Migrants In Australia essay topics

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  • Australia's Immigration Policy
    2,346 words
    Australians Against Further Immigration OUR VIEW Environment Humanitarianism Economics Health Defences Education Culture Australia's immigration policy is disastrous, proceeding as if there is no balance of payment problem, no foreign debt and no geographical or environmental constraints to population growth. Continued immigration will finally and irreversibly alter the natural and urban environment, economic viability and attitudes and culture of our nation. The people have been consulted on, o...
  • Small Nation Like Australia
    842 words
    Immigration Australia should increase its migrant intake. Immigration is an asset to any country. It encourages economic growth, reduces unemployment, and creates more cultural diversity and understanding of different nations. It benefits population growth, especially for a small nation, like Australia. As a result of the First settlement in 1788, Australia started advancing rapidly, and in 200 years it has come a long way. However, Australia is a young country and it must be looked after. Migra...
  • Business Skills Migrants
    445 words
    Pauline Hanson's view on migration is incorrect. Ceasing migration would not be good for Australia either culturally or economically. An intelligent and sophisticated immigration program, which focuses strongly on skilled and business migration, can have a beneficial impact on our economy. The National Multicultural Advisory Council, chair Neville Roach is a firm believer in continued immigration: "Australia is a multicultural society, he said. Our cultural diversity has been a strength and an a...
  • Australian Migrants
    1,116 words
    Australia entered World War two as a result of Britain entering the conflict between Germany and Europe when Poland asked for support. Britain threatened Adolph Hitler that by attacking Poland Britain would declare war on Germany. Consequently, Germany invaded Poland and Britain declared War with Germany. The Allied Powers which consisted of Australia, Britain, USA and the Soviet Union eventually won World War two against the Axis Powers which consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan which were all...
  • Australia's Immigration Policy And Immigrant
    783 words
    History essay Explain how Australia's immigration policy and immigrant intake has changed since 1901 and how it affected migrant experiences. Australia's immigration policy, immigrant intake and migrant experiences have changed due to many reasons. 1901 was the time of the White Australia Policy which was used strictly. In turn, it is now 2002, the time of multiculturalism where migrants are treated with alot more respect. Firstly, Australia's immigration policy has changed from 'White Australia...
  • White Australia Policy
    629 words
    The diversity of origins of Australians has made Australia to be one of the countries that adopt multiculturalism. The migration to Australia happened since centuries ago and still continues until the present. Up until the 1960's, Australia was defined as a White Nation. The dominant national culture was defined in Anglo-Celtic terms and all other cultures were excluded from its self image. There are three main phases in the evolution of Australia's public policies on immigration and related mig...
  • Developed New Businesses
    380 words
    Australia is a multicultural country with a variety of backgrounds, skills, attitudes, values and experiences. Since 1945, almost 5.9 million people have come to Australia as new settlers. Their arrival has had a marked influence, and has contributed to all aspects of Australian society. Migrants are a major contributor to Australia's population growth, and since immigration was introduced. Today, almost one in four of Australia's 19 million people were born overseas. Some of the social effects ...
  • Australia A Multicultural Country
    1,445 words
    The lives of ordinary Australians have changed greatly since 1945. In this present day of 2007 we see many different cultures coming together to call Australia home. Before this though, there were many issues regarding a multicultural society in Australia; and who should and shouldn't enter into this country. During this presentation today, I will be presenting you with the changes that Australia has had to face in a bid to make our society multicultural and appealing to all different background...
  • Size Of Labour Force
    379 words
    Does Australia need more people to help economic growth or need zero population growth to help upsurge the economy? (Kirkwood et al. 1987) This essay will argue that Australia should allow more people to immigrate to this country from an economic point of view for several reasons. The first reason is migrants will help to increase the size of labour force. The shortages of labour force will be filled in by the migrants. (Kirkwood et al. 1987) Immigration has supply extra skilled labour without t...
  • Refugees And Migrants Throughout Australia
    1,060 words
    Chosen Topic: How effective have legal and non-legal measures been in overcoming the disadvantages faced by migrants? Since the beginning of European settlement in 1788, the Australian community has had to deal with the issue of having migrants in society. Though there are many long-term benefits of this situation, both socially and economically, they are often cancelled out by the disadvantages faced by the migrants themselves in Australia. Three such disadvantages are difficulties concerning s...

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