Speaker's Words essay topics

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  • Use Of The Word
    639 words
    London In London, William Blake portrays a very dark and abysmal picture of London. Throughout the whole poem, Blake never mentions a positive scene. The poem seems to deal with the lower class part of society, the part which lives in the poor neighborhoods. The first stanza begins with the speaker wandering around London. Throughout the poem, Blake repeats a word which he used in one line, in the next line. An example of this can be seen in the first two lines. He uses the word chartered in the...
  • Speaker Drops From Heavens
    1,153 words
    'I felt a Funeral, in my Brain' Life, death, and reincarnation are portrayed in Emily Dickinson's poem 'I felt a Funeral, in my brain'. The use of words associated with death gives the poem an ominous and dark karma. To add to this karma, important words that are strong in meaning are capitalized. At the beginning of this poem the feelings of grief and pain are evident. Throughout the rest of the poem, there is a strong sense that the speaker needs to make a choice between a world full of troubl...
  • Flame Meaning The Loved One's Life
    971 words
    February 19, 2000 Essay 2: Analyzing a Poem Variation on the Word Sleep by Margret Atwood This is a poem about going into a dream. The speaker wants to sleep with a loved one and go into their dream and protect them from the subconscious fears. The speaker also wants to bring the loved one back from the dream safely and shelter that person. The speaker wants to be very important in the other person's life. The poem's idea is clear in but the poem has a lot of words that help readers understand h...
  • Eye To Eye With Connie Chung
    1,239 words
    JMC 101, Section 101 Who the Hell is Connie Chung? How does one go from being called "America's sweetheart" to being labeled a"shameless tabloid whore" (Revah 10)? Connie Chung knows. Co-anchoring the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and hosting her own Eye to Eye, she was once on top of the broadcast journalism world, yet all good things must come to an end. Connie Chung had a glorious rise and a dramatic fall. Connie Chung began her career as an assignment editor and on-the-air-reporter at a l...
  • Speaker's Selective Use Of Diction
    692 words
    Understanding the Speaker's Voice: Through Interpretation of Poetic Sound Classical, Early European, Eastern and Modern poetry share structural similarities in their use of rhythm, meter and rhyme; however, sound plays a more subtle role for purposes of interpretation. Poets combine structured rhythmic patterns and the formal arrangement of words with devices such as alliteration to create images in the reader's mind. Two contrasting poems written by William Blake titled "The Lamb" from Songs of...
  • Very Positive Motivational Speaker
    512 words
    August 27, 2003 was the day that convocation was supposed to get everyone pumped and inspired for the beginning of the school year. To me the convocation was another assembly. It was held in the Thomas Field House Gymnasium, and almost all of the space was filled. Going into this assembly my expectations were high. I sort of imagined it as a pep rally or graduation speech, where it would get us ready for the first semester. In the convocation there was a speaker that went by the name Dr. Guin "G...
  • Speaker's Choice Of Music
    894 words
    Reference Back In Reference Back, Philip Larkin is referring back to the days where he would just sit at home listening to music. He wasn't listening to the music alone. "That was a pretty one" quotes the narrator. The other person present would appear to like the speaker's choice of music. It would also appear that the music being played is fairly loud, "you call from the unsatisfactory hall to the unsatisfactory room". This quotation also gives us the speaker's opinion of the house he is in. T...
  • Speaker D And M
    955 words
    Discourse Analysis Assignment This conversation involves four females, M, J, S, and D, aged between 19 and 20 years, they are all first language English speakers, the mood of the conversation is friendly and light-hearted. The main topic revolves around the idea that beautiful women are always with fat and ugly men, in music videos or in real life. The conversation begins with all of its speakers participating, then gradually only D and M contributes, but S and J are listening to the conversatio...
  • Speaker Addresses Sleep For The Last Time
    599 words
    Throughout this soliloquy in Henry IV, Part II, the speaker's tone changes many times from appeasement to frustration and, ultimately, to concession because of his failed struggle against insomnia. Throughout the first eleven lines of the soliloquy, the speaker attempts to persuade sleep to overcome him. The speaker initially addresses sleep, personified as "nature's gentle nurse" (l. 3). This description emphasizes how sleep calms the body and mind, hinting at some issue troubling the speaker. ...
  • Wind To The Speaker's Grief
    1,091 words
    Bereft Robert Frost's poem "Bereft's suggests that sometimes a man's normal feelings of loss can become so intense that he must struggle to gain control over his emotions or they will destroy him. By using figurative language, Frost establishes the speaker's state of mind, the circumstances surrounding it, and the consequences of it in only 16 lines. By using metaphors, personification and careful word choice, the author reveals the speaker's state of mind, his emotional conflict and the reason ...

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