Musical Work essay topics

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  • Unusual Musical Talent At An Early Age
    1,102 words
    Influenced by the literature and painting of the era, 19th-century music was, marked by intensely personal expressions of emotion. In order to state their individuality with greater freedom, composers disregarded the limits of set forms. They enjoyed writing music that was more pictorial than earlier works and often attempted to imitate nature. The new compositions often lacked the cheerfulness of the classical era. In the search for self-expression, composers of the Romantic period were aroused...
  • Music Of Gustav Holst
    2,006 words
    Gustav Holst: The Planets Suite Music derived from astrology is surprisingly rare. The ancient Greek philosophers, whatever their intellectual attitudes towards astrology may have been, were certainly not ignorant of astrological teachings and ideas. It was they, after all who put forward the idea of the "Music of the Spheres", the idea that these vast objects twirling around and whirling through space, must have hummed a tone as they went along their courses, much as a ball spun on a string wil...
  • First Publishers Of Music
    452 words
    William Christopher Handy Handy was an American black composer and compiler of 'BLUES' music. Hew as born in Florence, Alabama. He was educated at the Negro Agricultural and Mechanical College near Huntsville, Alabama. He was the son of former slaves. He was educated in the public schools and by his father and paternal grandfather, both of whom were clergymen. Handy was the first to bring the African- American blues to the general publics attention with the publication of his MEMPHIS BLUES in 19...
  • Instrumental Music
    1,129 words
    The son of a wheelwright, he was trained as a choirboy and taken into the choir at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, where he sang from circa 1740 to circa 1750. He then worked as a freelance musician, playing the violin and keyboard instruments, accompanying for singing lessons given by the composer Porpora, who helped and encouraged him. At this time he wrote some sacred works, music for theatre comedies and chamber music. In circa 1759 he was appointed music director to Count Morin; but he soo...
  • Lifetime Achievement In American Music Composition
    1,143 words
    Cross 1 Gunther Schuller "Scholar, composer, conductor, teacher, author, music publisher, indefatigable advocate -- Gunther Schuller isn't merely a musician, he's a monopoly". This is a description by Alan Rich of Gunther Schuller in the New York Magazine in 1995. The description fits well with Gunther's personality. He was a do-all type of guy. He was often called the "practitioner of the 28-hour day". From an early age Gunther was a hard worker and extremely passionate in what he pursued. His ...
  • V Petrushka
    719 words
    His Life: " ' 1882! V 1971, born and raised in Oranienbaum " ' father was the leading bass at the Imperial Opera " ' musical education was kept on amateur level due his parents! | wish for him to study law " ' at 20, submitted compositions to Rimsky-Korsakov, attracted the attention of Diaghilev, the impresario of the Paris-based Russian Ballet, who commissioned him to write a score for The Firebird " ' a year later, the ballet Petrushka, with dancers Vaclav Nijinsky and Tamara Karsavina in lead...

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