Murder Cases essay topics

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  • Andrea Yates Case
    927 words
    Charged with five horrific murders, Andrea Yates faced the death penalty. Believed Satan controlled her, Mrs. Yates was convinced her children were not developing correctly and they needed to die to be saved. Andrea Yates admitted to drowning her children one by one after two years of contemplating this psychotic act. People cannot imagine the horror of what Yates did to her children, drowning them in the bathtub, one by one. Even chasing down the oldest one in order to do it. I believe that the...
  • Killen Conviction
    401 words
    It is much easier to confront the racism of the 1960's than the racial and economic injustices of today. While I'm happy that racist vigilantes such as Edgar Ray Killen have finally been called upon to pay for their crimes, we have work to do in the here and now. Killen's conviction is one of several historical reckonings. In 1994, Byron de la Beckwith was convicted of murdering civil-rights leader M edgar Evers in 1963. Then, just last year, the FBI reopened the 1955 Emmett Till case after find...
  • Arsenic In The Reverends Body
    1,198 words
    Jon Elliott Mrs. Scott Honors IS 222 September 2000 Man Hath Known No Fury Like a Woman Scorned Women are often referred to as the weaker sex. Don't say this to one of the women you " re about to read about. There are over 3000 people on death row in the United States. 42 are women. Is it that women are morally better or is it that they are better at getting away with it? The stories you are about to read deal with women who, if you saw them on the street, you would think they were perfect citiz...
  • Revenge On The Murderers
    764 words
    In the Oresteia there seems to be a continuing cycle of revenge. Someone is murdered and then a relative must kill the murderer, therefore becoming a murderer himself. A new chosen one is then selected to take revenge on that person who killed before him and the cycle goes on and on. The furies also play a part in this cycle of revenge. They seek out those who kill their blood relatives and haunt them and torture them for eternity. So basically they also take revenge for the ones that have been ...
  • Murderer Berth
    2,006 words
    Murder on the Orient Express Agatha Christie Introduction Author- Agatha Christie was born in 1890 in England and raised by a wealthy American father and English mother. Her books have sold over a billion copies in English and another billion in 44 foreign languages. She is the author of 78 crime novels and was made a dame in 1971. She was married twice, her second husband being an archeologist whom she often traveled with on his archeological exhibitions to the Middle East. This gave her an und...
  • A.B.C. Murders
    789 words
    4/30 Mystery Agatha Christie, The A.B.C. Murders, The world Publishing Company, 1945. pp. 306.1. Captain Arthur Hastings: Mr. Hastings was a friend and an accomplice to Hercule Poirot in solving the case of the A.B.C. murders. Hercule Poirot: He was the main detective and investigator in the A.B.C. murders. He is a very intelligent and intellectual person. Mary D rower, Megan Barnard, Donald Fraser, Franklin Clarke and Miss Grey: These were all close friends or family, and they were all suspects...
  • Insignificant Murder Case In The Story
    1,221 words
    Irony of Small Trifles In the drama Trifles, Glaspell shows two main view points. That is how the men have the role of being the head of everything and how the women do not get as fairly treated and are only house maids to the men. She characterizes the men as not giving the women the credit they deserve for their hard labors each and everyday. The sheriff, attorney, and neighboring farmer help prove how in the past men were completely superior to women. By showing these two points it makes us f...
  • Charlie Salter As A Typical Novel Hero
    1,634 words
    Eric Wright is an author who has developed into one of Canada's greatest mystery writers. Wright portrays Charlie Salter, the detective in his series of novels, as a heroic character. As defined in the dictionary a hero is... A man of distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, or fortitude in suffering; a prominent or central personage in any remarkable action or event; hence, a great or illustrious person (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary). In many of our novels today heroes are charac...
  • Affair With The Woman
    323 words
    Book: ? For the Sake of Elena? by Elizabeth George Journal Entries by Inspector LynleyMonday: I got a case today. Unfortunately, another murder. This time, a twenty-year-old student from St. Stevens College. She was brutally murdered. Her face was beating and then she was strangled to death with the ties of her own tracksuit. I feel bad for the poor woman who found her, an artist, looking for inspiration on Robinson Crusoe's Island. Havers and I have to work on this case. We? ll be going to Camb...
  • Dr Chandler
    659 words
    Mary Higgins Clark does a great job of keeping the reader in suspense. Mary Higgins Clark introduces many characters that all could me suspects in the crimes she describes in this novel. 'You Belong to Me' was definitely one of her best works. Dr. Susan Chandler, a clinical psychologist, is researching cases of missing women. On her daily talk show, she focuses on the case of Regina Clausen who disappeared on a cruise three years earlier. In Regina's belongings, a turquoise ring with the inscrip...
  • Death Penalty
    365 words
    I disagree with the author, the death penalty does not deter violent crimes. If anything it helps promote the United States as a violent nation. People know of the consequences and still commit murders, and this will not change there will always be deranged members of society no matter what we do. There is another option, life in prison. Life in prison is cheaper and the murders are taken out of society for the rest of there natural life. So why take another life when we don't have to? When I wa...
  • Apsche's Testimony On Heidnik's Mental History
    770 words
    Another case that used insanity plea was the case of Heidnik, which happened in 1987. His lawyer was Charles Peruto, an experienced attorney with very good reputation. Heidnik was charged with rape, aggravated assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent exposure, kidnapping, unlawful restraint, simple assault, indecent assault, and murder. Heidnik first raped women, and then killed them. Later police had found the remains of Heidnik victims in his refrigerator. Chuck Peruto had his...
  • Twenty One Justice Foster And Tatting
    3,146 words
    BRIEF OF THE CASE Speluncean Explorers vs. Court of General Instances of the County of Stowfield (4300) Supreme Court of Newgarth Summary of the Key Facts A. Five members of the Speluncean Society went into a cave to explore. While they were in the cave a landslide occurred covering the entrance and trapping them in. B. Twenty days later after the entrapment messages were sent from the explorers to a rescue team outside of the cave. C. The explorers explained their conditions and rations to doct...
  • Bobby Delaughter And Byron De La Beckwith
    1,462 words
    On the night of June 13th 1963, President John F. Kennedy was giving his speech on Civil Rights. Among the many thousands of people in America viewing this event on National Television were Myrlie Evers and her three children. Suddenly, this occurrence was rudely disrupted by the deathly sound of a loud gunshot. Frantically running to their driveway, Myrlie and the kids found Medgar Evers shot in the back and lying in a pool of blood gasping for his last breath. Myrlie clung on to her husband's ...
  • Geronimo Pratt
    954 words
    geronimo ji Jag a (preferred capitalization), also known as Geronimo Pratt, a former Black Panther leader, was wrongfully convicted 24 years ago for the murder of a woman in Santa Monica, California. geronimo has always maintained that he was 400 miles away in Oakland, California, at the time of the killing at a Black Panther meeting, and that he was a victim of the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO). Represented by Stuart Hanlon, Johnnie Cochran, Robert Garcia, Julie Dro us, Valeri...
  • Only Evidence In The Case
    2,600 words
    "The question with which we must deal is not whether a substantial proportion of American citizens, would today, if polled, opine that capital punishment is barbarously cruel, but whether they would find it to be so in light of all information presently available. -Justice Thurgood Marshall Family members of the wrongfully convicted, This letter is for everyone out there who has ever suffered. Anyone who has ever felt the infallibility of our criminal justice system. Anyone who believes that dea...
  • Two Private Investigators
    961 words
    While reading, An Unsuitable Job for a Woman, by P.D. James and Indemnity Only, by Sara Paretsky, one is given the opportunity to slip in to the life of a female private detective and experience the aspects of what occurs during the process of a murder investigation as seem through the eyes of two very independent women. P.D. James character of Cordelia Gray and Sara Paretskys character of V.I. Warshawski are two private investigators that display great passion for their jobs and will stop at no...
  • Black Murderer Of A White Victim
    885 words
    The death penalty has faced much opposition as of late. Many think that it is a morally acceptable punishment while others think it is wrong and immoral. Why does the system execute murderers? According to the law, those convicted of murder are supposed to be executed. The law is not always right but we have to obey it. The President himself supports the death penalty but that does not mean it is right. If it were right to execute murderers, then it would be okay to rape rapists. But this is not...
  • Susan Love For Nancy
    823 words
    Life goes on in the book In Cold Blood. The author, Truman Capote, engages in an analysis of both the murderers and the people who surrounded the Clutter family. Capote goes through an intensive breakdown of the characters, clearly showing how each was affected as an individual by the events of November 15, 1959. The Clutter murders shocked the peaceful lives and futures of the residents of Holcomb County. Susan Kidwell, Nancy Clutter's best friend, is affected in a very unique way. From the beg...

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