Mozart's Music essay topics

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  • Mozart's Operas
    971 words
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's name is familiar even to people who know little or none of his music. However, Mozart's fame is based on two different frames of reference: firstly, being the most famous child prodigy in music history (as both a performer and a composer) and secondly, his unquestioned brilliance as an adult composer of Classical symphonies, operas, chamber music, sonatas, church music, and concert i for various instruments. Perhaps what he is best remembered for are his operas. His ast...
  • Healing And Creative Effects Of Music
    3,539 words
    History of Music Therapy Although it is only in recent times that scientists have started to document the effects of music, the qualities of music were understood even in earliest times. Evidence suggests that dance and song preceded speech, which means that music is the original language of humans. Researcher's have found that about two-thirds of the inner ear's cilia resonate only at the higher frequencies that are commonly found in music (3,000 - 20,000 Hz). This seems to indicate that primit...
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    1,001 words
    (1756-1791) Probably the greatest genius in Western musical history, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, January 27, 1756, his father was Leopold Mozart and his mother was, Anna Maria Perl. Leopold was a successful composer, violinist and assistant concertmaster at the Salzburg court. Wolfgang began composing minuets at the age of 5 and symphonies at 9. When he was 6, his older sister, Maria Anna (who was nicknamed 'Nannerl'), and him, performed a series of concerts to Europe'...
  • Expansion Of Music In The 20th Century
    3,550 words
    Baroque Composers Still Being Played Frequently Monteverdi Lully Corelli Pachelbel Scarlatti Purcell Couperin Albino ni Vivaldi Telemann Rameau Bach Handel Gluck Baroque and Classical Orchestras DifferencesBaroque Orchestras Classical Orchestras String section and basso continuo central to the orchestra. Other instruments are occasional additions. Standard group of four sections: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. Different instruments treated individually. Fairly small; generally 10- 40 ...
  • Third Movement In The Classical Sonata
    1,001 words
    Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791) Austrian born, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was regarded to be the greatest child prodigy the world has ever known. At age four, he heard his older sister playing a harpsichord minuet. Mozart begged his father to let him try the piece, and by ear, he played the piece perfectly. Throughout his life, tragedy struck. He was one of the most talented composers ever to walk the face of the earth, yet he led a life filled with much unhappiness. Upon traveling to Italy, M...
  • Figaro And Other Late Mozart Operas
    2,796 words
    Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 1756-1791 Composer. Born January 27, 1756, in Salzburg. His father, Leopold Mozart, a noted composer and pedagogue and the author of a famous treatise on violin playing, was then in the service of the archbishop of Salzburg. Together with his sister, Nannerl, Wolfgang received such intensive musical training that by the age of six, he was a budding composer and an accomplished keyboard performer. In 1762, Leopold presented his son as a performer at the imperial court in ...
  • Game For Antonio Salieri
    1,092 words
    Appearance vs. Reality Amadeus by Peter Shaffer In the world of the 18th century, appearance was everything; and appearance often conflicted with reality. Such is the case in Peter Shaffer's, Amadeus, which follows Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's musical career. Mozart's career was enveloped in deceit and falsity, appearing to be brought on by poor choices he made, when all along he was being sabotaged by Salieri. When Mozart arrives in Vienna, Antonio Salieri pretends to welcome him. He even writes a...
  • Columbus Symphony Orchestra
    398 words
    The Columbus Symphony Orchestra is located in Columbus Ohio. Mother's Day provided a musical feast for lovers of the choral art. The Columbus Symphony Orchestra and Chorus and members of the Columbus Children's Choir were led by chorus director Ronald Jenkins in "Music for a Special Day". The music and performances were very high and enthusiastic, with a full house in attendance at the north campus of First Community. The Orchestra played works by Mozart and John Rutter as the centerpiece of the...
  • God Through Mozart
    572 words
    The play 'Amadeus' is Mainly Concerned With the Destructive Nature of Jealousy This passage is all too true, both in Peter Shaffer's 'Amadeus' and in life in general. However the play is also concerned with the destructive nature of ignorance and naivety. Salieri is jealous not just of Mozart's talent, but of the fact that God gave the talent to "Mozart... spiteful, sniggering, conceited, infantine Mozart". He is envious of the vessel of God's laughter at the 'patron saint of mediocrity' as he h...
  • Classical Music
    643 words
    When I hear a song by Mozart, I tend to think of the grand Classical Style, the Great Baroque Cathedrals, and the Symphonic Orchestras. Today's modern recording technology can store all that grandness in a digital disk, the size of my hand. But what could that Mozart CD possibly have to do with a package of disposable diapers Recent studies show that babies respond to music emotionally the same way that adults do. When Newborns hear the sad funeral passages of Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastasique, ...
  • Grocery Store Music
    1,305 words
    Music: Mind and Movement If only there were a way to make life easier. Parents who mean well are telling us to "think for ourselves", but often have little or no idea how to keep our minds from recycling constant concerns, unnecessary worries, destructive ideas, and negative images. Teachers are excellent at teaching us algebra and conjugating French verbs, but there has yet to be any class in the curriculum to teach us how to handle depression, let go of anger, or how to communicate with others...
  • Bach's Music
    1,849 words
    ... n ants etc. Harpsichord plays chords and a supportive basso continuo. Rhythm Clear cut, fragments of syncopation. Pulsing, very regular and straight. Dynamics Great contrasts of loud and soft, use of crescendo and diminuendo, echo effects. Terraced dynamics. Structure Concerto, sonata form. Call and answer within melody. Scalia passages linking solo and tutti sections. Ritornello: Concertino / Ripieno, fairly short movements. Style Classical concerto, with romantic feel. Baroque. No introduc...
  • Leopold And Wolfgang Mozart
    3,101 words
    Its got 3 sections: Biography, Important Event in his Life, & What is to be learned (Analysis). I think its about 7 or 8 pages. It was written for a High School Sophomore History Class but it's damn good. Complete with Bibliography and all. -- -Stephanie Biography of Mozart The rain poured down hard, flooding the suburban streets of Vienna. Thunder roared all around the funeral procession on December 6, 1791, as it laboriously headed for St. Marx Cemetery. As it reached the city walls of Vienna,...
  • Son Of Leopold Mozart
    1,270 words
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a born child prodigy. He was Born in Salzburg in January 27 of 1756. He was the son of Leopold Mozart. He for years since his birth has he inspired and amazed people of all ages with his work. He was the greatest composer of his time. As a child he showed musical gifts of a great magnitude. He composed minuets at the age of five and played for royals at the age of six. He and his sister, who was a gifted keyboard and clavier player, went on a tour around Paris and Lon...
  • Music Of The Classical Period
    473 words
    Final Project 5-2-00 10-10: 50 Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik The Classical period started with the Industrial Revolution. Machinery was being invented, for this reason the middle class was rising faster and faster. It was their turn to rule and set the trends. They saw the time of the Greeks and Romans as a perfect model for them to strive for. They desired the balance and elegance of the Greeks. They showed their need for balance and elegance in their artwork. The music of the Classical period...
  • Music Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    1,478 words
    "Classical Concert" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, in Salzburg, Austria. He was born to an overbearing and ambitious father, Leopold, who was more than anxious to exploit his son's extraordinary musical gifts. Mozart began composing at an early age, and he began touring around the same time. Throughout his life, Mozart made many enemies, many his own fault, through his naive arrogance and harsh critique of his musical contemporaries. He worked feverishly, composing symphon...
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    1,295 words
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1766) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as he is generally known, was baptized in a Salzburg Cathedral on the day after his birth as Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgang us Theophilus. The first and last given names come from his godfather Joannes Theophilus Pergmayr, although Mozart preferred the Latin form of this last name, Amadeus, more often Amad'e, or the Italiano Amadeo, and occasionally the Deutsch Gottlieb. Whatever the case may be, he rarely - if ever - used Theophilus in...
  • Mozart's Last Work
    887 words
    From: To: Subject: Submit a paper Date: Tuesday, November 04, 1997 3: 06 PM Title: Mozart Category: other Description: Body of paper: Thomas G. Builder 257-27-449710-30-97 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg on 27 January 1756. His father, Leopold Mozart, was a famous musician and composer in his own right. In his twenty-fourth year, Leopold received an appointment as violinist in the orchestra of the Archbishop of Salzburg, finally rising to the positi...
  • Evidence In Support Of The Mozart Effect
    524 words
    In nearly every country around the world people are dancing, singing, jiving, or chillin to their favorite tunes. There is just something about the variations of musical notes all mixed together that can alter the way we act, feel, and even think. It is generally agreed that music causes some kind of increased arousal in those who are the least bit interested in it and are listening with some degree of concentration. In depth studies have shown that music can reduce pain in childbirth, strengthe...
  • Mozart's Traits In Amadeus
    1,453 words
    Amadeus The Accuracy of the Film The majority of the film Amadeus isn t focused on Amadeus at all. It is actually centered on the mediocracy of the lesser known composer Antonio Salieri. Even so, the film is full of inaccurate details, which fill the general public's knowledge of Mozart with inaccurate details, and numerous missed points. While confined to an insane asylum, Salieri tells his story. Because of his being sick, the audience subconsciously recognizes that not every detail is going t...

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