Music Files essay topics

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  • Issue With Napster
    1,276 words
    The Rise and fall of Napster It started as an accident. Shawn Fanning was just experimenting and thinking of an easier to go through a search engine for music. What was a simple idea turned out to be a phenomenon in the Internet world. The creation of Napster led to many problems and brought about new issues that involved the entertainment industry and piracy laws. Napster is a software where a compilation of all of its user's files are held in a central unit and each user is able to use its sea...
  • Global Sales Of Recorded Music
    808 words
    Dan Miller Ross O. Wagner English 101-G 708 June 2005 Internet File Sharing and the Music Industry Imagine millions of songs accessible in one place. Today songs are just a few clicks away since the introduction of the internet and file sharing. File sharing is simply taking a file and allowing other internet users to download and use the file permanently. The accessibility and use of file sharing programs has devastated the music industry financially. The fact that almost every song recorded to...
  • Types Of Digital Media
    359 words
    Morpheus Preview Edition (421) Now... more than music: Search for all types of media - almost anything you can imagine - music, photos, reference files, reports, documents, home movies, videos and more Communicate via chat rooms and message boards Share your favorite files (please... authorized material only, as stated in our Policy Section) Purchase MP 3 audio gear and more Find the latest news on digital media in 'What's New' The Morpheus (tm) Peer-to-Peer Application: faster, better, smarter ...
  • Mp 3 Music Files
    1,660 words
    MP 3 PIRACY The trading of MP 3's or digital music over the Internet is always going to be a prevalent part of the music industry, and is an unrealistic goal to try to control. The cost of controlling the piracy issues over the Internet would cost record companies more money than what they are losing due to MP 3 trading. The record industry is trying to fight the major sites and companies in court with copyright suits. Although downloading music over the Internet and playing it back on computer ...
  • Mp 3 Music Files From One Computer
    1,087 words
    The Internet is an extremely useful resource. Using it, one can obtain information on nearly any topic. A relatively new item of Internet technology for sharing music has emerged and brought with it, countless legal debates: Napster. Napster allows people to share music files, discover new artists, and become part of the online-music community. Although Napster's opponents argue that sharing music files is immoral and should cease immediately, the positive elements that Napster brings to the Int...
  • Music Files
    569 words
    Music downloading is one of the biggest phenomenon's to hit the market in the past decade, and undoubtedly you " ve downloaded some music yourself. But lately music downloading has become an issue, and record companies along with their artists have tried to stop this new wave from happening. Though some people consider file sharing illegal; I believe it's absolutely necessary for musicians to get there names out, and for music lovers to hear there sound. Veranda Normand said it best "Most artist...
  • One Thousand Music Files
    1,127 words
    Author's Note: This was originally an informative speech and was some portions were edited for time purposes, so some modifications may be required. If you? re using this as a speech, it will be around eight minutes long. Word Count: 1,054 Introduction Most people have an idea of what file sharing is, but they? re not exactly sure why it's such a big deal. Some of them may even be aware of the fact that file sharing is punishable by law and carries a fine of up to and including $20,000. Since th...
  • Mp 3 Files
    666 words
    Jason Garcia WRC 1023 Alyson Martin March 24, 2005 File Sharing: Good or Bad? Napster, Kazaa, Audio Galaxy, Aries, Win MX, Imesh. All these companies are the cause of a great deal of talk in not only the media, but between people all across our country. Everybody is asking questions. How does it work? Who is behind it? What are the laws behind all these court cases? They are all file sharing communities, for music, on the Internet. Quite a few of the major music companies are suing the music sha...
  • Uses Mp 3 Music Files
    2,293 words
    The Internet is an extremely useful resource to obtain information on just about any topic. A relatively new feature of the World Wide Web is the technology for the sharing of music in MP 3 format. A popular site to download "free" music is called Napster. This program allows people to share music files, discover new artists, and become part of the music community. Although Napster is controversial, the program should still remain accessible to Internet users and music lovers. Marc Geiger, a sup...
  • Compress The File Into Mp 3 Format
    2,162 words
    As most of us know, downloading mp 3's has seemed to be a big computer demand over these past couple of years. Typical college students around the United States would spend hours downloading files to their computer that would just contain their favorite songs they listen to daily. But why are these students wasting their time and their Internet use downloading simple songs they could find on CD's? Well the main idea here is that most of the mp 3's that people download off the Internet are free. ...
  • Cd From A Music Store
    663 words
    The New York Times article put a perfect perspective on how ridiculous and greedy record companies really are. What a perfect way to teach a lesson; sue a child for $750,000, and lesson learned. As far as I can remember, music downloads and file sharing has been going on for years, and even before The Napster era, so how convenient to make it illegal now, coincidentally when the music industry has been at an all time low. Of course the reason behind that may not be the fact that the past couple ...
  • Thanks To The Riaa
    545 words
    Have you paused lately to give thanks to the Recording Industry Association of America? We certainly have not. Extensive research has been undertaken to reveal how truly evil the RIAA is. e. vil (vs. l) That which causes harm, deceit, or destruction The RIAA, we have resolved, has significantly shown instances of each of these tiers of evil. In early September, The RIAA began to initiate a seemingly unending sequence of lawsuits to hold online music sharers accountable for the file-sharing which...
  • Swap Music Files
    524 words
    "RIAA Targets Are Surprised By Piracy Suits" Author: Nick Wingfield & Nick Baker September 16, 2003 The Wall Street Journal Section B 1 & B 2 The record industry has made another attack on the millions of people who download music from online media libraries. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) targeted individuals who had uploaded large amounts of songs in recent months and they also targeted users which have the most copyright violating songs. So far the RIAA has filed 261 law...
  • Riaa And Some P 2 P Networks
    1,319 words
    Have you ever taped music off your favorite radio station? That's the old way you would do if you can't afford the albums. Today people are doing a similar thing, downloading music from the Internet. Downloading music off the Internet is such a convenient way to get your music. It is such a great opportunity for those who are willing to takes their chances, and chances are, they would not get sued by the RIAA (Record Industry Association of America). I, as a peer who does share and download file...
  • Shared Files
    839 words
    In an age where popular culture and technology are both rapidly expanding and becoming entrenched in the daily lives of Americans, it was no wonder that their paths would eventually cross. One aspect of pop-culture especially affected by the growth of internet usage is the music industry. Modern technology has made wide-scale trading of music possible in the form of MP 3 files available over the internet for free, all at the click of a mouse. File sharing has been an issue many teens have felt s...
  • Illegal Mp 3 Files Off The Internet
    1,582 words
    "Worldwide financial losses from piracy are immense, $13 billion lost per year bythe computer software industry; $2.5 billion lost per year by the movie industry, and $4.1 billion lost per year by the music industry"; (Hatcher, 1). Astonishingly, one of the most commonly used piracy schemes derives from a computer file format. Mp 3's, also known as MPEG-1 Audio layer-3, are highly compressed, CD-quality sound files that have become the most commonly used unofficial file format, which are downloa...
  • Online Music Distribution Strategies O These Strategies
    838 words
    Online Music Distribution in a Post-Napster World Case Study Background Information o Service has been shut down since July 2001. o June 3, 2002, Napster Filed for bankruptcy. o October 29th, 2003, Napster will re-open with its new pay service. o Conflicting rights: 1. The rights of artists and record labels to receive payment for their labors 2. The rights of consumers to share their favorite songs with fellow internet users 3. The rights of copyright holders to protect their intellectual prope...
  • Napster Their Music Files
    3,169 words
    Peer-to-peer file sharing over the Internet was thought to be the wave of the future by many computer experts. When peer-to-peer file sharing technology was developed, record label executives didn't know what to think; the leaders of the music industry thought that music as a marketable part of the economy was finished. Since the leaders of the music industry figured that most people have a computer nowadays, anyone could download music from the Internet for free. If everyone could download musi...
  • Files From A P 2 P Network
    290 words
    File sharing is the practice of making files available for other users to download over the Internet and smaller networks. Usually file sharing follows the peer-to-peer (P 2 P) model, where the files are stored on and served by personal computers of the users. Most people who engage in file sharing are also downloading files that other users share. Sometimes these two activities are linked together. P 2 P file sharing is distinct from file trading in that downloading files from a P 2 P network d...

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