Most Money essay topics

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  • Representative Votes Against A Donating Lobbyist
    822 words
    Votes For Sale According to the Associated Press, lobbyist donated 633 million dollars to government representatives in the first half of 1999. A lobbyist's job is to pass money to representatives for a vote in their favor of a bill. Up to $5000 may be given to any one congressman by a lobbyist thru Political Action Committees (PACs). Farmers, laborers, gun control activists, abortion opponents, and teachers are just a few of the numerous groups who form these committees in the United States. Th...
  • Representative Votes Against The Lobbyist
    1,130 words
    Buying Votes The Legislative branch of the United States government was designed to represent citizens of this nation. Congressional members are representing the people in their district or state. Laws are supposed to be passed in the public's best interest. People attempt to influence the passing of laws through lobbyists. These people are paid to offer campaign donations and gifts to certain congressmen in return for a vote for or against specific issues. Lobbyist activity in Washington, D.C. ...
  • Money Root Of All Evil
    575 words
    Money Money Money Money When you listen to a C.D. or a song on the radio, do you actually listen to it? If you do you would probably have to agree that each song has a different and unique meaning. Money is one common topic most songs are about. Their either about the good, bad, or the lifestyles of people with or with out money. Different music artists have their own idea of what money can do to you and some even think money is the root of all evil. In the song "Money" (Pink Floyd) they mention...
  • Film Noir
    666 words
    Red Rock West is a hood example of a new-age film noir. It has all the elements that are needed to make a film noir such as light and dark contrast, symbolic environment, the femme fatal, corruption, treachery, and deception. The film is unlike classic noir because of its use of color, irony, and humor in the movie. In the opening scene we get a sense of what Michael is like. He is driving a boat of a car across the barren desert, like he is scavenging for something. Strapped for money he stops ...
  • Money Off Gas
    612 words
    Listen up soldiers, we have a crisis on our hands. A silent army has been built up over hundreds of years and is the most deadly enemy we have ever had to face. This enemy you people have known since the day you were brought into this world. You are face to face with this enemy every day, unknowing that every step you take, every move you make, and every decision you face is contributing somehow to this army's strength. In case you havent noticed yet, ladies and gentlemen, this enemy is ourselve...
  • Profitable For The Mafia In New York
    1,945 words
    Their guns terrorized the streets of New York. They were murderous, brutal thugs that killed with no feelings of remorse. They were bank-robbers, drug dealers, casino owners, hit men and pimps. They were the Mafia of the 1920's and 1930's. These degenerates played an important role in American history, they were more than just bank-robbers and gunslingers, and they were men that affected all facets of society. They were celebrities, some of the most recognized men in America. Their evil deeds ma...
  • Citizen Kane Throughout The Whole Movie
    643 words
    CITIZEN KANE Throughout the whole movie, the viewers got a feeling that Kane never had emotions and nothing could affect him, well this is until we learn of Rosebud. A childhood is something Kane was deprived of. When he was about 8 years old his parents sent him away to be educated and becoming something big in life, but what they did is take something away from him that no parent should take away; a childhood. Love is something that was not apparent in the opening scenes of the movie, his moth...
  • Money
    268 words
    At this moment in time, would you consider yourself a realist, romantic, or transcendentalist? Crash! Boom! Explosion! All of these sounds echo around the world, every second another life ends. Although somewhat gothic and gruesome, it is very true. As human beings it is our nature to strive to become better than others, and in accomplishing this someone has to become worse than you. If it is a competition with money, then someone has to lose money for someone to gain money. This idea of how soc...
  • Visitors Of Prague
    392 words
    Foreigners, who visit Prague, could be divided into three groups. The first ones are visitors who go to Prague, because they want to see historical monuments and enjoy the spirit of an old town. The second ones are those who go to Prague, because they want to see different places in the world. Finally the third ones are those who go here just because its so cheap here and want to get drunk and do stuff, they wouldnt be allowed to in their country. Probably most welcomed visitors are those mentio...
  • Friends The Most Important Element In Life
    632 words
    Death of a Salesman is a story containing three "extremely" main characters with varying morals. Willy is a salesman who thinks it is more important to be liked then wealthy. Happy, a drunken philandering bum uses women to fulfill his pleasures. As well as Biff, whose rebellious childhood causes him to become a social misfit and financial failure. Will making money and working hard bring you prosperity and happiness? Are friends the most important element in life or is honesty with yourself and ...
  • Middle Management Position Without A College Degree
    867 words
    A New Approach 2 For all of the reasons that I should finish college, only a few are common. Although they are no less important, the common reasons only differ slightly from person to person. For me, money, occupational improvement, and self-worth are all factors but not enough. People rarely truly understand what really inspires them. In fact, asking most people will almost always result in a monetary response. If that were indeed the case, many of our habits would be different. Our spare time...

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