Mother And The Fetus essay topics

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  • Killing Of A Fetus
    515 words
    Abortion Abortion is the killing of a human being before it is born. It is killed while it is a fetus. John Noonan states several things concerning the subject of abortion. If you are conceived by human parents, you are human. The life of the fetus is dependent on the life of its mother. At the moment of conception, you have a unique individual in the genetic code that cannot be duplicated. There is an 80% chance for the development of a human being. If destroyed, you wipe out the genetic code o...
  • Medical Cases Of Pregnant Women
    714 words
    In Laura Purdys essay Are Pregnant Women Fetal Containers the issue that is dealt with is the relationship between pregnant women and their unborn fetus. She feels that the womans rights to her body should outweigh the rights of the fetus. She argues that pregnant woman are treated like second-class citizens in our society and that medical decisions are placed upon them that are not necessary and unjust. Purdy also discusses the role of the fetus, the moral duty of the mother, the bias against p...
  • Life Of Potential People
    1,561 words
    Abortion Life or Death, Who chooses During the past quarter century, abortion has joined race and war as one of the most debatable subject of controversy in the United States. It discusses human interaction where ethics, emotions and law come together. Abortion poses a moral, social and medical dilemma that faces many individuals to create an emotional and violent atmosphere. In most arguments dealing with abortion there is always a position to be held about whether or not the fetus is a human b...
  • Fetus A Human
    372 words
    Abortion is a very sore subject for some people, and very controversial to a lot of people. I'm not going to give my opinion on this because it is not the topic for discussion on this paper. I know what m opinion is on abortion and I know quite a few people will disagree with me on it, probably more than not. But anyways, let's get back on the subject of does a fetus = a human? Well, I thought the discussion the other day was very interesting on this topic. I think I would have to argue in favor...
  • Mother's Abdomen And Fetus
    1,445 words
    There are a number of things that must fall into place in order to have a baby. The creation of a human being requires the right environment, the right factors, the right timing, and a great deal of luck. The first step occurs when an egg cell from a woman unites with a sperm cell from a man to form an embryo the beginnings of a human being. This process is called conception. After conception comes the process of fertilization, which is the process in which sperm cells must be present in the wom...
  • Human Fetus
    1,453 words
    "It is wrong to kill an innocent human being, a fetus is an innocent human being, therefore abortion is wrong". The debate focuses on two distinct issues: (1) whether the human fetus has a right to life and (2) whether these rights equal or override the rights of the mother. A person's stance on this debate may depend greatly on their definition of a human being as opposed to a human life form. If the fetus is considered to be a human being from the moment of conception, then yes termination wou...
  • Harmful To The Fetus
    1,053 words
    Pregnant women that smoke cigarettes on a daily basis can greatly harm their fetus. The Tobacco smoke in cigarettes greatly reduces fetal growth through the presence of nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, cadmium and various other aromatic hydrocarbons, but the two most dangerous chemicals that are found in cigarettes are nicotine and carbon monoxide. Nicotine causes the babies heart rate to speed up, reduces placental, constricts the placental arteries, and thickens the endothelium of ...
  • Abort The Fetus In Order
    857 words
    The argument of abortion has been raging since the Supreme Court case, Roe vs. Wade, in 1973. This court case has divided the country into two factions: pro-choice and pro-life. Pro-life advocates argue that abortions are murder and extreme levels of child abuse. While pro-choice advocates believe abortions are a justifiable means to end pregnancies. The pro-choice argument is that the fetus is not yet a human being and its rights should not override that of the mother's. An importance on what d...
  • Argument Against The Personhood Of A Fetus
    1,372 words
    Some have argued abortion is morally wrong because a fetus has a right to life. Yet, some of these people would make an exception in the case of rape. This stance is contradictory if there is a strict deontological position on "right to life" if it assumes that a fetus is a living person. It is unreasonable to change this criterion in cases of rape if we are to live by a strict interpretation of right to life, assuming the fetus is living. But why does rape cause some to change their position on...
  • Diagnostic Of The Healthy Fetus
    1,106 words
    A Girl or a Boy Whom You Want Your Future Child Be In our time technology gets to the point were can be said in advance if the fetus will have any defects and what the gender of the future child will be. One of the technological machinery that is used in identifying fetus' gender is ultrasound. In cases of pregnant women at older age or because of the family history that may cause some health problem to the fetus prenatal diagnostic is done. This is the original and still the only purpose for wh...
  • Sykes Support Pro Choice
    915 words
    The pro-choice activist Margaret Sykes' article: "Another Travesty from the House of Representatives: The "Innocent Child Protection Act" " shows how the double moral of the laws passed interfere with our society's morals. She is telling about the law that was passed that "prohibits the execution of pregnant women by any U.S. jurisdiction". She asks if it's right to take a women's life, but not the fetus inside her and argue that the woman on death row should have a choice to have an abortion. S...
  • Term Mother
    532 words
    The commonly used point in which a fetus becomes a person has become the slippery slope, of course for lack of a better a term. In order to define an entity as a person there is a need to have certain criteria to evaluate them as a person and to have rights. The main point of the criteria is to deem it morally right to terminate an unborn baby. What criteria should we use to draw the line, or cut the rope between the born and unborn? When a child first has brain waves they seem to have the capac...

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