Nation Need essay topics

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  • 1998 The National Rifle Association
    1,147 words
    The National Rifle Association: How and Why It Works. Darryl Thomas Political Science 1101 Mike Martinez November 23, 1998 The National Rifle Association is an organization of enormous power and influence in the halls of Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C... This nonprofit group is capable of flooding congressional offices with millions of pieces of mail in opposition to any legislation that is felt to infringe on the rights of its members to bear arms. Is it any wonder that there has been no real ...
  • Maximum Profit Corporations Need
    2,912 words
    The world was once vast and unknown. Communication was once dreaded as messages would take exceeded amounts of time from one point of destination to the next. Countries would not know of each others affairs for months because the world was large beyond anyones imagination. But as soon as technology reared its head the world rapidly became smaller. It modified everything within its grasp. Communication that once took months could now take seconds. Travelling abroad that would have taken years now...
  • African Nations Africa
    645 words
    Agricultural Problems facing the African Nations Africa is a nation hit by many agricultural problems. As a majority, Africa is a desert type climate. Rainfall is heavy and quick, leaving soil deeply engraved by the pounding of the rain. It falls for such a short period of time, not allowing the ground to soak up the moisture before it is evaporated into the air because of the heat. Droughts attack the nations often never providing enough food to sustain the rising population of the nations. Afr...
  • Need For A New National Government
    416 words
    EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION The Articles of Confederation were incapable of providing the United States with an effective form of government. The Articles of Confederation presided weakly over the government as it allowed little or no power to tax, control trade, and branches of government were missing. In addition to this, the thirteen states acted as separate nations and the national government had little control over them. As seen in Document C, Congress had so little money...
  • National Identity And Penetration Of Their People
    352 words
    The country of Iraq has just had its first election. They are now on their way to forming a stable and democratic nation. As of now they are struggling with some of the aspects that form a nation. The country of Iraq is struggling with two of the elements in particular; gathering a national identity and penetration of their people. The Shiites control most of the population and infiltrate them with their ideas. However, the Kurds and the rest of the Sunni Arabs have their own ideas on government...
  • National Labor Union
    883 words
    Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward: 2000-1887 was an attempt to show Americans who desired the utopian sense of community what it could truly be. Looking Backward addressed the yearnings of a society stricken by economic panics and social collapse by proposing an Eden-like community in which war, hunger, greed and malice were eradicated from society. While the story followed the wonderment of Julian West as he awoke in a Boston of 2000 AD after 113 years of sleep, the text focused on Bellamy's de...
  • Support To Pharmaceutical Companies In Need
    467 words
    History has shown that developing countries face many obstacles, one of which is disease. Diseases have had devastating effects on civilizations. The Roman Empire, Great Britain, China, and The United States all have had historical plagues that have killed thousands. The diseases that were so devastating to our past civilizations can now be seen in new civilizations, but in other forms. In the world today, nations like the United States and Great Britain have developed to a level where disease c...

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