People With Down Syndrome essay topics

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  • Cloning Of The Werner Syndrome Gene
    636 words
    Psychology 261 Instructor: Ms Anne Thomas, M.A. October 5, 2000 Page 1 Imagine in your early adolescents being diagnosed with a disease that increases your aging. Doctors tell you that there is no known cure and that you will die by the age of fifty. There is a disease that increases your aging, that disease is known as Werner Syndrome. A medical student named Carl Wilhelm Otto Werner (1879-1936) first diagnosed this syndrome in 1905. The University of Kiel invited Werner, to examine four siblin...
  • Cognitive Therapist Approach Relationship Problems
    1,189 words
    Do you have a friend or relative that has problems with their boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband These types of relationships are very common in society. Lots of couples are together for all the wrong reasons. Some of the reasons are attraction, money, lonely, family, friends, and blind love. For example, your friend has been going out with a very beautiful lady for one year. Every time you see them they are fighting over some ridiculous event or thing. You wonder how these two stay togeth...
  • Cells Of People With Down Syndrome
    1,083 words
    Down Syndrome Have you ever been in a situation where you were confronted by a child who has Down Syndrome and were unsure of how to act around that child? I'm sure many of us have experienced the awkwardness that accompanies such a situation. Many people feel guilt or pity for these children, I believe these reactions result from a lack of knowledge about the condition. Which is why I have chosen this topic. Down Syndrome is a condition that cannot be physically passed on from one person to the...
  • Average Iq Of People With Pws
    1,529 words
    Prader-Willi SyndromPrader-Willi Syndrome is a serious genetic disorder that begins at birth with no known cure; causing mental retardation, short stature, low muscle tone, incomplete sexual development, and its main characteristic, the desire to eat everything and anything in sight. Prader-Willi syndrome was first known as Prader-Lab hart-Willi Syndrome after three Swiss doctors who first described the disorder in 1956. The doctors described a small group of kids with obesity, short stature and...
  • People With Down Syndrome
    684 words
    Down Syndrome Down Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder. It occurs in about 1 of every 800 births. People with Down syndrome may have mild to severe learning disabilities. Physical symptoms include a small skull, extra folds of skin under the eyes, and a protruding tongue. People with Down syndrome are subject to a variety of medical problems including heart abnormalities and thyroid gland dysfunction. Survival rates have been increased dramatically in recent years as problems specific to Down syn...
  • People With Tourettes Syndrome
    1,841 words
    Tourettes Syndrome is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by tics. Tics are involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or verbal communication that occur frequently in the same way. There are many other movements that occur; some of which are twitching, loud noises or vulgar language. Verbal tics are not a common occurrence. This is the most common in public places that the unknown public associates with the disease. Tics are classified into two categories: simple and complex. The Simple...
  • People With Down Syndrome
    1,167 words
    Down syndrome is a birth defect caused by a genetic disorder that affects 350,000 people in the United States. It is caused by abnormalities in the genes and is not inherited, meaning that parents do not pass this onto their children. Genetics is the study of heredity or how certain traits are passed from parents to their children. Genes are the basic unit of heredity. Cells are the building blocks of your body and each one of us has more than 100 trillion cells. Our genes are located in chromos...
  • Onset Of Tourette Syndrome
    943 words
    Tourette Syndrome Tourette Syndrome was named for Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first described the syndrome in 1885. Although the disease was identified in 1885, today in 1996, there still is a mystery surrounding Tourette Syndrome, its causes and possible cures. Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that researchers believe is caused by and abnormal metabolism of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. It is genetically transmitted from parent to child. There is a fifty perce...
  • Children With Down's Syndrome
    957 words
    I. What I knew I remember looking at my cousin Ricky and wondering why he looked so different. He was the only one in a family of dark skinned Hispanics who was stark white. He had blond hair, beady blue eyes, a stocky body frame and a laugh that echoed throughout the mountains of Tucson. Most of the time he was his happy jovial self but the rest of the time he was sick. I can remember how paranoid everyone would get anytime someone got a slight cough. My aunt used to always say, Ricky can t get...
  • Symptoms Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    1,073 words
    Outline I. Definition II. Introduction. Causes 1. Genetic Predisposition 2. Injuries and Trauma 3. Health and Lifestyle 4. Repetitive Motion IV. Treatment 1. Splint 2. Cortisone Cream 3. Surgery. Preventive Measures 1. Exercises 2. Chiropractor VI. Conclusion Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition characterized by pain and burning sensations in the fingers and hand caused by compression of the median nerve as it passes between a wrist and ligament and the bones and tendons of the wrist. 1 The fir...
  • Down Syndrome Child
    830 words
    Have you ever caught yourself staring at an individual you believed to be retarded or handicapped? Maybe you snickered under your breath when one of them made a funny noise that caught you off guard. I'm sure many of us have been in a situation similar to these and know the guilty feeling you get inside when you react in such a manner to their actions. I think most of our guilt comes from pity and our reactions come from the lack of knowledge on the topic. People tend to ignore what they do not ...
  • Common For A Patient With Turner Syndrome
    588 words
    H.H. Turner first described Turner syndrome in 1938. Dr. Turner observed a set of common physical features in some of his patients. Nonetheless, it was no until 1960 that a chromosomal abnormality was found. This is a genetic disorder of the chromosomes affecting females, where one of the two chromosomes is partially or completely absent. A female with Turner's syndrome has only one X chromosome in each of her cells due to a non-disjunction event during meiosis of her parents' gametes. Normally,...
  • Type Of Down Syndrome
    1,417 words
    Background on the type, severity and possible cause of the disability. Christopher Walsh is aged 30, he has Down syndrome. He has had Down syndrome since birth, he had heart problems, he was born with Heart defects, he had surgery when he was 2 and they were able to fix the heart problems. Down syndrome is sometimes caused by an error in cell division called disjunction; there are two other types of chromosomal abnormalities, mosaicism and translocation, which are also implicated in Down syndrom...

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