Only Animals essay topics

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  • Wild Cheetahs
    1,909 words
    Cheetahs The cheetah belongs to Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Family: Felid ae, Genus: Acinonyx, and Species: Jubatus. Therefore, its scientific name is Acinonyx Jubatus. The cheetah's distinguishing marks are the long tear-drop shaped lines on each side of the nose from the corner of its eyes to its mouth. The coat is tan, or buff colored, with black spots measuring from + to 1 + inches across. There are no spots on its white belly, and the tail has spot...
  • Animals In Wart's Other Transformations
    381 words
    Wart and The Master Many people wish to be an animal if only for a day, just to see what it is like to be that animal. The obvious problem is that nobody knows how to turn himself into an animal. However, in T.H. White's Once and Future King, Wart has the opportunity to experience life as an animal because his tutor, Merlyn the magician, transforms him into many different animals. Of all the adventures, the most significant transformation to Wart's kingship occurs when he becomes a badger becaus...
  • Zoos Are Prisons For Animals
    1,282 words
    Rachel Olson English King 4 December 1, 1999 If you have ever stepped into a zoo, you have stepped into a prison in which the inmates are defenseless and innocent, the sentence is long, and the penalty is cruel and severe. Zoos are not made for educational purposes but for entertainment, they do not benefit animals but push them toward extinction. 'Zoos range in size and quality from cage-less parks to small roadside menageries with concrete slabs and iron bars. ' (Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) The la...
  • Families In Prime Time Animation
    1,356 words
    Prime-time Animation: A mockery of pop culture The Simpsons, which debuted in 1987 on The Tracey Ullman Show, was created by Matt Groening. Groening brought to the drawing board a warped satire on pop culture, which produced ripples in prime-time animation forever. Prime-time animation now contains spoofs on not only Western culture, but humanity as well. Due to these satirical, stereotypical views on Western and pop culture, and their irreverence, (prime-time) animated sitcoms have become unsui...
  • Used Arguments Against Animal Rights
    1,291 words
    Animal Liberation Why is it that we as a society condemn the actions of a man against a man but very rarely a man against an animal? I think this question must be understood if we are ever to change the rights animals have. As of yet I don't believe animals have any actual rights. Rather humans have rights that involve animals. If we are to truly allow animals to have rights the same or similar to humans then we must first define what it is that makes us feel as if they are entitled to rights. P...
  • Living Orders Of Reptiles
    1,138 words
    Reptiles are vertebrate, or backboned animals constituting the class Reptilia and are characterized by a combination of features, none of which alone could separate all reptiles from all other animals. The characteristics of reptiles are numerous, therefore can not be explained in great detail in this report. In no special order, the characteristics of reptiles are: cold-blooded ness; the presence of lungs; direct development, without larval forms as in amphibians; a dry skin with scales but not...
  • Rabbits Community
    745 words
    Richard Adams' book was a favorite of mine growing up, probably because it had all the magic and excitement of the best fairy tales, but it also portrayed the natural world well naturally. I believed in the rabbits and the crazy seagull that helped them, and I learned to appreciate the value and beauty of creation by concentrating on the plight and peril of these poor creatures in a vast and dangerous world. These were not "bunnies", sentimentalized fur balls cavorting about and singing songs. T...
  • Instance Wolves
    724 words
    WOLVES-AN ENDANGERED SPECIES For years wolves have been feared and misunderstood. This is because people usually fear what they do not understand. For instance wolves are not very large creatures they only get about 5 to 6.5 feet from their nose to the tip of the tail and only 26 to 36 inches in height at the shoulders. They weigh in anywhere from 40 to 175 pounds, females usually being smaller. Their color varies from pure white, usually in the Arctic, to gray, brown, or black. Grizzled gray is...
  • Birth Control Idea
    619 words
    Environmental health has always been a concern of the globe. Until recently, overpopulation has only been an idea of the global community. Now, in the year of 2000, it is not only a concern, but a juggernaut of a problem. Today, I come in front of the President and Congress to bring forth the idea of new laws, proposals, and other concerns. Today, it is evident that the world is in a state of chaos; the food surplus is decreasing, the fossil fuels are being used rapidly, acres of land torn down ...
  • True With My Prized Possession
    568 words
    What is a prized possession Some people might tell you it is something that a person holds dear to them. This is true, but a prized possession is much more than that. It is something that is a part of you, and if it is missing, you are not complete. Such is true with my prized possession, which I could not bear to live without. The beauty of my possession is unparalleled. Its silver color gives it a mystical and stealthy appearance in the twilight. The magnesium alloy feet provide strength throu...
  • Poem About Love
    265 words
    "I love you, because in my thousand and one nights of dreams, I never once dreamed of you". As most typical love poems start, all of them start with similes of live and what one would do for the satisfaction for love. Luis Lorens Torres wrote this poem about love because he must have been in love. This poem is very descriptive and would be difficult to make up if Torres was not in love. "I looked down paths that traveled from afar, but if it was never you I expected". Looking back at Luis Lorens...
  • Non Animals Test Methods
    687 words
    Iams and Procter and Gamble. An investigation taped and recorded by Peta, shows the horrible pain these two companies have put animals through. Not only do they make animals suffer, they animals they have enslaved, have been there for 5 years or more in conditions that are so bad that even the people who work there complain of the horrible ammonia stench that burns their eyes. Iams and P&G both promised that animals in their studies would never be euthanized, but in Peta's investigation they doc...
  • Working Animals
    558 words
    One of the novel's most impressive accomplishments is its portrayal not just of the figures in power but also of the oppressed people themselves. Animal Farm is not told from the perspective of any particular character, though occasionally it does slip in to Clover's consciousness. Rather, the story is told from the perspective of the common animals as a whole. Gullible, loyal, and hardworking, these animals give Orwell a chance to sketch how situations of oppression arise not only from the moti...
  • High Ground
    1,088 words
    Running up the hillside, I realized my life was soon to end. It was much like a scene from some big Hollywood movie. I was flashing back in my mind the life I had lived. I staggered willfully to excel with more speed than a turtle seasoned with one hundred years of life. My bloodied and wounded leg would not hold much longer with the quickly made makeshift splint. This was the end, it was time to give up, I had met my final demise. Life had not always been so much on the edge for me. I was your ...
  • Superior Moral Worth Over Non Human Animals
    1,984 words
    Animal Right Every year an estimated 25-35 million animals are subjected to painful and cruel testing in laboratory experiments. These experiments are performed to better the health of human beings by means of research. Many of these non-human animals are put through tests that you would not wish on your worst enemy. Many wonder if the means justify the ends in these particular experiments. Controversy occurs when there is a perception that the animals being used in the experiments are subjected...

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