Marx's Theory essay topics

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  • Durkheim's Life
    372 words
    Durkheim's Theory of Ritual and Eliade On Mythology and Ritual [ send me this essay ] A 6 page paper that considers the implications of Durkheim's perspectives on ritual as they relate to the arguments presented by Eliade as he outlines the impact of myth and the development of ritual in a social context. Bibliography lists 2 sources. Filename: Ritualdu. doc Emile Durkheim / Life & Works [ send me this essay ] 8 pages in length. Analytical biography of Emile Durkheim's (turn-of-the-century Germa...
  • Marx And His Theory Of Alienation Marx
    907 words
    Marx and His Theory of Alienation Marx wrote "On The Jewish Question" in 1844. It was a written response to Bauer's works. In his works, Bauer said that Jews should give up their religion and fight for their civil rights. Bauer believed the Jews should become emancipated from the Germans and Christians. Marx contradicted this entire belief through the idea that civil emancipation does truly emancipate. In "On the Jewish Question", Marx went on to criticize the liberal notion of universal human r...
  • Marx's Theory Of Society
    573 words
    Karl Marx The work of Marx, like that of other philosophers and thinkers in the 19th century, owed a great deal to the social context into which he was born and thus the issues he tackled were often similar to those of concern to his contemporaries. It was Marx who decided to go beyond the academia and theoretical study and produce an active theory or a practical philosophy which could provide a basis for political action. Whilst at University in Berlin, Marx adopted and later modified the philo...
  • Marx's Theories
    1,637 words
    One of the first and most persuasive advocates of modern capitalism was Adam Smith. The most serious challenge to Adam Smith and his followers came from Karl Marx, a nineteenth century German. The son of a Prussian lawyer, the methodical Marx was a worthy and resourceful opponent. He unfolded his economic theories in his monumental Das Kapital, a work on which he spent eighteen years of research and writing. Marx's main objection to the capitalistic system was that it was unfair to workers. To s...
  • Karl Marx's First Work
    1,306 words
    KARL MARX: HIS WORKSABSTRACTThis paper will be about the main elements of Karl Marx's work, which includes the Paris Manuscripts, which will focus on alienation. The Communist Manifesto, which will focus on Marx's political and economic theories and Capital Vol. 1., Marx's final work about how profits are made by the capitalist. Karl Marx was a liberal reformist who believed that capitalism could be reformed and inequality and exploitation of the working classes could be addressed and abolished....
  • Marx's Economic Theories
    1,139 words
    Marxism is a philosophical system developed by Marx and Friedrich Engels. The theory is also known as dialectical materialism, under which matter gives rise to mind. Dialectical materialism is based on social and political institutions progressively changing their nature as economic developments transform material conditions. This is the basis for communism. The reverse theory would be capitalism. While communism in some forms can be traced to various utopian ideas, the theoretical basis for the...
  • Interpretation Of Marx's Theory Of Communism
    2,584 words
    One of the greatest debates of all time has been regarding the issue of the freedom of mankind. The one determining factor, for Marx, it that freedom is linked with class conflict. As a historian, Karl Marx traced the history of mankind by the ways in which the economy operated and the role of classes within the economy. For Marx, the biggest question that needed to be answered was "Who owns freedom?" With this in mind, Marx gives us a solution to both the issues of freedom and class conflict in...
  • Relevant In Marx's Era
    1,056 words
    True Marxism: Now And Then "Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells". The Marxist theory of revolution must be evaluated in regards to its strengths and weaknesses. First how it was relevant in Marx's era, second how it was relevant after his death...
  • Roemers Rejection Of Classical Marxian Exploitation Theory
    9,995 words
    Jon Elster concluded his Making Sense of Marx with the claim that It is not possible today, morally or intellectually, to be a Marxist in the traditional sense (1985, p. 531). Acceptance of this statement depends, of course, on what is meant by traditional Marxism. Elster makes it clear that what he means by traditional Marxism is that intellectually bankrupt and non-scientific economic theory associated with the labor theory of value, the theory of the falling rate of profit, and the most impor...
  • Marx's General Theory
    2,082 words
    A General Theory Of Society, Such As Marx's Historic Materialism, Is Not Feasible. ' Discuss In this essay, I shall define what a general theory of society is. I will then look in depth at Historic Materialism, and consider how well it fills the criteria of such a theory. Alternative theories will then be explored and finally the essay will question whether any general theory of society could ever be feasible. In order to determine whether a Theory of Society is feasible, it is necessary to deci...
  • Marx Disparagement Of The Utopian Socialists
    2,209 words
    In order to answer the question posed, I will examine what is meant by the term Utopian Socialism. With reference to this question I will conduct a brief biographical study of one of the great utopian socialist thinkers, Robert Owen. This will include an examination of the accomplishments of Robert Owen. The essay will then move on to examine the central criticisms of the utopian socialists as levelled by Karl Marx. The term Utopian Socialism as defined in the Dictionary of Politics highlights U...
  • Marx Theory Of Alienation
    1,777 words
    Alienation according to Marx means that people are separated from their essential human powers, and values specific to humans. Marx theory of alienation has a long history and was influenced by Feuerbach, Hegel and the English Political Economy. The concept of 'alienation' provides the focal point of Marx's critical interpretation of modern society, it is the main support of his critique of capitalism. Although it was originally thought that Marx's concept of alienation was founded upon the prem...
  • Every Weapon State
    1,121 words
    Darwin's theory of evolutionary selection holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organism's ability to adapt to its environment. He set these theories forth in his book called, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" (1859) or "The Origin of Species" for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write on ...
  • Marx's Theory
    713 words
    Karl Marx and Henri Fayol are both pioneers with theories on organizations. After that, the similarities fade as the details of their theories start to differ. Marx's theories deal more with laborers versus the capitalists that employ these laborers whereas Fayol breaks down the divisions of works to help streamline how the hierarchy of the workplace should line up to be most efficient. The two theorize the same idea that the top of the organization is separate from everyone else below them but ...

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