Material Needs essay topics

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  • Material Needs And Desires And Humanity
    700 words
    Is Utopia Possible The answer to that depends on what your vision of Utopia is. In Gonzalo's world everything would be provided by nature, people would be innocent and uneducated and there would be no such thing as violence because there would be no access to weapons or alcohol. Gonzalo's vision is a nice thought but I feel he has underestimated the human's need for material objects. My belief is that Humanity will reach Utopia by acquiring powerful technological abilities, while human character...
  • Rules For Safe Sex
    646 words
    Managing Materialism and Carnality The acquisition of material has been equated with happiness in this country. The majority of Americans believe that wealth and happiness are the same. It is a result of our market economy that encourages consumption and conditions us to think that we need material possessions to be happy. Our materialistic attitudes are a result of the free market economy in this country. Consumers are taught that they need to have all the things that the businesses are trying ...
  • Value Personal Material Possessions
    449 words
    One's personal possessions usually have value to them because they are something that a person can truly claim as his or her own. The most desirable and most valuable possession would naturally be love. With love some, but not all, desire material possessions. Last, everyone desires security to complete the last piece of the puzzle. Love is valued above all other possessions because of one's natural desire to be desirable. When a person possesses another's love, it is understood that he or she p...
  • Hate Speech And Obscene Material
    819 words
    "Censorship is the act of suppressing publications, movies, television programs, plays, letters, and so on that are considered to be obscene, blasphemous, or politically unacceptable" (MccGwire 4). Censorship should be enforced because it is needed into today's society. Censorship needs to be used in media, hate speech, and obscene material. To begin with, the media has very negative effect on society as a whole. "The mass media-movies, television, and recordings-need to be regulated, and not on...
  • Our Materialistic American Dream
    563 words
    Reconstructing the American Dream There is an old adage which says, "The root of all evil is money". This, however, is not true in America. In America, money is not the problem, the love of money, or materialism, is the problem. Materialism is at the core of our American dream. We grow up learning that success is rooted in material wealth and power. We live in a country where material things mean more to the general populous than a good education, where material things dictate the amount of mone...
  • Airline Needs And Standards
    765 words
    American Jet Industries is a company that deals with sales of airplanes and aircraft parts. Many people have assumed that the atmosphere within the company is that of a slow passed, peaceful, High technology working facility; however, this is a misconception that many people have when they are not introduced to the industry correctly. The aircraft industry is a fast paced industry, where it requires, not only the sales persons' full attention, but also the use of all its talents and abilities to...
  • States Need To Wage War In Order
    537 words
    Warfare has always wedged its way into society giving us a rather broad paradigm that warfare is indeed an unavoidable aspect of human society. To explain this concept, we must first view an arising question of how war occurs. If we can find the source of war, we could even possibly root it out of existence. In Raymond Keeyle's War Before Civilization, we learn that there are two major anthropologic sides to the recurring question: "What causes war?" One of the two sides is the Hobbesian realist...

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