Medical Use Of Marijuana essay topics

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  • Medical Use Of Marijuana
    1,152 words
    What if we were able to legalize a drug that works more efficiently on some diseases than any legal drug on the market today? This drug can help to aid such notorious diseases as AIDS and glaucoma. The name of this drug is cannabis sativa, or its more well-known name, marijuana. Cannabis sativa should be legalized for its medicinal uses. This paper will state the different types of diseases that marijuana may be used for, the current steps towards the legalization of this drug for medicinal purp...
  • Support Of Medicinal Marijuana Research
    619 words
    Legalization of Marijuana During the Carter, Reagan, and Bush administrations, eight people in the United States were allowed to use marijuana for medicinal purposes under the Compassionate Investigative New Drug program. However, since the Clinton administration no new applications have been accepted. Therefore, other patients who need marijuana to alleviate the nausea and loss of appetite associated with the AIDS viruses and cancer chemotherapy, as well as to treat glaucoma, multiple sclerosis...
  • Time To Stop Arresting Marijuana Smokers
    2,489 words
    Legalization of Marijuana: For It's time we put to rest the myth that smoking marijuana is a fringe or deviant activity, engaged in only by those on the margins of American society. In reality, marijuana smoking is extremely common, and marijuana is the recreational drug of choice for millions of mainstream, middle class Americans. According to the most recent NIDA data 1, between 65 and 71 million American shave smoked marijuana at some time in their lives, and 10 million are current smokers (h...
  • Con's Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
    841 words
    Title of speech: The Pro's And Con's Of Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes. Purpose of the speech: After hearing my speech the audience will be able to tell us What Is Marijuana? , Medical Uses of Marijuana, and also the pro's and con's of Marijuana. They will also be able to tell us the four main medical uses of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Types of Visuals: Three posters showing what Marijuana is. The pro's of marijuana and the cons of Marijuana. Introduction: Marijuana is one of the oldest...
  • Use Of Medical Marijuana
    892 words
    The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that federal law bars the distribution of marijuana even to people who say they must have it to alleviate symptoms of serious illness, dealing a setback to the movement for 'medical marijuana' laws and limiting the impact of the state laws already on the books. Ruling 8 to 0 in a case involving a California 'cannabis cooperative' that supplied the drug to patients suffering from cancer, AIDS and other illnesses, the court said federal anti-drug law allows no 'me...
  • Legalization Of Marijuana For Medical Use
    2,418 words
    The history of U.S. policy toward mind-altering substances has followed cycles of tolerance and intolerance ever since the mid-19th century. Walking into a smoked filled room, of young and old engaged in therapeutic activities for numerous health conditions, has been practice worldwide. In fact, the medical use of the cannabis plant goes back at least 5,000 years to ancient China. It was used by most of the world's cultures for its healing properties (Medical Marijuana Cases 1). Today such condi...
  • Use Of Marijuana In The Affected States
    1,296 words
    Marijuana is the flower of the cannabis plant, and if smoked, gives the smoker an euphoric high, but really has much more to offer than just the high. Using marijuana and the growing of hemp are presently illegal in the United States, with the exception of medicinal uses in some states. The legalization of marijuana has many advantages including for simple personal enjoyment, the usage of hemp and its by-products, and medicinal purposes. Why should marijuana be illegal when people just use it to...
  • Legal Pill Form Of Marijuana And Prohibition
    2,293 words
    Marijuana has been a very controversial issue. Many speculate that changes in the laws concerning the possession of marijuana (see Appendix A) are long overdue and our society can no longer postpone this decision. Three possible changes to the law (legalization for medical purposes, decriminalization for medical or general reasons, and full legalization) are being considered. According to an Angus Reid survey in October, public support for legalization is swelling in Canada. A slim majority of C...
  • Marijuana For Medical Use
    3,417 words
    Fredrick Campbell, an attorney, stated legalizers's pir it perfectly by stating, "Legalization would not mean that addictive drugs would be legally available to everyone. The purpose of legalization would be to place better controls on access to such drugs. Addiction would be recognized as a disease or physical addiction... For non-addicts, the substances would remain illegal in the some way that it is now criminal to sell or use prescription drugs without a prescription". Legalization simply me...
  • Marijuana As A Schedule II Drug
    1,456 words
    Marijuana is one of nature's oldest medicines; it has been an ingredient in remedies for thousands of years. Around 3000 BC India and China used Marijuana to treat illnesses, easing childbirth pain, asthma, epilepsy, appetite, and disposition. The chemical components that seem to be valued for treating conditions have baffled science for centuries. Therapeutic success for many diseases gives hope to people in places where hope has been in short supply. The majority of voters approve of medical u...
  • National Commission On Marijuana And Drug Abuse
    3,231 words
    Is the American Government Really Winning their War on Drugs? Jennifer Steele In the United States, more than 70 million people have tried marijuana, and millions of adults still consume it on a regular basis. About 140 million people -nearly 2.5% of the world's population- smoke marijuana. Almost everyone has a friend, relative, neighbor, or co-worker who consumes marijuana. Because of the widespread economic and criminal justice ramifications of the illicit marijuana market and of Marijuana Pr...
  • Legal Drug Alcohol
    1,928 words
    What should we do about marijuana? This proposal argues that at least fifty billion dollars a year of taxpayer's money is spent on a never ending war that we are losing. The war I am referring to is the war on drugs. The war on drugs is mainly directed at marijuana a less dangerous drug than common legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. Not only is marijuana a less dangerous drug than alcohol and tobacco but also has many medical uses. I propose we stop wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on ...

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