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  • People In China
    910 words
    China And It's Differences China is very different from us especially their rules and government. In China each family is only allowed to have one child. If they choose to have to have two or more children, that family would be fined. If one of your children died, you were allowed to have one more child. When that child is born, you must schedule a meeting with an advisor and pay money to have that child registered meaning state the child is alive. The purpose of this is for that child can go to...
  • Race Full Of Slow Cars
    3,296 words
    Hey Joe, hand me the 3/16 socket, I mumbled into the underside of my car. I felt a nudge in my ribs as my friend, Joe, handed me the socket I asked for. Matching the ends of the hexagonal shaped socket with the stub on my wrench, I pushed the two together. A loud click signaled the two ends of the socket and wrench fit perfectly. Reluctantly, I went to work tightening the chassis of my car. I felt overwhelmed by the number of lugs I would have to check and tighten. It took me almost a half an ho...
  • Certain Type Of Car
    1,235 words
    According to Carl Marx man produces inanimate objects in order to feel fulfilled. Man produces not by necessity but chooses to produce as a means of self-expression. In Marx's theory of estranged labor he stresses the impact that the capitalist mode of production has upon the subsistence worker. The impact being that through the modern organization of labor man becomes separated through the modern organization of labor, he becomes alienated from his natural self. An individual believes that the ...
  • Mall People
    514 words
    Affluenza is the unhappy condition of overload debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more, and unfortunately it is taking the nation by storm. Greed and materialism plant the seed to this dreaded disease that effects people of all classes. Today's society has imprinted the idea of "buy more" into our heads through every form of media possible. The average person will see over one million advertisements by the age of twenty. We are let on to believe that we cannot be happy ...
  • Racial Profiling Statistics Against African Americans
    878 words
    It's Friday night and your friend calls you up to let you know about a party that going to be thrown that night. You decide that you want to go to the party, being that you have nothing to do for the evening. When you are finally dressed for the party, you leave your home, and get into your SUV. On the way over, you decide that you are not going to drink because you know that you will have to get back home, and chances are it will be pretty late by the time you leave the party. At last you are t...
  • Thunderbirds As A More Prestigious Car
    949 words
    The Ford Thunderbird, an American classic, is a car manufactured in the United States by Ford Motor Company. It was created only twenty months after Chevrolet's Corvette as a comeback car and entered design for the 1955 model year as a two-s eater resembling a sports car, which went on sale on October 22, 1954 (Wilson 116). As the Thunderbird was a better performer and cost four hundred and ninety six dollars less, no wonder it sold better. In fact, the sales figure for the first model was nearl...
  • Number Of Fatal Suv To Car Collisions
    5,002 words
    A Collaboration of Research About Banning Sport Utility Vehicles From the Roads Eric Larson Sport utility vehicles should not be permitted on the road due primarily to safety concerns. I. Safety Concerns A. Prone to Rollovers 1. High center of gravity a. Taller than most other vehicles b. Weighted more towards the top 2. Track width a. The gap between tires b. The wider the width, the lower the rollover possibility 3. Many deaths due to rollovers a. Four times more likely as cars to rollover b. ...
  • Car With An Automatic Transmission
    609 words
    Shifting Efficiency One of the most important and life-altering inventions in history is the creation of the automobile. The first model was built with a manual transmission, meaning the operator of the vehicle was responsible for manually changing gears to increase speed. This method of acceleration, while efficient, required the complete attention of the operator, and it sometimes took away the enjoyment of driving. This led to the invention of the automatic transmission, a method by which the...
  • Airbag In Your Car
    1,424 words
    Airbags - Pop em' or Keep em' During the rainstorm, it's hard to see anything-especially when the downpour makes the windshield wipers work constantly. On this cold, dreary September night young two year old Mica is safely buckled in her child safety seat, which is attached to the passenger seat belt. Her older brother, Sean, quietly sleeps in the backseat while his mother drives the exhausted children home. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tall, 12 point buck is caught by the vehicles' headlights. B...
  • Longer For The Car
    442 words
    I slam my alarm clock to shut it off. I try to open my eyes to see what time it is, but it feels as though the sleep fairy came along while I was sleeping and super glues my eyes shut. I knew I had to get up to go to the gym, so I rolled over, stood up and flicked the light on. At that moment it felt like I was staring directly into the sun, every time I tried to open my eyes they would close immediately. I am still not awake yet but I know if I want to go to the gym before work I have to push m...
  • More Comfortable Fashion
    669 words
    1910's North America in the 1910's was a turning point in history. Historic events include the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912 when more than 1500 people lost their lives. The first moving assembly line began in 1914 and in 1915, the one millionth Model T ($345) rolled off the assembly line. Other news events included the initiation of the The National Park Service and Prohibition (1919). Jim Thorpe, an American Indian, won gold medals at the Olympics (although his medals were later tak...
  • Turbo Or A Supercharger
    1,588 words
    Ok, we " ve seen it brought up a million and one times, so, I'm going to give my take on the whole turbo vs. supercharger argument once and for all. Honestly, both devices ROCK. They essentially do the same thing (which is pressurize the intake) when it comes down to it. Arguing that one makes 'more power' than the other is utterly redundant, as I re-iterate that they both essentially do the same thing. (Look up redundancy in the dictionary and it will say 'See Redundant'.) Anyways, I'm going to...
  • Gift Tax Return
    652 words
    Donations Helping Others Helps Yourself Giving a gift to a needy cause can be a very generous deed. Other than being benevolent, it can be self rewarding, especially when April 15th rolls around. Many people think 'Oh, I ain't rich myself... how can I afford to help others... I'm the one who needs the help!' Well, your wrong. Giving certain contributions pay off more than others, and if your are like me, my number one goal in life is to not let the IRS get the best of me. So, if you don't want t...
  • Americans Waste Food And Natural Resources
    1,124 words
    According to our reader, 'there seems to be an inverse relationship between GDP and the quality of life. The more GDP grows, the more the quality of life deteriorates. This made me think about how much Americans waste food and natural resources. For example, FOX had a show, where people tried to out eat each other. The glutton and wastefulness was appalling, and at the same time, entertaining to some. There's an epidemic sweeping the country. It's not your typical virus, but rather a / highly co...
  • My Other Friend
    827 words
    Speeding and racing seem to be my favorite hobby when I sit on the car and drive. And I don't even care what will happen to me when I'm speeding and racing. Besides, my life just barely got out of a hole and ready to get back on track. Unfortunately, an incident that had tilled my life until this day would never be able to fade away. During spring term when I was still attending at Cal Poly Pomona University, two weeks before the final; my friends and I, three of us went on a road trip to Sacram...
  • President Calvin Coolidge
    354 words
    DIET QUIZ If you answer 'yes' to eight or more of these questions, you may want to consider restricting your future calorie intake: Has your neighborhood grocery store ever offered to send for you with a limo? After ordering lunch at a fast-food drive-through window, has it ever been delivered to your car on a hand truck? Within the last month, have you burned out more than two refrigerator bulbs? Do people often decide to follow you up on the next elevator? Has your fork ever suddenly come up m...
  • Money And A Dodge Viper
    1,692 words
    Ever since the day we were born, we as Americans have been taught to grab the bull by the horns and go for their dreams. Family, schools and the media, to name a few, have carefully programmed us to accomplish great things, to have good jobs, and most importantly, make money. In this success driven culture many people will do what ever they need to do to become wealthy and powerful. Unfortunately, the paths they take to their pot of gold can leave, us as a society, looking greedy and shameless. ...
  • Yahoo S Guides
    674 words
    Yahoo! Personals find the one for you Yahoo! Shopping for Valentine's Day advanced search Autos - 2002 Car Guide, Free Car Quotes, Sell Your Car, Blue Book Pricing, Classifieds, Auctions Shop Auctions. Autos. Classifieds. Shopping. Travel. Yellow Pgs. Maps Media Finance / Quotes. News. Sports. Weather Connect Careers. Chat. Clubs. Geo Cities. Greetings. Mail. Members. Messenger. Mobile. Personals. People Search. Photos Personal Addr Book. Briefcase. Calendar. My Yahoo! Pay Direct Fun Games. Kids...
  • Research Paper On Car Pollution
    2,359 words
    How long can the environment endure the gradual deterioration that is increasingly instigated through car pollution There is a tremendous environmental impact on our society that impacts us in the most unpredicted ways, and Im going to share some suitable alternatives with you. Todays technology has presented several alternatives that could potentially decrease the amount of car pollution in the environment; however, humans seemingly neglect these alternatives in favor of convenience and comfort...
  • Driving Suvs Being
    1,859 words
    Imagine driving along in the desert, ahead all that's in sight is tumbleweeds being tossed in the wind. You look to your left and spot a massive lion racing, struggling to keep up with you. One step on the gas and soon that lion is dissolved in the world of sand kicked up by the tires. Or, it's a family outing, the children are singing happily in the backseat. All of a sudden a giant grizzly bear emerges from the side of the road. The road morphs into an obstacle course, you swerve trying to pre...

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