My Personal Hero essay topics

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  • Believes In Batman These Heroes
    596 words
    A man / woman of distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, or fortitude in suffering; a prominent or central personage in any remarkable action or event; hence, a great or illustrious person. We know of them as Superman, Batman or Spiderman. We call them heroes today and children very well know them. Some people don t know, but there are heroes today that don t stop evil, save the world nor have a Bat cave. These are called folk heroes. Folk heroes are basically in stories or older movies. Th...
  • Call Sport Superstars Heroes
    859 words
    Hero Worship When asked to conjure up descriptions of a hero or heroism, many people would imagine similar scenes. The firefighters pulling a family from a burning building, a soldier saving his platoon from certain death, rescue workers pulling a stranded mountain climber from a precarious ledge, and the Knights of the Round Table saving a damsel in distress, are all examples of the "common" hero. Many people display heroism in everyday life but are rarely recognized either by their peers or by...
  • Heracles To The Greatest Of Heroes
    1,588 words
    Flames are coming out of every opening in a building and a firefighter runs in to save someone that is inside. A police officer is shot while trying to ensure that no innocent lives are taken of those being held hostage inside a bank. A lifeguard jumps into the deep end of the pool to save a drowning child. Firefighters, police officers, lifeguards or even the next door neighbor could be considered heroes. Why does society have a need for heroes? What traits should heroes have? The Merriam-Webst...
  • Definition Of The Hero
    867 words
    The Hero hero is not just the title of an action-packed kung-fu flick with subtitles. A hero these days has many meanings; depending on the time and reason that person is called a hero. According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition becomes very broad. It starts as being "a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability" and becomes "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities". The last definition listed is prob...
  • Anti Hero
    647 words
    Sammy: Hero or Anti-Hero There are two types of heroes; heroes and anti-heroes. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life is a hero. Similar to Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln and Jesus. A main character in a dramatic or narrative work that is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, such as idealism or courage is an anti-hero. I believe this resembles our cha...
  • One Hero
    430 words
    Many of our heroes today are characterized by their tremendous strength, or their romantic appeal, but I believe that a hero should not be characterized by these qualities, but rather what they d with them. What we do with our qualities is what makes the difference between a hero and an ordinary person. Some people think is someone who has characteristics which they can identify with, while to others, a hero is someone who has the characteristics that they would want to have. Whether money, fame...
  • Heroes Different From Famous Personalities
    631 words
    So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him 1 Samuel 17: 50 Most of us, if not all of us, when asked to name our heroes come up with names of rock stars, highly paid athletes, pillars of the movie industry, well-acclaimed directors, people who storm the front pages of our dailies names that are engraved on the walls of prestige and fame. In times of war or any occurrence wherein death is involved, someh...
  • True Personal Hero
    510 words
    Heroes are a product of a societys perception of someone to be praised and adored. The definition of a hero is dependent on that societys beliefs, laws and taboos. Heroes have had changing roles since man wrote his story, and all have been the embodiment of each society, each civilizations ideals. Sometimes a hero arises that seems unusual, but because of the current situation is perfect. Chauncey Gardiner was this hero. In Jerzy Kosinskis book Being There, Chauncey was a simple man who knew onl...
  • Doctor Jekyll And Mr Hyde
    534 words
    Heroes and Monsters. Doctor Jekyll qualifies for both titles. A hero is someone who is considered a person who rises to an occasion that other people fear. Also, a person does not have to be a hero to a large number of people, being a hero to one person I important enough. A monster is considered a hero's enemy. The word monster can be a number of things but the main definition is something or someone that is evil and has no remorse for its actions. Doctor Jekyll falls under the category of hero...
  • My True Heroes
    1,394 words
    In all societies, heroes are the product of a society's perception of someone to be praised and adored; therefore, the definition of a hero is to some degree dependent on a specific society's beliefs, laws, and interests. Universally, however, I believe all men and women in all societies and of all ages need heroes. For young people, heroes can demonstrate direction and provide examples for how life can be. They can also show the different opportunities that are available for those who try. For ...

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