Material Objects essay topics

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  • Cause Of Descartes Own Contingent Existence
    5,641 words
    DESCARTES' MEDITATIONS FROM: Descartes, Philosophy of Rene Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy, Monarch Notes, 1 Jan 1963. Introduction. The Meditations were written in Latin and first published in Paris in 1641. Descartes dedicated this book to the Dean and Faculty of Theology at the University of Paris. He believed that the approbation of those theologians would constitute a public testimony of approval and support of the truth in the content of his work. The Meditations are the most im...
  • Triple Beam Balance
    439 words
    TRIPLE BEAM BALANCE The triple beam balance is a rugged, inexpensive weighing instrument. It is named for the three beams which carry weights. A. The middle beam reads only in 100 g increments. B. The far beam reads only in 10 g increments. The weights in each of these must always sit in a "notch". They cannot be placed at arbitrary points on the beam. C. The weight on the front beam can be placed to read continuously from 0 to 10 grams. The Triple Beam Balance is a typical mechanical balance. I...
  • Craft At Some Point
    1,661 words
    In the summer of 1947 a series of puzzling events took place at Roswell, New Mexico. In the early days of July one of the influential and concrete UFO cases of all time evolved. It is not exactly known what took place due to various military and government cover-up campaigns. My proposition is that extra-terrestrial entities and their craft we refound in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. There are 3 main points which will prove that this event took place. 1st: There were many eyewitne...
  • Physical Space And The Neighboring Museums
    433 words
    Collection remains the predominant reason for many a museum's existence. Most museums collect because they believe that objects are important and evocative survival of human civilization worthy of careful study and powerful educational impact. They carefully preserve their holdings as to transmit important information to the present generation and posterity. Art museums are said to concentrate on beauty and their mission is often defined as the direct transmission of the artist's aesthetic under...
  • Material Differences Between Cinematic And Electronic Representation
    7,936 words
    This essay is published in Materialities of Communication., eds. Hans Ulrich Gum brecht and K. Ludwig Pfeiffer (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994): 83-106. A much shorter version also appeared in Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities 10.1 (Fall 1990): 50-59, under the title "Toward a Phenomenology of Cinematic and Electronic Presence: The Scene of the Screen". It is used here with the permission of the author. It is obvious that cinematic and electronic technologies of represent...
  • Advertisements Images
    788 words
    In the essay The Pursuit of Happiness, the author Fromm makes a valid point which I agree with, that modern consumers believe that what they have and consume creates their identity in society. Fromm says that consumers will never be happy or satisfied because, like a drug, consuming helps release anxiety, which in turn creates a short moment of satisfaction that needs to be replenished by consuming more. Leslie Savan, author of The Bribed Soul, also took this same view that consuming advertised ...
  • Existence Of Material Objects
    2,479 words
    In Meditations on the First Philosophy, Descartes tries to put our knowledge of the world on the same footing of the knowledge of mathematics, that is, to expand our knowledge by deriving! ^0 theorems! +/- from! ^0 axioms! +/-. Here the axioms is something that is absolutely certain and indubitable, free from all possible doubts. Through firm hold of the axioms, he goes further to determine what he can derive from it. The Meditations are divided into six parts: Meditation c~n: Of the Things of W...

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