Opera essay topics

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  • High Interest In Opera
    1,818 words
    SWOT analysis of the English National Opera STRENGTHS The product is definite. Although there are many different titles of shows and ways of performing Opera, on the whole the customer knows, when attending a performance, what to expect. Accessibility is improving. Through recent more widespread distribution of Videos / DVDs and CDs - in well known music stores. Also through Touring and Open-air Opera and to some extent educational workshops and talks, the English National Opera (ENO) has improv...
  • Haendel First Successful Italian Opera
    1,976 words
    The Artistry of G.F. Handel (1685-1759) First Part Halle - Hamburg - Rome 1690-1712 It's hard today to speak about Handel's life and works without mentioning the similarities between him and Bach; first of all they were born in the same year: 1685, even if it's not a case than the most geniuses of the late baroque era (Couperin, Telemann Scarlatti) would have almost been all co-aged. Neverhless unlike Bach, Handel immortalized the name of a family of cheese makers or of the Prince of Saxony's ba...
  • Utzon's Opera House
    2,184 words
    Sydney Opera House: Jorn Utzon- 1957. Ask almost anybody anywhere in the world to suggest something they associated with Sydney and the answer is likely to be the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. Without doubt the two landmarks, in many people's minds, define and epitomize Sydney. It is fair to suggest in fact that the harbour area of Sydney defines what would otherwise be a rather homogeneous, dense, European type city. Devoid of the harbour area, what remains of the 4700 or so...
  • Largest Room In The Opera House
    598 words
    There was no true place for performing arts in Australia and this angered many residents. So Joseph Cahill set up a committee to raise money for an arts complex. Then, for more funding he established Opera Lotteries. With all the necessary funds available, the next step was a design. A competition was organized for the design of the complex. The winner was Jorn Utzon with his design of a complex with sail shaped roofs. Building began immediately in March of 1957 on Benne long Point in Sydney. Ma...
  • Peter Carey
    506 words
    A bridge too far 30 Days in Sydney Peter Carey Bloomsbury 9.99, pp 248 After a decade in New York, Peter Carey returned to Sydney for a month last year, intending, as he conquistadorially puts it, to 'make claim on the city'. The claim, of course, is imaginative, though Carey does eye some property at Bondi and wonder whether he should repatriate his family. As the plane descends, he cranes to see the harbour. Sydney, after all, can be usefully reduced to a single image: that stern, utilitarian ...
  • Fortuna And Townsend
    499 words
    On Friday November 3rd I had the pleasure of attending an evening of Opera titled Love Through the Ages with Maria Fortuna and Nancy Townsend at the Sean O Sullivan Theatre. Having never been to an Opera performance I had no idea of what to expect and was looking forward to this new experience. Fortuna was accompanied by multi-faceted pianist Nancy Townsend. These two musicians showed tremendous expertise and were able to keep my attention through the extent of the program. Maria Fortuna is a so...
  • Handel
    303 words
    George Frideric Handel was born in Halle, in Germany on February 23, 1685. He was the son of a barber-surgeon who wanted him to study law. At first he secretly practiced music, but after his father encouraged to allow him to study and he became a pupil of Zac how, the principal organist in Halle. At 18, G.F. Handel left for Hamburg. This is where he first gained true exposure to opera and ballet. He regularly performed on violin and conducted at nearby opera house, and before he left for Italy i...
  • Two New Operas By Vavaldi
    1,164 words
    Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice on March 4th, 1678. Through ordained a priest in 1703, according to his own account, within a year of being ordained Vivaldi no longer wished to celebrate mass because physical complaints? tightness of the chest? which pointed to asthmatic bronchitis, or a nervous disorder. It is also possible that Vivaldi was faking his illness. There is a story that he sometimes left the alter to jot down a musical idea. He had became a priest against his own will, because pr...

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