My Reading Of The Poem essay topics

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  • Copyright 2005 By Paul Muldoon
    1,034 words
    Oxford and Princeton University professor Paul Muldoon was born in County Armagh, Northern Ireland in 1951 and has been touted as "the most significant English-language poet born since the second World War" by The Times Literary Supplement. He has also won numerous and prestigious national awards. Therefore, it may come as a surprise to learn that Muldoon grew up in a home with very few books. "Believe it or not", he writes, "the only reading material we had in the house was The Junior World Enc...
  • 1955 Six Gallery Reading The Evening
    1,810 words
    Six poets at the Six Gallery. Kenneth Rexroth, M.C. Remarkable collection of angels all gathered at once in the same spot. Wine, music, dancing girls, serious poetry, free satori. Small collection for wine and postcards. Charming event. - from postcard printed by Allen Ginsberg to publicize 1955 Six Gallery Reading The Evening as told by Michael Schumacher in Dharma Lion On the night of its most historic reading, the Six Gallery seemed to have attracted every significant member of what would lat...
  • Exchange Between Poem And Land
    5,706 words
    Nick Selby For the American poet Gary Snyder the poem is a work-place. The idea of work, I shall argue throughout this paper, is central to Snyder's ecological poetics because it allows him to throw explicit attention on to the act of 'writing the land'. This is clear from his well- known environmental concerns, and his work with various ecological projects in America since the sixties. Critics have thus tended to see his poetics as an assertion of the interconnectedness of all things that is bo...
  • Poems Of Wallace Stevens
    697 words
    Wallace Stevens One poet whose work you can really appreciate is Wallace Stevens. Even though his poetry contains very complex and lyrical vocabulary and his work is symbolic in content, a reader can still find ways to really enjoy the poems. Stevens seems to be almost musical in his work. The poems I have read pay much attention to the sound and arrangement of words. On the other hand, I find Stevens work to be somewhat bizarre. It is a style of writing that will confuse the reader. The reader ...
  • Walk Home
    482 words
    M. Anderson Reel One 1st reading This poem is about a boy and girl who have been to see a movie. As they are walking home the boy is struck by the difference between the bright colors and high-tech sound effects of the movie, and the white snow that he sees on the walk home. He also comments on the silence, the sound track so dead. He uses strong images to describe the intensity of the movie, like bones whistled and screen shook with fire. He seems impressed by the effects of the movie, as he sa...
  • Imagery In A Poem
    808 words
    Brad M. Rader English 1100 Section 124 Dr. Gene Miller March 10, 2000"The Fish" Poems to me are an expression of a person's outlook on a particular scene or subject. By reading a poem a person can be enlightened and take an understanding of what they are actually reading. In "The Fish", I personally was caught up in all the excitement because I know what it feels like to catch a really gigantic fish. This poem, to me, shows an outlook on nature that I have always been accustomed to. In writing p...
  • Mary Jo Bang
    618 words
    Bill Mueller April 18, 1999 English 1-2 Prof. McMullen Mary Jo Bang: Apology for Want Quiet, unassuming, serene. These characteristics define the appearance of poet Mary Jo Bang. There is, however, another side to the humble St. Louis native which is not readily apparent by either her looks or her demeanor. Beneath her deceiving facade lies another person entirely, which only emerges through her poetic talents. Although she also read from her new manuscript which has not yet gone to print, Mary ...
  • Riffaterre's Reading And Interpretation Of The Poem
    900 words
    Criticism of 'The Sick Rose' By analyzing more information from different authors, I was able to draw a greater amount contrast from the authors. I had a better feel for what they were trying to convey when they wrote their critical essays in their books. Whatever the case, it was easier to judge 'The Sick Rose' by having more sources to reflect upon. Michael Riffaterre centers his analysis of 'The Sick Rose' in 'The Self-sufficient Text' by 'using internal evidence only [to analyze the poem] an...
  • Written By Francois Villon
    363 words
    Violence and death are all around us in our society today. Whether it is seen on the television in the news, in a film, or read about in the newspaper, the descriptiveness of these incidents is absolutely horrifying. The punishment of such crimes that we read about today are simply minute compared to the events that occurred during the fifteenth century. In the poem "La Ballade des pend us" written by Francois Villon, the gruesome description of the images are far from ordinary, but serves it's ...
  • Literature Of Colonial America The Writings
    1,458 words
    Literature of Colonial America The writings of this period are accounts of European explorers, traders, and settlers describing their adventures. Various different things were going on in America at this time, and everyone's aspect of how things happened is what the writings are about. In order to understand and engulf these pieces of literature, the reader needs to understand how people were living, and what was going on in America. The English- speaking man and the Indians had widely differing...
  • Second Line Of The Poem
    991 words
    E.E. Cummings " anyone lived in a pretty how town' I first read this poem and I thought of love, two people in love. Anyone and no one are in love and that is what matters to them, to be in love with each other and with life. It involves the day, the night, and how the weather changes. The seasons revolve and the children grow up to become adults. As I read the poem I realized there were three sections to it. Which consist of anyone and no one, 'women and men' in line four, and the children. The...
  • Chicago Poems By Carl Sandburg
    317 words
    While reading the Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg I got the feeling as though I was in the early 1920's. I was able to know what life was like back then and how the people of the time felt about the events that were going on around them. He wrote what he was experiencing during the First World War and how death was realized by this generation for the first time. This work was quite efficient in doing what it needed to do. It is difficult for a poet to convey a single message in a collection of po...
  • Old Man
    370 words
    MetlLifeAmerican Health Check Advertisement Being that I am an Advertising major I chose to incorporate poetry and advertising together. I did some research on the internet looking for some ideas to spark my creative process. This is when I came across that Met Life was sponsoring this health check to raise awareness about the importance of early detection cancer tests. I thought this was a great concept on there part and decided I wanted to make it my focal point for this project. I started to ...
  • French Language And Many Of His Poems
    727 words
    Walt Whitman Walt Whitman, a famous American poet, was born on May 31, 1819 in the West Hills of Long Island, New York. His mothers name was Lois ia Van Vel sor, of Dutch descent., and amazingly could not read very well, if at all. His dad was an English carpenter who probably could not read his sons poetry. His parents family consisted of nine children, four of whom had disabilities. His start in literature came when, at the age of 12, he was withdrawn from school to work as a printer. At this ...
  • My Reading Of Batter My Heart
    1,210 words
    I was completely blown away by John Donne's Batter My Heart. I normally enjoy poetry more than any other Literary form, and this poem was no exception, aside from the fact it meant more than any other. When the poem was first introduced to me in class, I was very impressed and deeply intrigued. With every personal reading of the work in the text, I draw something new from it. I believe this poem has caused in me more thought and self-inspection than any other poem I have ever encountered. The fo...
  • Theme Of The Poem
    557 words
    The subject of W.H. Auden Unknown Citizen not only has to do with one particular mans life, but could apply to the life of just about anyone. The theme of the poem is that the man being discussed in this section, is an all round normal guy. Many of his attributes resemble the typical person. W.H. Auden enriches this poem not only by having an implicit theme but through the use of such elements of poetry such as, rhyme, speaker, setting, and situation. This poem was written in the mid 1900's. Thi...
  • Thylias Moss
    1,702 words
    Thylias Moss: A Poet of Many Voices and A Spellbinding Delivery by Eve Silberman Her hands clasped, her head lowered, Thylias Moss sits in a chair in a small room at Ann Arbor's Concordia College and waits for what she calls her "poetry experience" (she dislikes the term "poetry reading") to begin. The 4'10" associate professor of English at Michigan looks timid and school girlish in her high-buttoned blouse, short skirt, tights tucked into rolled-up socks, and high-laced shoes. But once introdu...
  • One Of Bradstreet's Poems
    1,117 words
    The poetry of Anne Bradstreet is some of the most personal and dramatic that I have ever read. She used her life experiences to create works of art. Many of her poems showed negative moments in her life, but she knew how to express those feelings without being too depressing. After readings pieces from other writers, I have found that Bradstreet's writing is easier to read because it relates to everyday life. Reading her poetry also helped me bring the past to the present. History is such a hard...
  • Initial Paragraph Lures The Reader
    688 words
    Andrew Marvell?'s? To His Coy Mistress? is in my opinion an excellent poem about a subject matter we can all understand and most of us can relate to: a love just beyond reach. This is the primary reason I believe it is most suited to be in a college textbook. One of the hardest things to accomplish in a poem written for uninterested college students is making it understandable and enjoyable by the audience, but this poem does it very well. In doing so, however, it also includes several important...
  • Line Of Ginsberg's Poem
    2,638 words
    The Howl of a Generation The "Beat Movement' in modern literature has become an important period in the history of literature and society in America. Incorporating influences such as jazz, art, literature, philosophy, and religion, the Beat writers created a new and prophetic vision of modern life and changed the way an entire generation of people see the world. That generation is now aging and its representative voices are becoming lost to eternity, but the message is alive and well. The Beats ...

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