Military Defense essay topics

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  • Botswana Unlike Many Neighboring Countries
    619 words
    I recently had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Scott Beaulier speak on his research on the reasons why the small and desolate country of Botswana has had such drastic economic growth in the last 30 years. Dr. Beaulier partook in what is called an analytic narrative, which is the act of learning about a country by going there and totally immersing ones self in their economy and way of life as to experience it all first hand. This helped him with his research. Botswana is a small country roughly ...
  • Military Under President Clinton
    883 words
    Military Spending (Term Paper Phase Two) Introduction: In his State of the Union address, in January of 1999, President Clinton proposed increasing our national defense budget after a decade of decline. Defense contractors who have had to deal with an ever-shrinking defense budget are sure to be receiving some good news in the years to come. A report in the Federal Electronic Commerce Report hints at a possible considerable increase in defense spending. Recently, both Congress and the Senate Bud...
  • Certainty China's Military Intentions
    917 words
    Osama bin Laden has done Communist China a favor. Because the minds of President Bush and congressional leaders are so concentrated on the war on terrorism, they have all but ignored Beijing's aggressive military buildup. A strong possibility exists that by focusing so closely on Iraq, a focus that is understandable considering how unsettled the situation is, the United States could miss developments that could affect its standing in the rest of the world. Among the many uncertainties of the Asi...
  • Interests Of The Carlyle Group
    1,615 words
    he Carlyle Group is a Washington, D.C. based private investment firm. It is a private equity firm that employs numerous high-ranking government officials with ties to both political parties. A private equity is a form of investing in which companies such as Carlyle invest in private companies and real estate. The Group was established in 1987 pioneering investing in the defense and national security markets. It is now one of the world's largest private equity firms with more than $18.9 billion u...
  • Indonesia's Purchase Of Military Aircraft From Russia
    3,717 words
    I INTRODUCTION A. Background Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri signed a little-publicized deal at the end of April to purchase four Russia fighter jets and two helicopters as part of a much larger potential order. The decision to buy from Russia was a subject to a United States ban on military purchases; this marks a small but significant shift from Indonesia's current dependence on United States' military hardware. The Indonesian military is suffering from acute lack of supplies and pa...
  • Care Of Social Security And Defense Benefits
    379 words
    There are currently eight candidates running for the United States Presidency. Even though there are eight running, there are only two that are most likely to win. These two are Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush. The election all depends on what the candidates debate about and where they stand on the issues. Among these issues are abortion, agriculture, campaign finance, reform, civil rights, defense, economy and taxes, education, energy, health care, international policie...
  • Issue Of Missile Defense
    866 words
    National Defense: A Political Perspective The defense of our nation has always been a strong issue throughout America's political history. Although our nation has not existed a long period of time, our country has had to take up arms to make the world safe for democracy many times. Liberals and conservatives are also constantly up in arms over the issue of the best way to defend the country. One of the foremost issues in the ongoing debate is that of a Ballistic Missile Defense program. The idea...
  • Plane's Electrical Systems
    562 words
    U.S. technicians completed their inspection of the damaged Navy spy plane in China and prepared to return to the United States to report their recommendations on how to retrieve the aircraft, a Pentagon official said Friday. "All required inspections are complete", said spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Terry Sutherland. "They got what they needed". The inspection took a day longer than originally planned because on Thursday the Chinese military hampered the technicians' efforts by refusing to provide power t...

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