My Mom And Dad essay topics

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  • Attractive Parrots
    641 words
    MY BEAUTIFUL PARROT AND MY TROUBLED ROOSTERS remember when I was ten years old, and my dad used to tell me how attractive parrots were. But I argued with him that roosters were more beautiful than parrots because I had never seen a parrot before. I remember Dad when he brought me a parrot in a cage and said to me it was the one that he believed to be the most attractive bird in the world. I looked at him and turned around and stared at the parrot because I was amazed. Since that day I have becom...
  • My Aunt And My Mom
    1,120 words
    Creative Story: Grandpa By Eddy Are valo We were going to Las Vegas for vacation. I was looking forward to having a lot of fun there. When we finally got to Las Vegas, it felt like an oven jacked up all the way. When we got to the room it felt like when you open a refrigerator. Then we went to see all the major attractions, like Cesar " 's Palace, this was one of my favorites because when you go inside the roof looks like the sky inside of a building. I also took some pictures in front of the ho...
  • Family Day In Botanical Garden
    1,001 words
    Family Day When I was around 6, I had gotten out of church wearing my nice church clothes with a tie, shoes, dressy pants, and a blazer. I was with my mom, dad, brother, and sister, who all had on church clothes too. My sister had the same things my mom had on, a black long skirt with an expensive white shirt. My brother and dad had on the same thing too: black shoes, navy blue pants, black bow tie and white shirt. I was the only one with a blazer on. My siblings and I were really happy we all w...
  • Year The Peony Bushes
    737 words
    When I was a child, my mother had the most beautiful peony bushes in the county. The huge, superb, pompoms of white, pink, and burgundy, spectacularly embraced an entire corner of our yard. When the breeze came to dance among the blooms their intoxicating aroma beckoned with a long finger that reached all the way into the house. In May when the honey scented peonies bloomed in concert with the fragrant lilacs, dozens were gathered and brought into the house. For weeks, every room of our house br...
  • Sandy Told Goldman
    1,580 words
    Unhealthy Relationships The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern and abridged by William Goldman is a fairy tale about true love and adventure. This story brings to light many social issues. I feel the most known social issue in the book is unhealthy relationships. I will show in this paper that William Goldman's Family has the same problems as my Family regarding unhealthy relationships. William Goldman the writer of the abridged version of The Princess Bride is having a tough time with his wife, H...
  • My Mom
    477 words
    Ashley N. Jeffers So you want a secret do you, Well I'll give you a secret. Every night I met with Sean In the woods about twelve midnight. Or how about Gentry, In his barn just two hours later. And the whole town thought they knew me, We " ll they don't! And no matter what you say, I am not the towns bicycle. By the way, if you feel the need to call me a whore, Beware the fires of hell torching your pretty little home. Benjamin S. Junior I knew I had made a mistake, I should " ve stopped after ...
  • Mom And Uncle Claudius
    594 words
    Creative Writing of Hamlet Brad Zo mick I guess I have been oblivious up to this point. I knew things were getting weird but I didn't realize the magnitude of it until my dead father rose from the grave to explain things to me. I remember back in the day when things were good. Now everything is rotten. Father is dead and mom is married to Uncle Claudius, who is also king. How did I not see what was going on? I never suspected mom of cheating on dad. I guess it was possible because he was always ...
  • Sad For My Dad And Our Family
    1,288 words
    The contemporary American family is one that shows a picture perfect lifestyle of happiness and normalcy, but this normalcy can be challenged by anything. The present war our country is engaged in is one factor that has changed the lives of many families since it began. Husbands, sons, and sometimes even mothers and daughters are leaving their homes to fight in the war with Iraq. If the traditional American family consists of a husband, wife, and two or more children living in suburbia, my famil...
  • My Mom And Dad
    1,619 words
    October 29th, 1929, a day in history that I will never forget. My name is Bob Bigs by, and I survived The Great Depression. My survival was all due to two of the hardest working people I have ever met, my mom and dad. It was just the three of us living in our small two-bedroom house in New York City, right outside of Manhattan, home to Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange. I was 11 years old at the beginning of the Depression; old enough to remember some of the worst sights and experience...
  • Long As My Mom Lives
    2,615 words
    Part 1 In 1983, I was almost two years old. My mom and dad had just bought a brand new house, and my younger brother Matthew was about to be born. Little did I know that these next few months would redefine the fundamental constructs of our family life. One morning, my mom awoke to find that she was suffering from what she thought were just normal symptoms of being seven months pregnant. She had numbness in her legs, and her vision was blurred. The symptoms she was experiencing turned out to be ...
  • Morgan Call For Remy
    1,689 words
    Book Report The book I am reading is called Drivers Ed. It is about a girl named Remy, her friend Lark, and her other friend Morgan. The first 25 pages of the book starts off by describing Remys family, which includes her mom, dad, younger brother Mac, and younger brother Henry. Then it talks about Morgans family. It consists of his mom, dad, and little sister Starr. His dad is going to run for governor, and it pretty much says how perfect his family and life is. It also lets you know that Remy ...
  • Hard Going To School Every Single Day
    1,208 words
    I still remember that sad summer day when my storybook life came crashing down. I was washing the mound of dishes that stacked up daily in our kitchen. I didn't mind the dishes because half the time was spent splashing in the water making giant soapy bubbles that were fun to pop. My clothes usually got drenched, but that was okay. My mom drove in the driveway unusually early that day. I noticed she looked sad and didn't ask me any questions like how my day was and the usual. What she did say was...
  • Lot To My Dad
    876 words
    Eight years ago is when I wrote a paper that not only meant a lot to me but also meant a lot to my dad. Father's day there was a contest in the local newspaper. To enter the contest you had to write a two hundred-word essay about what your father meant to you. If you won the contest you got your essay put in the front page of the newspaper on fathers day along with a picture and an article written about you. I was ten years old at the time so I thought that it would be really cool to be on the f...
  • Next Three Days
    1,061 words
    Narrative Essay I was fourteen years old when I found out my mom needed an operation. Until this point, I was taking life for granted. This operation changed the way I looked at life. It also brought my family closer together. My mother explained to me that her arms and legs had been going numb. She told me she had gone to a doctor a few weeks ago and they found a bulging disk in her spine. What did this mean? She then continued to explain to me that this disk was pressing against her spinal cor...

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