Ophelia And Polonius essay topics

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  • Laertes And Hamlet
    739 words
    The Tragedy of Ophelia A grieving widow is desolate. An African American slave is tortured. A concubine is mistreated. These three victims of circumstances that they could not control are pitied. So are there any foundations based on whether one should pity another The Oxford Dictionary defines pity as the sorrow for another's suffering or misfortune. In Shakespeares Hamlet, Ophelia rouses the pity of the audience because she is controlled, manipulated, abandoned, driven to insanity, which event...
  • Flash Back Of Hamlet And Ophelia
    1,696 words
    In Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet, it is possible for the audience or reader to come to view Ophelia as an innocent victim trapped in the most tragic circumstances. She was an obedient and loving daughter to her father Polonius. Ophelia obeyed him, when he ordered her to stop seeing Hamlet, her love, and even when she was asked to betray her love, acting as a decoy to allow the King and Polonius to discover the source of Hamlet's grief. Her naive nature is evident in this love that she has for Ha...
  • Ophelia's Later Actions
    703 words
    In classic works of literature, all characters have certain flaws, and Shakespeare's tragedies' characters in particular have faults that ultimately lead to their ruination. In Hamlet, Ophelia's flaws eventually kill her. In the beginning of the play, it is clear through her thoughts and actions that that Ophelia is an obedient person. But upon closer inspection, the audience can see that she is not merely an obedient, but completely dependent and weak character. In fact, her needy nature is unm...
  • Ophelias And Hamlets Love
    849 words
    The character of Ophelia in William Shakespeares play hamlet plays a very interesting and important role in the elaboration of the plot. In the beginning, she is in a healthy state of mind, in love with her boy friend Hamlet, yet controlled by her father in regard to their relationship. During the play she encounters several troubling experiences involving hamlet which cause her to become distressed and confused. In act scene 4 after the death of her father leaves Ophelia mentally unstable and i...
  • Way Polonius
    659 words
    POLONIUS, THE GOOD FATHER I agree with the statement that Polonius, adviser in the court of King Claudius of Denmark, is a good father who desires what is best for his children. Although he may be a fussy and overcautious old man, Polonius constantly gives good advice and his best wishes to both his children, Laertes and Ophelia. Before Laertes is about to go to France, Polonius talks to him and tells him all of his good advice. While Polonius tells Laertes all of his good advice, he says, 'My b...
  • Scholars View Polonius As A Character
    1,730 words
    Polonius: A Fool in Shakespeare's Hamlet Hamlet is the most popular of Shakespeare's plays for theater audiences and readers. It has been acted live in countries throughout the world and has been translated into every language. Polonius is one of the major characters in Hamlet, his role in the play is of great interest to scholars. Parts of Hamlet present Polonius as a fool, whose love of his own voice leads to his constant babbling. Scholars have been analyzing the character ofPolonius for cent...
  • Feelings For Ophelia
    555 words
    Dialogue Dear: Hamlet, I have just received the news from Ophelia of her father's decision and am deeply dishearten by it. I am as you may be, finding his wishes hard to live by. But you must ask yourself if you truly have feelings for Ophelia. You must understand that she is going through some hard times and some of her feelings towards you may be opaque, and even coarse at times. If it is true love that you feel then I must suggest that you confront her. Ophelia has grown wary of your love due...
  • Polonius Role
    1,238 words
    "Tedious old fool", that's the phrase that comes to mind when referring to one of key characters in Shakespeare's classic, Hamlet. Polonius the father of Ophelia and Laertes and chief advisor to Claudius. Hamlet more than any character in the play has a command over the audience in respect to how the other characters are perceived. So when he refers to Polonius as a "tedious old fool" what else is the reader to think of this key player throughout the play Many readers when considering his role i...
  • Character Polonius In Shakespeare Hamlet
    1,420 words
    "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!" . This quote by Sir Walter Scott has been heard around the world, translated into many languages, and repeated to us by parents, teachers, and our peers. What does it truly mean Humans create major and possibly chaotic problems when trying to beguile others. This quote not only applies to one person affecting another, but also how the actions of one person trying to deceive many people through double-talk or hypocrisy lead to ...
  • Hamlet Polonius
    758 words
    Character Analysis of Polonius Although Polonius is not a main character in Hamlet, he serves to reinforce the pattern of corruption, and demonstrates the social and moral decay of Denmark. His devious ways show the audience that he is one of many characters who lack conviction and integrity. Throughout Hamlet Polonius is a hypocrite who looks out for his own interests, and betrays those he should be loyal to. These aspects of his character are revealed in his relationships with the King, Opheli...
  • Point In The Play Ophelia
    840 words
    Ophelia's madness In William Shakespears' play Hamlet the character Ophelia plays a very interesting and important role in the elaboration of the plot. In the very beginning of the play Ophelia starts off in as what one may say a "healhty" state of mind, very much in love with Hamlet. Also Ophelia was controlled by her father about her relationship with the young prince Hamlet, but was it her love for Hamlet or her father's control that caused her to go mad? Ophelia's father Polonius and brother...
  • Scenes Of Hamlet And Ophelia
    2,299 words
    1,685 Words AS Level Katie Matthews How does Shakespeare present Ophelia in the world of 'Hamlet'? In what ways have modern readers and audiences interpreted her character? Even though Ophelia is not the central character in the play 'Hamlet', she is still an important one. Since Shakespeare wrote the play in the early 1600's, depending on the theatrical performances and director's view, audience's and critics' interpretations of Ophelia have changed dramatically throughout the past 400 years. S...

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