Medical Doctors essay topics

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  • Elizabeth Blackwell
    713 words
    Elizabeth Blackwell Elizabeth Blackwell was a great woman. She was the first woman to receive a Medical degree in America. She opened an Infirmary for women and children in New York. Elizabeth Blackwell was born on February 3 1821 in Bristol, England. But was raised differently then most children at this time. See women were treated differently than men. Women were given little education and were not allowed to hold important positions. They were not allowed to be doctors, bankers, or lawyers, a...
  • Patient And The Doctor
    1,005 words
    Malpractice or Poor Judgement? The practice of medicine has never claimed to be an exact science. Infact, it is very much a hit-and-miss situation. Taking into account these above factors, India seems to be on a destructive trend regarding their level of health care. Ever since private medical services fell under the Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) in April 1993, the number of malpractice suits filed against doctors has begun to soar. For example, in Kerala, approximately 1800 cases (15% of the ...
  • German Doctors
    2,290 words
    Role of Doctors in Nazis Racial Hygiene Germany was out to establish a new utopian world order where everything worked in harmony. They wanted to become a healthy and vibrant organism of healthy Aryans. The German doctors were mobilized to create this new world. The German bureaucrats believed all their social burdens were brought on by the handicapped, incurables and homosexuals as well as the Jews and gypsies. The physicians were to use all their medical knowledge and scientific expertise in t...
  • Medical Conditions In Concentration Camps
    442 words
    Medical Conditions of Concentration Camps The medical conditions in concentration camps were very horrible. Many things happened to the prisoners at this camp and most of the worst things happened because of the medical treatments. Throughout all the camps medical experiments were performed on the prisoners. They were not only performed on the jewish but on all different kinds of people that were at the camps. The experiments were for the most part either harsh or deadly. Some of the experiments...
  • People And Doctors With True Medical Knowledge
    1,295 words
    Medicine of Elizabethan Times For a dog bite: Boil all together one spoonful of tin shavings, one drum of treacle, a handful of rice, and a quart of ale (Curtis 318). Pouring oil on wounds was believed to heal them fast (Ramsey 2). Bizarre remedies like this represent the medical ideas of Elizabethan times. Such ideas could be explained by the respect people had for superstitions that existed. This is why medicine of the Elizabethan times was based on superstition and intuition rather than medic...
  • Doctors Fears Of Malpractice Awards
    1,677 words
    Medical Malpractice The doctor-patient relationship has been defined differently through the years. In the beginning it developed into a 'common calling' which meant doctors practiced medicine as a duty to their patients. Laws were developed to protect patients, therefore doctors used proper care and expert skill. In the past six centuries, medical malpractice has increased, which lead to revision and addition to the law. Liability was introduced along with the 'GIANT of all torts', negligence. ...
  • Geneva Medical School In 1849
    500 words
    When Elizabeth Blackwell graduated from Geneva Medical School in 1849, she became the first woman doctor in the United States. When she enrolled in the Medical Register of the United Kingdom, this made her Europe's first modern woman doctor. Elizabeth Blackwell was born in 1821 in Bristol, England. She was one of nine children and her father was a very prosperous sugar refiner. Her family immigrated to New York City in 1832. Her family was very active in the abolitionist movement in New York. He...
  • Doctors Against Prosecution For Euthanasia
    458 words
    'Existential's uffering not a justification for euthanasia Tony Sheldon, Utrecht A legal test case has defined the limits within which doctors in the Netherlands, especially general practitioners, can agree to a patient's request for mercy killing. The judgment draws a line between suffering of a medical nature the result of a physical illness or mental condition on which doctors can act under the euthanasia law and 'existential's uffering, often associated with ageing, resulting from loneliness...
  • Walgreen
    520 words
    A Pharmacist Being a pharmacist is much harder than what you probably thought it was. Pharmacists in a hospital have many, many responsibilities. They must be very careful that they have measured the medication correctly, because one little mistake can be potentially fatal. Pharmacists must know what many of the medications do, and if there are any side effects and incompatibilities with other medications the patient might be on. For example, a person might be taking a medication for another pro...
  • Doctors And Medical Students
    1,079 words
    As a student at Southern Methodist University, I have acquired knowledge from requisite classes to not only better myself, but also for the betterment of my community. I feel, as apart of the human race, that we should continue to strive for an enhanced community by gaining information from other humans. However, in order for this greater sense of community to occur, we must realize there are morals to withstand. Socrates posed the question "have we learned how to teach virtue?" I believe that i...
  • Careers As A Physician Doctors
    999 words
    A Careers As A Physician Doctors can pursue many career paths, including private practice, university-hospital work, or a job with a health maintenance organization. The first lets the physician be his own boss. The second offers him the opportunity to divide his work between treatment, research and instruction, in varying proportions. The third means he work for a large corporation, which provides him with patients and handles most of the administrative and business tasks that physicians in pri...
  • Gynecology Medical School My Future Career
    2,001 words
    The purpose of this research paper is to investigate various areas concerning my future career, that is to be an obstetrician, also known as an OB / GYN. Some of the topics that will be discussed in my paper are those pertaining to exactly what an obstetrician is and the requirements that are needed in order to become an. These requirements will include the and personality traits of a potential obstetrician. The type of schooling that is, including the preparation that is available at Middlesex ...
  • Education In The Science Field
    716 words
    Premature Specialization A medical doctor in today's world is educated and trained in a traditional manner that seeks to insure the well being of his or her patients. Practicing medicine requires a strong science background and rigorous training; it is in the interest of clients and medical boards across the world to assure this. Thus, education in the science field is extremely important, even at the undergraduate level. Being a doctor is not just a job, nor is it solely a career. The medical p...
  • Dr James Barry
    1,034 words
    Most historians could tell you about Britain's first woman doctor, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson. With her determination and courage to challenge the medical profession she carved the way for many women in the medical field. But what many historians don t know is the facts and story behind whom was actually the truly first woman doctor of England. Dr. James Barry enjoyed a high reputation as a skilled surgeon for over fifty years. The following excerpt from The Manchester Guardian in August of 1865...
  • Rachel And Esther
    1,890 words
    Throughout centuries there have been millions and millions of people overlooked and shunned for reasons that are not concrete. Yet, these same persons that were overlooked centuries ago because of reasons such as the colour of their hair, eyes, skin, or sex, are still overlooked in today's society. Women have been at the hands of "oppressors" since the beginning of documented time. What is scary, is not so much that they are being oppressed, but the persons that are their oppressors. The oppress...
  • Autonomy Some Computer Professionals
    3,059 words
    Despite the undisputed success of professionalism, many debates and questions remain unanswered going back as far as Flexner 1915, this has been centred around how professions should be defined, which occupation should be called professionals, and by what institutional criteria. There is no single, integrating characteristic of all professions and it is impossible to derive a clear theoretical category, there has and is many characteristics and personal views to attempt to define professionalism...
  • Aspirin And The New Headache Medication
    636 words
    There are a few distinct differences between a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist. Although their professions are in the same field, they have different qualifications and educational experiences. These differences are what pull one apart from the other. A psychiatrist has a BA degree and goes on to get an MD degree. After becoming a medical doctor and being licensed, the doctor takes classes in the specialized area of psychology. This takes a couple of years to complete. After this, they ...
  • Doctor
    332 words
    My earliest impression of medicine occurred when my mother repeatedly required the assistance of physicians in dealing with her chronic migraine headaches. Her doctors were always there for her, day or night. The respect that my parents bestowed on doctors, and the doctors' ability to ease suffering, sparked a desire to one day become a physician myself. This was an ambitious goal for someone coming from a family in which no one had obtained a professional degree. However, my traditional family-...
  • Clone
    511 words
    Humanity is plagued with many moral issues each day. With recent announcement that a research facility in England had successfully cloned a sheep, many more questions arose. The overall question is, "To clone or not to clone?" Many groups worldwide, doctors, politicians, religious people, have been battling with this question. Many doctors believe cloning is an advancement to help save more people's lives. Although specific organs or rare blood types have yet to be cloned and actually made avail...
  • Chiropractic Doctors From Medical Doctors
    1,453 words
    Alternative Medicine: Chiropractic Adrian Alternative Medicine: Chiropractic Essay, Research Paper Adrian Arbuckle Professor Gibbons English 1302-8456 25 May 2000 Alternative Medicine: Chiropractic Chiropractic is the third largest doctoral-level health profession in the United States, after medicine and dentistry. This form of health care is on the rise and there are more than forty thousand chiropractors in practice in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and many other nations. Chiropr...

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