Old Man essay topics

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  • Old Man's Eye And Heart
    866 words
    The behavior of the narrator in The Tell-Tale heart demonstrate characteristic that are associated with people with obsessive-compulsive disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. When Poe wrote this story in 1843 obsessive-compulsive disorder and paranoia had not been discovered. However in modern times the characteristics demonstrated by the narrator leads people to believe that he has a mental illness. Poe's narrator demonstrates classic signs throughout the story leading the reader to believe that...
  • Old Man's Heart The Storyteller
    962 words
    In Edgar Allan Poe's short-story, "The Tell-Tale Heart", the storyteller tries to convince the reader that he is not mad. At the very beginning of the story, he asks, '... why will you say I am mad?' When the storyteller tells his story, it's obvious why. He attempts to tell his story in a calm manner, but occasionally jumps into a frenzied rant. Poe's story demonstrates an inner conflict; the state of madness and emotional break-down that the subconscious can inflict upon one's self. In 'The Te...
  • Phin And Ike Clanton
    1,403 words
    The Clanton Gang Ben Schaefer 2nd Period March 4, 2002 In the middle and late part of the nineteenth century, the West was a harsh and dangerous place to live. Bar fights and murders were being committed in every town. This was acceptable behavior however in those days. Men settled their problems face-to-face, and normally, the slower man ended up dead. Gun fighting in the West was started and carried on by a group of men known as the Clanton Gang. Old Man Clanton was the leader and founder of g...
  • Tone Of The Story The Old Man
    1,021 words
    In A Clean Well-Lighted Place, Earnest Hemingway focuses on the pain of old age suffered by a man that we meet in a caf late one night. Through the use of dialogue, Hemingway creates three characters that symbolize the stages of life: birth, living, and death. Additionally, the tone of the story is created in three ways. First, he contrasts light and dark to show the difference between the difference between this man and the young people around him. Secondly, he uses the old mans deafness as an ...
  • Very Old Man With Enormous Wings
    1,084 words
    An Analysis of A Tale for Children Symbolism is often used to subtlety enhance a story's meaning by adding emphasis and details to the story line. However, Garcia-Marquez, in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings", cloaks his tale for children in a dreamlike quality conveyed purely through symbolism. Clues to his intended meaning can be drawn from the old winged man whom the story revolves around, from the metamorphous of the family who take him in, and from outsiders' reaction to this phenomenon....
  • Total Effect Of Horror
    626 words
    What is the total effect of a story? The total effect of a story is the specific response an author expects to get from his / her readers. In " The Tell-Tale Heart,' by Edgar Allen Poe, is complete and total horror. The setting, plot, character and even point of view contribute to this total effect of horror. The setting contributes to this total effect in several different ways. All of the shudders in the house were closed, so no one could see anything from the outside in or the inside out. Thi...
  • Old Man's Suicide Attempt
    508 words
    Existentialism in American Literature "I must find a truth that is true for me, the idea for which I can live or die", (Sfren Kierkegaard). Being the first acknowledged existentialist, Kierkegaard's ideas set the standards. Existentialist ideas are based mainly on the individual, his plights, and his confrontations. Ernest Hemingway, another existentialist and author of "A Clean Well-lighted Place", shows multiple examples of this philosophy in his work. The universe's indifference to humanity, ...
  • Old Man And The Older Waiter
    557 words
    Hemingway's short story, 'A Clean Well-lighted Place', takes place at a cafe very late at night. Two waiters are watching their last, lingering customer, an old man, who is by now very drunk. The younger waiter's impatience and the older waiter's understanding toward the old man carry out the theme of the story: 'It [life] was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too. ' (114) Man must consequently find something to distract himself from his horrible truth. For the old man and the older waiter, ...
  • Old Woman
    824 words
    Analysis of 'When You Are Old'; by W.B. Yeats This poem When You Are Old by W.B. Yeats is about Yeats telling his lover how it is going to be when she is old, and he is not around anymore. He is telling her how much he loves her now and how she will think about his love when she is old. She does not say anything although the speaker imagines her saying something in the end of this poem. Yeats wrote this when he was 28, and he talks about what she might be doing, feeling, dreaming when she is old...
  • Old Man's Eye
    607 words
    The Insane Narrator Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston Massachusetts. His parents David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins, both died when Edgar was very young. Calvin Thomas published Poe's first book, Tamerlane and other Poems in Boston in 1827. His first real job was the editor of Thomas W. White's Southern Literary Messenger where he worked for nearly a year. In 1836, he was married to his 13-year-old cousin. He wrote many short stories including the Tell-Tale Heart in ...
  • Old Waiter
    548 words
    Different Eyes, Different Minds 'A Clean, Well-Lighted Place' by Ernest Hemingway is a story which emphasizes on three age groups that each have a different view of life. By analyzing the three different points of view, we see Hemingway's perspective of an old man. The short story is about an old man that sits in a very clean bar every so often who drinks away at two o'clock in the morning and is the last one to leave. There are three waiters: one is a young man, one is an older gentleman, and t...
  • Sports On Water
    413 words
    A Surfer's Paradise. An Old Man's Hell! Pubs and clubs, open till late. Music and lights on into the night. Drunken youths littering the streets! Tramps begging for 'dosh'! That's Newquay - the place I remember. A Surfer's Paradise. An Old Man's Hell! Down on Fist ral, live music plays. Surfers catching those enormous waves. The beach is packed with the younger generation. No room for those frail oldies! Golden sands. Crystal water. A Surfer's Paradise. An Old Man's Hell! The water is so cold, e...
  • Old Man Warner And Tessie Hutchinson
    1,058 words
    'Controversy and Conflict Hits the Lottery'; The short story 'The Lottery'; by Shirley Jackson is very well known because of the tradition of the village. Tradition is a big point issued to the people throughout their lives. The title 'The Lottery'; sounds as if something good is being given away. As you know after reading the story, that isn't the case at all. The tradition the village faces is very controversial. The tradition of the lottery is taken in many different ways, because it is unexa...
  • Unusual Obsession With The Old Mans Eye
    1,310 words
    The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe deals with a mans mental deterioration and his descent into madness. The story focuses on the narrator and his obsessions. It is told from a first person point of view by the protagonist himself. The point of view of the story is important because the reader only has one side of the story to work with. Therefore, the reader only knows what the narrator thinks and sees. This complicates things in deciding why the narrator goes insane. However, the narrator d...
  • Obsession With The Old Mans Evil Eye
    639 words
    Daniel Macomber Mrs. Huffed ENC 1102-40037 July 10, 2000 The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder of the Narrator in Edgar Allen Poes The Tell-Tale Heart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is defined as an anxiety disorder in which a person suffers from obsessions and / or compulsions (Wood 407). In Edgar Allen Poes short story, The Tell-Tale Heart, the narrator shows signs of having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when wakes up at midnight and ritualizes how he is going to kill the old man, when he creates a...
  • Evil Eye And The Old Man
    814 words
    THE TELL-TALE HEART Even though Poe stated in the first few lines of the story that the person narrating the story is insane. It is only when the narrator tells us his preparations for murdering the old man that we know how insane he is. The narrator states, "I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad" The narrator explains it as merely some disease which has sharpened his senses that has made people call him crazy. Well, to me if someone ...
  • Old Man Warner A Sense Of Authority
    1,321 words
    Old Man Warner I was watching an episode of The Simpsons on TV the other day, and there was a craze around town because the Springfield Lottery was up to 130 million dollars. Bookstores were selling out of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery. Homer quickly threw the book into the fireplace when he realized that the book could not tell him how to win the lottery, that it was a book about time old traditions, barbaric, but still practiced nonetheless. If Homer had read the book, he would have discovered ...
  • Old Mans Eyes
    552 words
    Perceived Paranoia Edgar Allen Poems fevered imagination brought him to great heights of creativity and low depths of paranoic despair. Although he produced a relatively small volume of work, he virtually invented the horror and gothic genres and his literary legacy lives to this day. In the story of the Tell Tale Heart, a mans madness is pr tryed in a manner that makes you think question his motives. The main character of the story, the narrator, has a problem with an old man, the antagonist wh...
  • Very Old Man The Old Angel
    1,115 words
    In the two stories, "The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, one of the major themes is the equality of individuals in society. In each of the stories both of the main characters are faced with the challenge to prove their equality. The equality of individuals in society is based upon superficial expectations, which violate the person on display and forces him or her to conform. In society today every person has superficial expect...
  • Few Examples Of Physical Fortitude
    535 words
    Fortitude: An Old Man's Strength Fortitude means, according to the New World Dictionary, "the strength to bear misfortune, pain, etc. calmly and patiently; firm courage". In The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago, the old man, shows that he had physical and mental fortitude. A few examples of physical fortitude are that the old man never let go of the fishing line and the characteristics of the old man's body. Two examples of mental fortitude are Santiago's positive attitude in th...

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