Objective Reality essay topics

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  • Objects And Ideas In A Person's Reality
    2,049 words
    Defining Reality Everyone perceives reality in a different light. Reality is a result of the upbringing and surroundings of an individual and as a person matures, they are exposed to more ideas, thoughts, and events. The actions and events that a person is exposed to are communicated through language, which defines reality by allowing people to become receptive to different ideas. While language can expand ones reality, language also places limits on that reality. Society, geography and language...
  • Idea Of An Infinite Substance
    294 words
    Assignment #2 Skepticism: claiming of having no knowledge, for instance, Descartes rejects the idea that beliefs originate from sensory experience could serve as the foundation of knowledge. Solipsism: is the belief that "I" am the only thing that exists, things and people are just productions of my thoughts. Foundational ism: is a set of basic beliefs which do not depend upon others for others acceptance, and then one can derive other beliefs upon that. Objective Reality: rejection of any belie...
  • Subjective Reality To The Mind
    2,589 words
    Daniel C. Dennet said in A Glorious Accident that, 'our minds -- if you like -- [are] just as real as our dreams' (Kayzer, 37). The implications of this statement are substantial, for if this is true -- if our minds and our consciousness are just dreams or the constructs of our brain, what we perceive, our memories, and our sense of reality are nothing more than illusions. Not only is this scientifically a valid statement, but it forces us to question who we are, and what we know. It is the latt...
  • Idea Of An Infinite Existence
    708 words
    Can One Perceive Or Confirm The Existence Of An Idea Or Object That Is External To Him Mainly - God? 'I think therefore I am. ' Man wills, refuses, perceives, understands, and denies many principles. As explained by Rene' Descartes, man is a thinking thing, a conscious being who truthfully exists because he is certain that it is so. All that man perceives is internally present and not external to him or his mind. The focal point of the third meditation that must be dealt with is: Canon perceive ...
  • Very Intelligent Address On The Subject
    1,207 words
    Mary Wollstoncraft's book, 'The Vindication of the Rights of Women,' is an incredibly insightful look into the life of women in the early portion of this century. It is a philosophical examination of the condition of women, in relationship to some very basic rights, and is also a very enlightening look at how short a distance we really have come, as a society, in relationship to our perceptions of women. Wollstoncraft presents herself as an incredibly enlightened individual who looks at her gend...
  • One Day Psychokinesis
    442 words
    Psychokinesis (PK) Since the beginning of time occurrences of psychokinesis has been recorded. The term itself is taken from the two Greek words psyche ("breath", "life", or "soul") and kine in ("to move". ) Psychokinesis is a technique of mind over matter such as moving objects, bending metal objects, or knowing the outcome of future events, all with ones mind. Such occurrences of PK have been found in the Bible and have also been recorded from people throughout the ages. One such incident is o...
  • Assumption Of External Reality
    1,278 words
    Chapter's 3 & 4 SynopsisByMark Childers PHIL 1381 June 4, 2005 Chapters 3 & 4 Synopsis I believe the assumption of an external reality is the assumption that there is a real world that is external to our mind and senses, and that it exists whether or not we as observers exist, and whether or not we are observing it. This assumption cannot be proved because all of our perceptions, without exception, are mental images, and we have no means to go beyond our mental images. It is one we all commonly ...
  • Formal Reality Descartes
    1,720 words
    Essay 1 At the beginning of Meditation three, Descartes has made substantial progress towards defeating skepticism. Using his methods of Doubt and Analysis he has systematically examined all his beliefs and set aside those which he could call into doubt until he reached three beliefs which he could not possibly doubt. First, that the evil genius seeking to deceive him could not deceive him into thinking that he did not exist when in fact he did exist. Second, that his essence is to be a thinking...
  • Realist's Second Argument Against Anti Realism
    686 words
    The classical debate here is between realists and idealists. It is metaphysical in nature; i. e., it is about the nature of reality or, at least, about what our fundamental concepts imply about the nature of reality. Realism is the view that the world exists apart from our perception of it. Idealism says that the world is, in some sense, mind-dependent. Few philosophers of science subscribe to idealism; however, many of them subscribe to something related which is sometimes called "conventionali...
  • Person's Reality
    985 words
    What is REAL "For I see in a mirror dimly, but then, face to face. For I know in part and I prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away". 1 Corinthians 13: 9-10. Genuine, authentic, original, existing, actual, substantive, tangible... Such words are seen as synonyms for the word real. When I am asked to decide on a definition for the idea of reality, I tend to think of all of these words, but the one that is the best representation of what is real is the word ulti...
  • Schizophrenic Delusions In Light Of Solipsism
    3,016 words
    Phil-229 Trinity College In his book, The Paradoxes of Delusion, Louis Sass attempts to rebut two of most prevalent beliefs of the schizophrenic person. He argues that by viewing the schizophrenic delusions in light of solipsism, a philosophy of existence, the schizophrenic may seem far more understandable. Through his comparison of the schizophrenic and solipsist realities, Sass explains that not only is schizophrenia understandable, but that there exists within the structure of schizophrenic d...
  • Your Own Perceptions Of Reality
    2,790 words
    He who confronts the paradoxical exposes himself to reality. -- Friedrich Durrenmatt Reality is the actuality of things, what is really happening, without interpretation. Perception is that interpretation of the experience. Let's say for example that the reality of things may be that you are in a room with people talking very loudly. But perhaps your perception may be that these people are obnoxious and rude. This would be your interpretation of the situation. And so such is the nature of our pe...
  • Objective Reality Exist
    2,731 words
    Objective Reality Tyler Ross 2-28-05 Computer Throughout man's existence, we see questions arise upon certain topics. These questions are based upon answers of other questions, and everything becomes based upon itself. But it was Rene' Descartes who first decided to doubt, to challenge, and to reject all that could be rejected. Suspicious of all that he was able, and skeptical of all, which might be criticized, Descartes fell upon his famous postulate, "I think therefore I am". Although this the...

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