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  • My Drug Experiences With Friends
    1,274 words
    In the mind of someone who does drugs there is always a reason to take that hit of acid, that pill of ecstasy, that line of coke or that bump of crystal. Justification is a powerful tool of persuasion, its a manipulation tool that others can use on you but more commonly you use on yourself. You dont have to go to work for ten hours and the acid trip will only last about seven hours so as long as you dont go to sleep youll be fine. Youll not sleep for twenty-four hours and youll be cracked out as...
  • Positive And Negative Drug Herb Interactions
    777 words
    Interactions between dietary supplements and drugs will become a more serious concern as supplement makers adopt better manufacturing practices. Some of these interactions are positive to the patients health, while others are not. Mary Hardy, M.D., is a member of the Integrative Medicine Department of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. According to Dr. Hardy, Once these substances are properly labeled, properly documented, and properly used by consumers, we can expect that their most se...
  • Differences In The Drug Targets
    1,146 words
    PHARMACOGENOMICS INTRODUCTION Pharmacogenomics is the study of how an individual's genetic inheritance affects the body's response to drugs. The term comes from the words pharmacology and genomics and is thus the intersection of pharmaceuticals and genetics. Pharmacogenomics holds the promise that drugs might one day be tailor-made for individuals and adapted to each person's own genetic makeup. Environment, diet, age, lifestyle, and state of health all can influence a person's response to medic...
  • Drug Crimes In Mexico
    683 words
    Drug Crimes in Mexico Mexico has been in a ware for a long time. No, they re not fighting another nation but their own people. They re fighting a crime on drugs and drug related crimes. There has been increased drug arrests and now more drug smuggling into the United States. This has been a huge problem for both countries and is being paid more attention to now that it is putting a strain on both economies. The seizures of marijuana, heroin, opium poppies and cocaine have all increased greatly i...
  • People Use Drugs
    1,126 words
    IS IT TRENDY TO USE DRUGS There is a great change in cultural trend between now and the old America. Some changes such as technology benefit society, and some such as drug use don t. The use of drugs is one of the negative cultural trends that we are experiencing right now. There are more people who use drugs now than ever before. Although there is a huge war on drugs, some people still use drugs every day. There are many reasons why people use drugs now but not before. First some of the drugs w...
  • Heroin And Other Hard Drugs
    1,468 words
    Drugs Phil Pierce Drugs have been around for hundreds of years. Indians were known to have used Opium and other drugs for medical and various other purposes. During the 7th Century A.D. in China a drug emerged called Opium. Opium, the dry juice from immature seed pods of the opium poppy plant, is a narcotic drug that is very powerful in the relief of pain but is also very addictive. At the beginning Opium was like any other drug, but then people unaware of the harm it could cause began to use it...
  • Laws Regarding Illegal Drugs
    793 words
    There are few problems as persistent in American life today as drugs. Despite the solutions put forth by our countries leaders by seizing ships and imposing has her jail sentences. The government policies have failed to reduce drug abuse and crimes resulting form the use of drugs. The amount of money budgeted to combat the illegal drug problems in our society have increased greatly to the point where jails are filled or overflowing with drug related criminals. In 1988, the nations anti-drug crus...
  • Decriminalization Of Illicit Drugs
    762 words
    Forbidden fruit is sweet indeed. Even if the delicacy carries slow and painful death for anyone attracted by its flavor, there " ll always be plenty of those who'd want a little more. Advices, explanations, warnings, restrictions, prohibitions, punishments - nothing can stop this insane thirst for breaking the rules. According to the study of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNO DC) in 2003, "The total number of drug abusers is estimated at some 200 million people, equivalent to 4, ...
  • Proper Use For A Drug
    303 words
    Drugs They are in every home, school, and hospital in the nation. Everywhere you look people are affected by them, but as common as they are it doesn't make them harmless. It is one of the most popular past-times of junior high and high school aged kids these days, and the fad is rapidly increasing. A drug is any chemical taken into the body that alters normal body processes. The proper use for a drug is to stabilize a person who has an illness or is in pain. A drug can su press sensation, or in...
  • Drug Effects On The Community
    2,778 words
    Do people ever think about the consequences about drug abuse? Not many of us do but we all know what it does to us. Drugs are harmful to the brain and the body system itself; they affect the heart in many ways and because of that people become unconscious as to what their actions are. They do not realize how badly they can harm the community around them. Drugs are normally used by those who are not involved in activities such as, religious clubs, sports, etc. The users are normally stressed out ...
  • Relationship Between Drug Use And Crime
    858 words
    Illegal Drugs The product is illegal drugs. The people who deal these drugs are criminals. That's what makes the drug business different then any other. Alcohol is a drug, yet adults are allowed to use alcohol products. Nicotine is a drug, yet adults are allowed to use many different forms of tobacco products, all which have tobacco in them. The drug Caffeine can be found in many everyday items, like soda candy bars. Think of how many cops we would need if caffeine products were illegal. Why are...
  • Drug Use
    1,245 words
    Illegal drugs are according to the government a major problem in our society. According to the Department of Justice drugs are the cause of most of our crime. The three major drugs that are being widely used are marijuana, cocaine, and crack. These drugs are used to relieve pain and make people "feel" better mentally and physically (69). If we legalized crack, marijuana, and cocaine it would drop the crime rate, make the people and government more money, and cut the abuse rate. As the Collegiate...
  • Drug In Oregon
    274 words
    There are many problems facing "Our" United States today. Some of them are over seas and there are even more at home. One of these problems is Methamphetamine. A powerful life altering drug that is more heavily used drug in the west part of the country, on the coast states, particularly in Oregon and California. Meth is so addicting that you are hooked after one or two times of using it. It is almost impossible to come out of the addiction. Users often give up on life, ignoring their family, job...
  • Drug Problem
    242 words
    The population increase in jails is a problem with no easy answer. Many feel the increase is the result of mandatory sentencing for drug related crimes. I also believe this is true but I don t think letting criminals back into the society is the solution. More money needs to be put into the prison systems, along with more mandatory sentencing into the legal systems. With automatic punishments individuals will be more reluctant to commit crimes especially ones considered to be drug-related acts. ...
  • Illegal Drugs
    449 words
    Goals - In order to solve the problem of drugs in this country, supporters want to implement programs by stepping up enforcement of already existing drug laws and enforcing new ones. The war on drugs, should eventually become a responsibility shared by the federal, state, and local governments, along with every citizen of this country. This approach wants to eradicate drugs completely from the United States. Strategies - The first thing that should be done using this approach, is to strengthen c...
  • Legalization Of Drugs By Our Government
    726 words
    Andrew Matt us 12/10/00 English Mrs. Mantle Drug Essay There is no question that drugs are prevalent in the United States today and that something should be done about it. Drugs hurt society in so many ways; people die, loose their jobs, and lose their families all because of addiction. Will legalizing these destructive drugs change the effect of them No, if drugs would be easier to obtain it would only make it easier for people to have the opportunity to self-destruct themselves and whats aroun...
  • Black Youth Use Drugs At Higher Rates
    904 words
    Racist "War on Drugs The U.S. Constitution once counted Black slaves as worth three-fifths of Whites. Today, Black per capita income is three-fifths of Whites. Thats an economic measure of enduring racism. The Latino-White ratio is even worse. One out of three Black men in there twenties is now in prison or jail, on probation or on parole on any given day. The comparable figure for Latinos is about one in eight, and for Whites, one in fifteen. It is impossible to understand why so many people of...
  • Use Drugs For Depression
    949 words
    Drugs have become a very serious problem in the United States. They have become a component of ones every day lives. This Nations reliance on drugs for pleasure, depression, and medical relief dominates the political and economic scene. Much debate over the drug issue occurs daily. Pleasure is one of the main reasons for drug use in America. Drugs are used daily by all different age groups. Some of the more common drugs used are marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes, and heroin. Among the younger users...
  • Life In Prison
    415 words
    If drugs are legalized then they will be more accessible to the young, addicted and ignorant. More users means more abusers, and more abusers means more money is going to be needed for costs stemming from healthcare and loss of productivity. By making drugs legal it would entice people to go out and try them, which would make it more likely that they would become addicted. We would have all these new users who are now no longer able to hold a job. On the other hand, legalizing drugs would mean s...
  • Illegal Drug Trade
    1,163 words
    The Wonderful War on Drugs The Wonderful War On Drugs In recent years the so-called? war on drugs? has taken over the streets and back alleys of suburban America. It has caused a problem that mirrors the prohibition days of the 1920's and early 30?'s. Politicians trying to play? tough guy, ? are only contributing to more violence. Their laws have created an underground drug-trade, in which modern drug-dealers have taken the place of the bootleggers of old. The real question is whether or not thi...

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