Many Writings essay topics

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  • Robert Louis Stevenson
    2,018 words
    Plaisance 1 The Life and Works of Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson lived a life full of adventure and excitement. He was born on November 13, 1850 in Edinburgh, Scotland as the only son of Thomas Stevenson, a wealthy engineer and his wife Martha Balfour. He was a sickly child at birth but despite his many illnesses he attended Edinburgh Academy and later the Edinburgh University where he began to study engineering. (Menikoff 1) He had chosen this field of study to please his...
  • Venice His On His Return Petrarch
    2,059 words
    Francesco Petrarch, was a man held in high regards of his peers. The life in which Petrarch lived, was certainly not one of which many people could have had dealt with. A life of solitude, misplaced love and, family misfortune that was endured. But, through hard work and perseverance, loyalty to the churches which lead to good connections, he was regarded as one of the most influential persons and authors of his time. Petrarch was not a man with greatest of family lives. Born in Arezzo in 1304, ...
  • Television Writing And Children's Books
    750 words
    From page to screenThere's a sheet of paper stuck to the window of my studio - a list of deadlines. This is what I'm doing in the next few weeks. Alex Rider 4: My new children's book, variously entitled Eagle Eye, Eagle Strike, Game-slayer or Never Play Dead. The title is the hardest part. Alex Rider 1: Storm breaker - I've been commissioned to write the screenplay and I'm 50 pages in. Alex Rider 3: Skeleton Key - my American publisher has demanded extensive changes to the last book as he thinks...
  • Reader Of My Blog
    2,280 words
    Recently, Merriam-Webster announced that, based on "online lookup's", the number one word of the year was "blogs" (Morse, Page 1). Their definition of a blog is "a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer" (Morse, Page 1). This definition is inaccurate based on my research, as blogs are not always "personal" and can include more than one author. Throughout my research, many bloggers in the have referred to websites ...
  • John's Senior Year
    1,126 words
    "But for a few phrases from his letters and an odd line or two of his verse, the poet walks gagged through his own biography". John Updike, for one of the most famous and creative poets in the world, has had a very normal life. His biography and life story as a person is not all too interesting besides the fact that it expresses his utter genius and complete intelligence in almost everything he has ever done and his determination to succeed in the tasks he sets before himself. For the man who ha...
  • Work Of Virginia Woolf
    426 words
    Virginia Woolf, in her novels, set out to portray the self and the limits associated with it. She wanted the reader to understand time and how the characters could be caught within it. She felt that time could be transcended, even if it was momentarily, by one becoming involved with their work, art, a place, or someone else. She felt that her works provided a change from the typical egotistical work of males during her time, she makes it clear that women do not posses this trait. Woolf did not b...
  • Minds On Many Americans Including Ernest Hemmingways
    735 words
    Ernest Hemmingway Jessica Sheer an Ernest Hemmingway was not only a great American writer but he was also a great showman. His shameless self-promotion made him a celebrity beyond the world of literature. Although his life was a normal one as a child, Hemmingway developed into a great writer and with that he got recognition from the world, which he traveled constantly. Despite his decent upbringing and success in life, in the later years of his life, he broke down and ended his life. The Oak Par...
  • Illuminated Manuscripts
    1,028 words
    Medieval Literature and Poetry / Illuminated Manuscripts The Middle Ages was a period of about one thousand years, between the collapse of the Roman Empire during the fifth century AD and the revival of classical art and learning known as the Renaissance around the fifteenth century. During this dark and chaotic period small groups of devout Christians could live with security and pursue a religious life. These people were doing something that almost no one else could do at the time- reading and...
  • Thomas Paine
    486 words
    Thomas Paine was more than just a writer. He did many things in his life. He wrote pamphlets and books like the Common Sense, or African Slavery on America. He is still recognized for his writings today. Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737 in Thetford, England. He was the son of a farmer and corset maker. He went to a local school until the age of thirteen. We was forced to leave school so he could help his father at work. He went through many jobs, and felt unhappy at everyone he tried. H...
  • High School Willa Cather
    1,589 words
    There are few female authors that have had an impact on literature as great as that of Willa Cather. Not only was she an exquisite author, but she broke through into writing during a time when few female authors were successful. Her life, which was directly influential to her writing, was of a simple nature. However, she was able to over come a drab, mundane life, and turn her experiences into stories that would be enjoyed by many generations. Willa Siebert Cather was born in her maternal grandm...
  • John Steinbeck
    941 words
    Julien Hernandez Mr. Reilly English 3 mod. o 8 june 2000 "John Steinbeck" John Steinbeck was born in February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California. Salinas was an agricultural valley in California. His father was the county treasurer and his mother was a schoolteacher. This is where his education began from a mother that encouraged him to read. The community was a comfortable environment for him to live in because of the encouragement of independence and initiative. His parents didn't want him to be ...
  • Hammetts Novel Red Harvest
    1,196 words
    Dashiell Hammetts Detective Influence In writing The Maltese Falcon, Dashiell Hammett took advantage of his previous occupation as a Pinkerton detective in order to make his novel the masterpiece that it is now known to be. Although the most famous, this was not his only fine work to be placed in a genre of literature known as hard-boiled detective fiction. Each novel, such as Red Harvest (1929), The Glass Key (1931) and The Thin Man (1934) are well recognized as masterpieces of detective fictio...
  • Atwood Written Many Poetry Books
    1,028 words
    Canada has had It's fair share of great author's like Farley Mowat, Steven King, Stanley Burke, and many more. But one Author that stands out from the rest is a woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. A feminine by the name of Margaret Atwood who has written poems, novels, short stories, children's books, and television scripts. Atwood was also the president of the writer's Union of Canada. Most would say that Atwood is the greatest Canadian writer of all time. Margaret Atwood was born in Ott...
  • European Writers Bomb New York
    3,638 words
    Graffiti was used primarily by political activists to make statements and street gangs to mark territory. It wasn't till the late 1960's that writing's current identity started to form. The history of the underground art movement known by many names, most commonly termed graffiti begins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the mid to late '60's and is rooted in bombing. The writers who are credited with the first conscious bombing effort are CORNBREAD and COOL EARL. They wrote their names all ov...
  • Society Of New York As Edith Wharton
    2,582 words
    Edith Wharton was born Edith Newbold Jones on January 24, 1862 in New York City. She was the youngest of three children. All though her birth was unexpected and unwanted, Edith was raised as if she was an only child. Her mother, Lucretia Stevens Rhinelander, was the granddaughter of an American Revolutionary patriot, and the daughter of a wealthy landowner. Her father had inherited his wealth from his parents. During the first few years of Ms. Wharton's life, her family and her spent their winte...

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