • Lives Of Malcolm X And Oprah Winfery
    834 words
    The lives of Malcolm X and Oprah Winfery have some similarities's but mostly differences. The biggest similarities is that they are both very accomplished black American's. Malcolm X was a hustler, robber and a very messed up child. After going to jail he decided to turn his life around. In a few ways Oprah was the same way. She had struggled with her weight all of her life. Finally she decided to do something about it. When Malcolm was a child his family didn't have very much money. They lived ...
  • Black People Through His Speeches
    995 words
    Salvador SolorioPeriod 211/21/03 Malcolm X In the U. S there have been a lot of people who " ve had political influence in our government, and the person that interested me the most was Malcolm X. Malcolm X was a African American civil rights leader who fought so African Americans could get the same rights like everyone else. Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. Before, his name was Malcolm Little, but later changed it to Malcolm X when he joined the Nation of Islam. Like many ...
  • Autobiography Malcolm
    423 words
    In 1965 Malcolm X, one of the greatest black leaders in America, published his autobiography with the help of Alex Haley, a former writer for the Washington Post. In this autobiography Malcolm tells of the many struggles he had to endure in his lifetime. Things such as hate crimes, drugs, and prison. The autobiography begins with an incident his mother (Louise Little) told him about that occurred while she was still pregnant with him. What happened was that a group of hooded Klan's-men galloped ...
  • Malcolm's Hatred Of White People
    1,000 words
    Malcolm X The history of the United States has in it much separation or segregation due to race. For a long time our country has seen racism as a large problem and this has caused ethnic groups to be looked down upon or forced into a lifestyle of difficulties and suppression. Due to this, races, particularly African-Americans, have been forced to deal with unequal opportunity and poverty, leading to less honorable ways of getting by and also organizations that support change. Malcolm X is one st...
  • X Men Team
    2,776 words
    Creative Writing: X-Men Zach DotseyEnglish 101 Section 3012 December, 1996 When many people hear about the X-Men, they think of a silly kid's comic book, but that is not so. X-Men, actually most comic books in general, are a unique blend of two classic art forms; drawings, sometimes even paintings, and storytelling. A comic artist must be able to convey the right mood and feeling for his or her art. They must also be able to fluidly tell a story and fit it all in the allotted number of pages. Th...
  • Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X
    648 words
    Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had a common purpose for African Americans; justice and equality. Illustrated through their speeches, Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" and Malcolm X's "Talk to Young African Americans", the two did not share techniques or ideas. Yet both men had the support of millions and millions of people. One of the worlds best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies was Martin Luther King Jr. He synthesized ideals drawn from many different cultura...
  • Means Necessary Like Malcolm X
    308 words
    The civil rights movement was a time when a people who where o pressed for many years, rose up against the odds and achieved their freedom. An admirable aspect of the civil rights movement was the unachievable victory that the african americans sought after and made. Through determination, persistence, and courage, the african americans won their independence. They stared down the lions throat and managed to escape with only a few scars and should be honorably admired for their integrity and wil...
  • Othello And Malcolm X
    1,889 words
    Randi Francis English II Final Paper December 11, 2001 Malcolm X and The Shakespearean Tragic heroes Aristotle defines a tragic hero "as good but flawed, must be aristocratic, must be believable, and must behave consistently". -Aristotle. The Muslim leader Malcolm X can be compared to such tragic heroes such as Othello and Hamlet. Malcolm's life and his personality have similar traits from both of the famous Shakespearean heroes. In this paper we will look deeper into the life of Malcolm X and f...
  • Malcolm X And Black Rage
    1,025 words
    West and Torgovnick: Manichean Ideologies Both Cornel West and Marianna De Marco Torgovnick discuss the idea of supremacy, Manichean theologies, and authoritarian behavior in their essays. However, they deal with these ideas differently and for different reasons. In Wests essay, Malcolm X and Black Rage, he explains Mal colm Xs views on how to transfer black rage in such a way that it would reject supremacy. In Torgovnicks essay, On Being White, Female, and Born in Bensonhurst, she writes how he...
  • Picture Of Malcolm X And King
    836 words
    The whole story in Do the Right Thing took place on an excruciatingly hot summer day and night in the neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant, a slum Black community. In that neighborhood, three businesses dominate: a Black radio station, a Korean grocery store, and an Italian pizzeria. In a space where the residents were predominately black, the two alien businesses strive to merge in and coexist. They seemed to succeed at first, but then the heat have strained tensions to the breaking point and a r...
  • Autobiography Of Malcolm X And The Movie
    605 words
    When comparing and contrasting movies and books, the majority of the time the book presents more of a detailed atmosphere and illustration of events. However, in this case I think the book, "Autobiography of Malcolm X and the movie, Malcolm X quoin side with one another. Spike Lee is not only one of the best filmmakers in America, but one of the most crucially important, because his films address the central subject of race, as so does the book. He doesn't use a sentimental approach or political...
  • Malcolm's Conversion To The Nation Of Islam
    1,819 words
    This was the first time that drunk Malcolm X is A remarkable figure for whom I have a great deal of admiration and respect. His philosophies and leadership have been greatly influential towards transforming a nation and helped to ameliorate the status for African American in the United States. His personal history is fascinating from his humble, but solid roots, through his troubled youth, including his years in prison, through his ability to raise his self-esteem, as well as transform from a hu...
  • Boston And Sophia Malcolm
    1,913 words
    Malcolm X Malcolm's family was a victim of racism before he was even born. His father, Reverend Earl Little, had experienced the death of three of his brothers by white men and one by lynching. This caused Rev. Little to become a preacher of Marcus Garvey's pro-black and Back-to-Africa beliefs. Because of these beliefs, Malcolm's family was often a target of racist acts. Due to an incident by the Ku Klux Klan while Malcolm's mother was still pregnant with him they moved from Omaha to Milwaukee. ...
  • White World Malcolm X
    1,711 words
    The African American movement of the sixties was by far the most progressive step for racial equality in the history of the United States. But in this movement two extremes emerged that, while fighting for the same end, took very different approaches and audiences. On one end of the spectrum there was Dr. Martin Luther King with his passive and nonviolent approach to achieving equality. He spoke to white officials and middle class citizens, a relatively educated bunch who would rather live with ...
  • Nation Of Islam As Malcolm X
    2,733 words
    GENERAL ANALYSIS OF THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X (7 pages) The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley is a book that has, in many ways, altered the destiny of the United States of America, and to some extent, the entire world. It is one man's perplexing theory of what the solution to America's black / white racism dilemma should be. In this book, Malcolm X tells the story of his life – one of the most interesting lives in American history. In a sense, it is the story of America...

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