Only People essay topics

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  • Empire For His Own Rule
    1,088 words
    THE NATURAL DESIRE FOR THE SUPREMACY OF ONE " The frogs, grieved at having no established Ruler, sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving their simplicity, he cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs were terrified at the splash occasioned by its fall and hid themselves in the depths of the pool. But as soon as they realized that the huge log was motionless, they swam again to the top of the water, dismissed their fears, climbed up, and began squatting on it in contempt...
  • Problems With Overpopulation
    641 words
    Angela Hodgson Public Speaking Steve Martin April 27, 2005 Epideictic Speech We as individuals cannot even pretend to understand the problems with overpopulation. We do not take the time or the effort to be educated enough; therefore we do not help the prevention of future problems to keep our society as it is now. We may not do this, but I researched of three sociologists that do; Lester R Brown, Gary Gardner, and Brian Hal weil. These 3 men decided to put together their intelligence to try and...
  • Edward Abbey States
    1,132 words
    The Damnation of a Canyon By Edward Abbey Not many people know of the used-to-be 150-mile excursion that the Glen Canyon had to offer. Not many people know how to sail a raft down a river for a week. Not many people know how to interact with nature and the animals that come with it. We seem to come from a world that is dependent on time and consumed in money. Edward Abbey is what you would call an extreme environmentalist. He talks about how it was an environmental disaster to place a dam in whi...
  • Reader A Cultural View Of Japan
    1,093 words
    Black Rain The novel, Black Rain, is a first hand recall of the events of a man's life during the bombing of Hiroshima. The main character, Shigematsu Shizuma, is concerned that his niece, Yasuko, will be unable to marry because prospective husbands are scared off due to the fact that she was near the bombing and that her or her children will suffer the effects of this radiation sickness that had already affected so many. In his quest to find a husband for his niece he decides to rewrite his jou...
  • Medical Properties Of Cannabis
    857 words
    These are some of the reasons that prohibition is a failure. When we realize that prohibition is a failure we can move on to more and better uses of cannabis. Abraham Lincoln once said this famous quote "Prohibition will work great injury to the cause o temperance... for it goes beyond the bounds of reasons In that it attempts to control a mans appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles that our government ...
  • Due To People's Differences Of Perception
    1,249 words
    Human Perception: An Intimate Look Into The Most Intriguing Aspect of Modern Psychology. It determines what we see, what we do, what we feel. It controls our emotions, our thoughts, and our conscience. What is this remarkable element of the human mind? It is called perception. Perception as defined in the Merri an-Webster Dictionary as the following-1 a: awareness of the elements of environment through: Physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience 2 a: quick, acute, and intuitive co...
  • Roller Blades And Skate Boarders
    514 words
    'Please Let Us Skate'Hey you guys! Skating is prohibited in this park. Would you please be so kind and leave. Thanks for cooperating and have a great day' exclaimed a security guard who worked for the park. Apparently the security guard's idea of a great day in the park means monk-like silence. With an area restricted on roller-blading and skate-boarding, we are forced to skate elsewhere. 'As a security guard for the past year, I want to keep the park as safe as possible,' says the security guar...
  • Friends With Vianne
    616 words
    Vianne wanders a lot with her daughter. She never lived in a place longer than 2 years. She has been in many different countries and speaks good French as well as English. This time they arrive in a very small town in France, between Toulouse and Bordeaux. They are not welcome in the village. The residents don't like strangers. Especially the Priest. When Vianne opens a chocolaterie on Ash Wednesday, he is very mad and he decides to do anything in his power to get rid of her. He is very persuasi...
  • 625 Computers For Every One Thousand People
    319 words
    El Salvador vs. USA In my country, El Salvador, the GNI or Gross National Income is many times less than the United State of America's. Our GNI is only 13.6 billion, while the US' is 10,110.2 billion. Every day we get 28 newspapers for every thousand people, while the US has 213 newspapers for every thousand people. In the US, it is not common for people to have multiple radios; they have 2,117 radios per one thousand people, while we only have 478 radios for every thousand people. In El Salvado...
  • Hanna's Final Shame
    1,953 words
    Sebastian Hinds Mr. La Bonne E HRS / pd 0 4/8 Guilt and Shame in The Reader The Holocaust was a tragic event in history which took the lives of many people, and deeply affected those who witnessed the tragedy. Not only did this affect the people who lived through it, it also affected everyone who was connected to it. The survivors were lucky to have made it but there are times when their memories and flashbacks have made them wish they were the ones who died instead of living with the horrible a...
  • O You
    484 words
    o If everything seems to be going well... you have obviously overlooked something. o To study & learn a subject best... understand it thoroughly before you start. o By definition, when you are investigating the unknown, you do not know what you will find... or even when you have found it. o Most research is a straight line from the tangent of a well-known assumption to the center of a foregone conclusion. o Newton's First Law: Some days it's better to stay in bed. o When all else fails, read the...
  • Eight People
    2,031 words
    As result of the Industrial Revolution, people in America earned more money, most of which they used to open new businesses and factories. There were now many different types of machines to do the work that people had to do themselves in the past. Thus, machines rapidly replaced people. Now with less people working and getting paid, there were people that could afford what these factories were making. Most of the people working in the United States at this time were immigrants, so they were forc...
  • Grendel Sorrow
    979 words
    Once upon a time many years ago there lived a monster in a cave. He was a hideous beast with green fur and yellow teeth. The townspeople feared him and would never approach his cave, he in turn would never venture out to the town for he new he was not wanted and didn t like the people much anyhow. There was one particular day of the year that he couldn t stand, and on this day he vowed to ruin the towsnfolk's fun, for if he could not have any, why should they. This story should sound somewhat fa...
  • Apathy Of Human Beings
    1,252 words
    Apathy "Science may have found a cure for most evils: but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all-the apathy of human beings". Some might think that when Helen Keller spoke those words, she was talking of some exotic disease that affects people in the slums. Or that she was speaking of an abnormality that can be found only in the mentally unstable. Those who believe those falsehoods are truly mistaken. She was not talking of a disease or a problem that affects only one group of people, ...
  • Use Of Argument
    1,649 words
    What is Argument? Everyday thousands of different people across the world encounter various conflicts, confrontations, and disputes. Every single individual situation is different from the other. All these people have one thing in common, and that is the use of argument to resolve the situation. From lawyers disputing a case, to kids disagreeing about a soccer game, we all have used argument at sometime or another. Unfortunately a lot of the time argument is misused. People use it to take advant...
  • Swiftness Gulliver
    928 words
    Size and Attitude Between People 20/04/03 Sergei Djuvinov 11/1 Jonathan Swift's novel Gulliver's Travels is a perfect example of the Enlightenment period writing. In his work Swift focuses on the individual and his place in society. Although the majority of readers believe that the novel compares the attitude toward people according to their size, the literary work actually implies the opposite. The author suggests that people judge a person based on his personality and the power they posses ove...
  • Joe And Bobby And Jordan And Chad
    447 words
    It was just about 6: 00 am Saturday morning when, Jessica, came in to the room to wake her two sons, Joe and Bobby. For this, was the day they had been waiting for all year. It was their yearly trip to Six Flags. As the boys got dressed they couldn't help but to think about all the fun they were going to have. During the car ride, the boys could already smell the popcorn and taste the sugary cotton candy melting in their mouths. As they got out of the car and walk towards the entrance, they coul...

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