Morality Of Abortion essay topics

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  • Moral Evil Of Abortion
    570 words
    This article deals with Vice-President Al Gores view on abortion. Al Gore is a strong advocate of a womens right to choose. He supports the Clinton administrations ask for a $35 million increase in federal funding of family-planning services. They also support a $4.5 million grant to fund security improvements for abortion clinics at risk of violence by pro-life activists. Al Gore believes in a womans right to free choice regarding the life already existing inside of her, that she has the right ...
  • Morality Of Abortion In My Opinion
    1,185 words
    The Morality of Abortion Abortion, in my opinion, is the taking of a life. On the question of abortion being moral, the answer is, ending a fetus' life under most circumstances is immoral. However, in instances of rape and incest, to have the baby would be immoral. Why should a child suffer because a seventeen-year-old girl forgot to use a condom in a moment of haste I am usually pro-life and if there is anyway of keeping and supporting a healthy child than do it. For new life comes around only ...
  • Pro Abortion Editorials
    1,049 words
    Many people believe that morals or ethics should not have any persuasion at all in our laws. Do you believe that slavery is immoral? Is the issue of slavery a moral position? Is the legislation on that moral position appropriate? Then what you have most likely said is that it is appropriate to legislate moral issues that you are in favor of. Should slavery be enforced purely as a moral issue? This is an important point because many people say that we should not force a particular morality on the...
  • Good Medical Abortion Costs Lots Of Money
    560 words
    Abortion According to Planned Parenthood, "millions of women per year sought out illegal abortions, thousands died. There are two kinds of abortion; one is what we call spontaneous abortion. This type may be more familiar as a miscarriage. When an embryo or fetus stops developing the body expels it. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy then she can have what is called an induced abortion, this can be done either surgically or medically. It terminates the fetus so that the mother doesn't have to...
  • Young Parents Of A Fetus
    1,462 words
    The Morality of Abortion On the question of abortion being moral, the answer is clearly that terminating a fetus' life under certain circumstances is not only moral, but its also our responsibility to terminate it if the quality of life is in question for the fetus. A second major reason is that to declare abortion immoral would mean that we would have to consider the factor of how the conception came about. This cannot and should not be done. Quality is a major factor in the question of the mor...
  • Religious Objections To Abortion
    809 words
    I believe that it is a woman's right to choose whether or not she shall have a child. The issue of abortion is widely disputed in our nation, and is considered taboo because it has to do with sex. Many people are against abortion because of religious or moral beliefs. However, most of the people who argue against abortion have no adopted children. The reality is this: if an unwanted child is born into this world, they will suffer a great deal throughout their life. Also, the abortion is performe...
  • Religious Rights And Wrongs Of Abortion
    567 words
    Morality and Legality of Abortion Somewhere amidst the abortion debates of the last quarter century, the real issue has been lost. The focus has become too religious for a country that has separated church and state. Therefore, I won't argue the religious rights and wrongs of abortion. No answers can be derived until we focus on what the law and our citizens do value, because this is how laws are changed. American laws hold sacred the value of human rights... but when do a woman's end, and a chi...
  • Important Implications On The Morality Of Abortion
    2,017 words
    " Describe and evaluate any two contrasting theoretical approaches to the moral debate of abortion". It is widely accepted that the fact of abortion has been a subject of conversation and controversy for many decades. Since the proportion of people who accept abortion as a 'normal' procedure is equal to the proportion of those who think of abortion as a 'crime', through time a lot of measurements have been taken against abortion but concerning it's defense as well. Although the fact of abortion ...
  • Morality Of Abortion
    2,929 words
    Philosophy - Abortion Rectitude There comes a time in the lives of most women when an ovum, fertilized with sperm, will implant itself into her uterine wall. This is nature's first step in its attempt to continue the human race. Currently, when this implantation occurs, the impregnated woman has the right to allow the embryo to nourish itself into existence or to eliminate all chances of that embryo attaining life through abortion. Every species of plant and animal on earth reproduce in oneway o...
  • The Abortions
    1,018 words
    PRO-LIFE AND PRO-CHOICE. After more than a quarter-century of frenzied debate and denunciation (which began well before Roe vs. Wade), one might think not. But there is at least one viewpoint that polls indicate is widely held but that is hardly ever heard amid the screams of 'Murderer!' ' and 'Keep your rosaries off my ovaries!' ' It deserves a full and reasoned exposition, however; it might even shed some light on the controversies about the confirmation of Dr. Henry Foster as Surgeon General ...
  • Abortions
    817 words
    Abortion The 1967 Abortion Act never said that abortion was moral. It simply said that certain abortions would not be the concern of the criminal law. But practically that legitimized abortion for millions. So, how, do you decide the morality of abortion Many people play a game of "ethical snap". Someone cites a case of a woman or girl in desperate poverty who wants an abortion; someone then "snaps" that with horrific photos of dead fetuses and dismembered foetal limbs. The pro-choice people acc...
  • Thoughts Of The Pro Abortion Side
    1,763 words
    Melissa Seidel Pro-Abortion I would like to first point out the fact that abortion is one of the most controversial issues in the United States. The progressive left stands strong on the argument that Women deserve the sole right to decide on abortion. As for the conservative right they base their judgment of abortion on religious aspects than on women's rights. Whether your stance on abortion is pro or anti it is a legal operation in the United States. In the year 1973 abortion laws were decide...
  • Fetus Of A Valuable Future
    1,252 words
    In the midst of many different positions on abortion encompassing the world today Don Marquis in his paper "Why Abortion Is Immoral", hits sound reasons why he believes that abortion is morally wrong. He starts with an assumption that he believes that everyone will in fact agree with, stating that it is morally wrong to kill us. Marquis explains that the reason that murder is wrong is not because of the effect that will placed on the family and friends of the person that is killed, but because t...
  • Right Of Abortion
    608 words
    Steven Schwartz, The Moral Question of Abortion. (Loyola University Press, 1990). Full text of entire book. Judith Jarvis Thomson, "Abortion", The Boston Review, Vol. XX, No. 3, (Summer 1995) Replies by Philip L. Quinn, Donald Regan, Douglas Laycock, Drusilla Cornell, Peter de Marne ffe, and a rejoinder by Judith Jarvis Thomson Elizabeth Harman, "The Potentiality Problem", forthcoming in Philosophical Studies. [PDF]. Harman argues that "potentiality has a particular significance that affects the...
  • Fetus Right To Life
    1,818 words
    Abortion & Cultural Relativism Abortion & Cultural Relativism Essay, Research Paper Morals and Traditions Liana Raquel Prieto (December 1997) Abortion is ethically permissible. When we are considering this distant land the abortion debate takes on new dimensions but these in no way alter my original premise. The people of this land are not committing a moral wrong by performing late-term abortions, as they have been for thousands of years, in order to secure the salvation of the entire populace....
  • Moral Status And Your Rights
    1,202 words
    Abortion has been one of the topics of hot debate for the last three decades in our nation. Since the Roe vs. /'s Wade decision in 1973, some Americans feel the need to ponder whether aborting fetuses is a moral action. On the one hand, some people feel that abortion should be legal because a woman has a right to choose whether she wants to continue a pregnancy or not. It's her body. On the other hand, some feel that fetuses have no advocates and deserve a right to live, so it is immoral to aban...
  • Abortion Rights
    1,307 words
    In our Abortion Abortion In our media-intensive culture it is not difficult to find different opinions, thousands of newspapers and dozen of radio and television talk shows resound different points of view. One important issue that is being wildly discussed is of a woman's right to determinate an unwanted pregnancy by making a choice to have an abortion. This issue can be considered from different perspectives. They can be moral, religious or legal. Those who oppose the abortion rights and call ...
  • Warren's Argument For Abortion Mary Anne
    1,144 words
    Philosophy Essay? Abortion Introduction When does life actually begin? When, if ever, is it right to terminate a pregnancy? These are some of the moral dilemmas that are faced when dealing with the issue of abortion. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. There are many different stands held on the issue of abortion. For those holding a conservative view on abortion, abortion is never acceptable except when necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman. In contrast, the liberal view believ...
  • Catholics Aim For Abortion
    700 words
    The Catholics hold strict views concerning abortion. They often view it as being a waste of life. By taking the life from an unborn child, you are taking away its chances to live the life that it should. Not only is abortion morally wrong, but also it is against God's commandments. Although different groups often oppose these views, Catholics see abortion as being a waste of life, a mortal sin, a serious crime, and being morally wrong. Granted, Catholics hold the main view of abortion being a wa...
  • Aborted Fetus
    1,362 words
    There are few issues that can cause as many heated and sometimes, irrational, debates than that of abortion. The issue strikes at the very heart of an individual's religious and philosophical beliefs. Does a woman have the right to terminate a pregnancy? Is it moral to do so in any circumstance? Is a fetus a living human being? The debate has raged for nearly thirty years and there does not seem to be any end to the controversy that often results in violence. Irrational individuals who have comm...

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