Mrs Hale And Mrs Peters essay topics

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  • Mrs Hale And Mrs Wright
    1,215 words
    English 102-02508 May 2002 Trifles: A Gender Play Susan Glaspell's Trifles explores the classical male stereotype of women by declaring that women frequently worry about matters of little, or no importance. This stereotype makes the assumption that only males are concerned with important issues, issues that females would never discuss or confront. The characters spend the entirety of the play searching for clues to solve a murder case. Ironically, the female characters, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale...
  • Symbolism In Glaspell's Trifles
    890 words
    Symbolism in Glaspell's "Trifles " In today's society, we generally view upon everyone as equal beings who deserve equal rights. At the turn of the 20th century, this particular view didn't exist. Men clearly dominated almost every aspect of life and women were often left with little importance. The Wright's embody this view of roles in Susan Glaspell's play Trifles. Mrs. Wright was a typical woman who suffered the mental abuse from her husband and was caged from life. In Trifles, a mixture of s...
  • Mrs Hale And Mrs Peters
    2,756 words
    Case Dismissed In "A Jury of Her Peers" by Susan Glaspell, Minnie Foster Wright is the main character, even though the reader never sees Mrs. Wright. The story begins as Mrs. Hale joins the county attorney, Mr. Henderson; the sheriff, Mr. Peters; Mrs. Peters; and her husband in a "big two-seated buggy" (188). The team men are headed the Wright house to investigate Mr. Wright's murder. Mrs. Peters is going along to gather some belongings for Mrs. Wright, who is currently being held in jail, and M...
  • John Wright Abuses Minnie
    1,352 words
    Trifles Mention the word feminist and most people think of the modern women's movement. Long before the bra burning of the 60's, however, writers were writing about the lives and concerns of women living in a male dominated society. Susan Glaspell's play, Trifles, was written in 1916, long before the modern women's movement began. Her story reveals, through Glaspell's use of formal literary proprieties, the role that women are expected to play in society, and the harm that it brings not only the...
  • Motive Behind The Murder Of Mr Wright
    685 words
    Drama Response Paper The play "Trifles" by Susan Glaspell is type of murder mystery that takes place in the early 1900's. The play begins when the sheriff Mr. Peters and county attorney Mr. Henderson come to attempt to piece together what had happen on the day that Mr. Wright was murder. While investigating the seen of the murder, they are accompanied by the Mr. Hale, Mrs. Hale and Mr. Peters. Mr. Hale had told that Mrs. Wright was acting strange when he found her in the kitchen. After taking in...
  • Play The Actions Of Mrs Wright
    1,021 words
    Femininity vs. Masculinity Trifles, a one-act play, written by Susan Gla spell, has an interesting plot about an abusive husband's murder at the hands of his abused wife on a secluded farm in the Midwest (Russell, pg. 1). The opening scene of the play gives us a great deal of information about the people of the play and their opinions. The play portrays the ways in which men treated women during this time period. The men in the reading reflected a male-oriented society, which caused the women fe...
  • Mrs Hale And Minnie
    1,026 words
    In 'A Jury of Her Peers's usa Glaspell shows how human bonding can override legalities that society has. This is shown by Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters bonding with Minnie by understanding her daily life as they are in her home. The two women feel a connection with Minnie because their lives are very similar to that of hers. By the two women understanding and having a connection with Minnie they notice the small trifles that leads to them finding evidence and motive for Minnie murdering her husband....
  • Mrs Hale And Mrs Peters
    1,184 words
    Characters Mrs. Peters Mrs. Hale Mrs. Wright Sheriff Peters Scene: Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters bringing Mrs. Wright her personal belongings. Time Period of the Play Mrs. Hale: Minnie how yer' holding up? Mrs. Wright: Alright I guess, how is my fruit? Mrs. Peters: (nervously digging in her bag) Oh they are just fine, here we brought you one of you jars of cherries. Mrs. Hale: Minnie (in a low tense manner), Mrs. Peters and I thought it was a good idea to bring some of the quilt boxes you were pieci...
  • Mr Wright's Own Wife
    1,016 words
    In 'A Jury of Her Peers,' Susan Glaspell illustrates many social standards women experienced at the turn of the century. She allows the reader to see how a woman's life was completely ruled by social laws, and thus by her husband. Glaspell also reveals the ignorance of the men in the story, in particular the sheriff and the county attorney. I think some examples are rather extreme, but in Glaspell's day, they would have probably been common. Women did not have many rights at the turn of the cent...
  • Wright House By Mrs Peters
    1,859 words
    A Jury of Her Peers In her short story, A Jury of Her Peers, author Susan Gla spell writes about the investigation of a murder that occurred at a farmhouse in the country. The story takes place in the early 1900's before women could sit on juries. Therefore, whenever a woman was on trial, a jury of her peers really was not judging her. As the story begins, Martha Hale and her husband are being taken by Sheriff Peters with his wife, and the county attorney, to the isolated home of the Wrights. Mr...
  • Mrs Hale And Mrs Peters
    603 words
    The opening setting in Trifles is described thus: The kitchen in the now abandoned farmhouse of John Wright, a gloomy kitchen, and left without having been put in order... Minnie Wright, the housewife, was married to John and is presently accused of his murder. Present in the room are the County Attorney (Sheriff) and Hale. Both men are in middle life, the County Attorney is a young man. The Sheriff's wife, Mrs. Peters, is a slightly small woman, with a thin nervous face. Mrs. Hale is larger and...
  • John And Minnie Wright
    986 words
    The use of Symbolism in "A Jury of Her Peers". Susan Glaspell's short story, A Jury of Her Peers, was written long before the modern women's movement began, yet her story reveals, through Glaspell's use of symbolism, the role that women are expected to play in society. Glaspell illustrates how this highly stereotypical role can create oppression for women and also bring harm to men as well. Character names are very important in A Jury of her Peers. The two characters, John and Minnie Wright, are...
  • Mrs Hale And Mrs Peters
    755 words
    Last semester I read Susan Glaspell's play, "Trifles", in a theater class. I found the play interesting but read it differently than Elaine Hedges did as she explains in her article "Small things reconsidered: Susan Glaspell's "A Jury Of Her Peers". "A Jury Of Her Peers" is the story version of the play "Trifles". My interpretation of the play was that it was simply a murder mystery in which two women concealed some incriminating evidence from the sheriff so as to keep a friend out of prison. He...

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