Teen Sex essay topics

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  • Stress Abstinence In Sex Education Classes
    851 words
    SEX-EDUCATION vs. ABSTINENCE-ONLY EDUCATION Why is it that even in times like these, when teen pregnancy rates and the transmission of STDs are at their highest, schools all over the United States are continuing to distribute condoms Instead of teaching kids to wait to have sex, we " re being taught how to use condoms and where to go for help and parenthood planning. Girls in the 7th grade are no longer asking "Where do babies come from" Now the big question is "Do you spit or swallow" What does...
  • Teen People Magazine
    521 words
    Have you ever met someone who acted just as teens are stereotyped Not many people have because they do not exist. Real teens are poorly portrayed in the media and are the complete opposite of their stereotypes. Books and TV shows make teens out to be wild or crazy, irresponsible and out of control. One hardly ever hears about teen-heroes. Instead, newspapers and magazines are plastered with stories of teens and crime. And while looking at commercial billboards and other related media, the regula...
  • Teen Pregnancies
    649 words
    In the article, "Society Should Encourage Teens to Postpone Sex Until Marriage", Joseph Perkins argues that in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, teen should be taught to abstain from sex, rather than be taught about condoms and other forms of birth control. Perkins also suggests that, "sexual activity... outside of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects". Perkins also points out that since more abstinence-only programs have been...
  • Active Teens Use Contraception
    1,203 words
    Teen pregnancy is a quite big problem in the society. How bad is the problem The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually. Four in 10 young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 nearly one million a year. Eight in ten of these pregnancies are unintended and 79 percent are to unmarried teens. The teen birth rate has declined slowly but stea...
  • Uncommon Feeling After Sex
    2,033 words
    Abstinence and STD's Today's world is full of worries and problems, which did not affect teens a generation ago. New problems keep appearing in today's world, such as STDs, increased pregnancy rates, and other factors facing teens that choose to have sex. Emotionally and physically teens are getting less developed before having sex and are not prepared for the serious problems, which come along with their decision to have sex. No longer is it a matter, which will just go away if we ignore it, bu...
  • Several Causes For Teen Pregnancy
    459 words
    1 Karla Gray Ms. HulseyEnglish 1010 Cause / Effect Final Draft 15 November 2004 Lactating Teens While several teens that engage in pre-marital sex never become pregnant, some are not as fortunate. Teen pregnancy has become all too common in this day and age. Some teens think it will not happen to them and do not use necessary precautions to protect against it. There are several causes for teen pregnancy and the effects can be life changing. Several causes for teen pregnancy are: the need for aff...
  • Sex Education And Birth Control
    1,331 words
    Teen Pregnancy According to research published by The Alan Guttmacher Institute on their website regarding teen pregnancy, "a sexually active teenager who does not use contraceptives has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant within one year" (web). How to prevent teen pregnancy has been a question for many years now. Statistics have been running wild trying to keep up with the teenage generation; in work published by Stanley K. Henshaw - U.S. Teenage pregnancy statistics with comparative statistics ...
  • Schools Sex Education Information
    1,288 words
    Why Sex Education Should Be Taught In Schools Most America teenagers are sexually active and think nothing could ever happen to them. But, many of them are misinformed about the risks that are involved in sex. Teens also don't always know the best ways to protect themselves and their partners from becoming pregnant or getting STD's. Alan Harris said, the more educated someone is the more likely they are to make responsible and informed choice for their behaviors. Sex education given by teachers ...
  • Teens Including Holden
    1,018 words
    Sexuality / Boy Code As a Teen Holden Caulfield, is portrayed in Catcher in the Rye as an adolescent boy struggling to find his own identity, possesses many characteristics that easily link him to the typical teenager. Holden's actions are those that any teenager can clearly relate to. The desire for independence, the sexually related encounters, and the questioning of ones religion are issues that almost all teens have had or will have to deal with in their adolescent years. The novel and its m...
  • Of The Sex Education Programs
    2,330 words
    Sex Education: Does it Really Work Roy Peters "Forty percent of today's fourteen year old girls will become pregnant by the time they are nineteen" (qtd. in "The Effects" 632). This statistic may indicate that the sex education programs in the United States are not controlling the effects of sex by teens. "The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate of developed countries" ("The Effects" 632). I believe that the people of this nation need to look at the current sex education programs a...
  • Pregnant Teens
    735 words
    Kids Having Kids Linnie, from one of the poorest areas of Washington, D.C., started having sex when she was only eleven. Girls from disadvantaged homes are three to four times more likely to have children. By the time Linnie was fifteen, she was pregnant. As soon as she found out, her boyfriend of five years left her. This is very common when it comes to teenage pregnancy. More teens are having sex and getting pregnant then ever before! These girls must decide what to do about their child, and t...
  • Prevention Of Teen Pregnancy
    1,276 words
    "Teen Pregnancy" Preventing teenage pregnancy has been a goal for many years now. Statistics have tried to keep up with the change in the teenage generation. Many people have different opinions on the subject of teen pregnancy, because to some people teens seem to be getting pregnant expeditiously in these times. People fail to realize that having a baby is a privilege to many people and not a problem. Many people take having a baby as a lightly. Getting pregnant and having a kid has many pros /...
  • Ellen Show
    558 words
    Sex Education Messages In The Media The media should not be blamed for the sexuality of american youth. First concern in sexual activity is too much media. Television is something that kids watch all the time. Television shows that show sexual activity and children pick up on those events quickly. Teenagers dream about marrying someone who is good looking and has money and then starting a family with them. A lot of teens watch soap operas and romantic shows. Teens see kids, their age, having sex...
  • Teens About Sex Education
    1,329 words
    Thesis: Sex Education should be taught in middle schools to make our children aware and help them with decisions in the future. Audience: All District #150 Personnel Sex Education should be taught in middle schools to make our children aware and help them with decisions in the future. When children enter middle school many of them are going through adolescent changes. This school district needs to help educate these hormone raging teens about sex education. Not only will this program teach sex e...
  • Effective Sex Education Programs
    1,737 words
    Irresponsible Attitudes Toward Intimacy and Contraception in Teens When it became clear that HIV / AIDS was beginning to seriously affect the heterosexual community, greater numbers of individuals began practicing safe sex or abstinence. In addition to self-reports, one indicator that this was true of teens as well as adults was declining teen pregnancy rates. Those rates, however, began rising again in the late 1980's after years of decline. Teens are typically greater risk takers than their ad...
  • Sex Education Classes In Public Schools
    732 words
    "Any questions Good, we " ll be having a test tomorrow covering Chapters 1-3". These are the words being spoken far too infrequently in public schools than they should. Collier states that 80% of Americans, including religious and health institutions aren't in favor of sex education in the schools (60). This means that the desire and need for action are present. Many people opposed to sex education in the classroom claim that "it is, in fact, the culprit, not the cure" (Richert 55) and that scho...
  • Sex And Sexual Entertainment
    1,423 words
    Sex has played a huge part in our society today as a whole. Many people, especially teens, are overactive in sexual involvement. There are many outstanding sexual trends that occur throughout the world today that seem to be aimed precisely towards teenagers. The following question probes my mind as I think about sex in Y 2 K: "What are the new and uprising teenage sexual behavioral trends from the 1990's until now?" Sexual activity is on the up rise simply because the general population is open ...
  • Students About Sex And Aids Education
    434 words
    Apparently, in high school's they aren't teaching enough students about Sex and AIDS education and it is one thing that should be taught. It should be taught at this level in schools because there is a lack of knowledge about diseases, and consequences that come along with having sex and to warn and try to prevent l teen pregnancies and abortions. One reason Sex and AIDS Education should be taught in high school is because, many students don't know about diseases that come with sex. If they teac...
  • Attitudes About Sex And Sexual Behaviour
    2,140 words
    In Manitoba, 6 teenagers become pregnant every day. This gives us one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in Canada, 55 pregnancies per 1,000 girls aged 15-19 years (web). What does this say about adolescent sexuality in our province, and even in our community. Why are so many teens sexually active? And are they physically and emotionally ready to have sex? Adolescent sexuality has increased whereas the age of adolescents decreases. There were 2,205 pregnancies among 10-19 year olds in 1999/2000...
  • First Stance On Sex And Marriage
    1,584 words
    Sex, or the lack there of, will always be a topic among teens. Teens date, and teens have relationships. Most of these relationships will inevitably come to a point where one must chose whether to seize the moment and have sex with their partner, or they will set standards ahead of time saying they will not have sex until marriage. Every teen is either on one side of the fence or the other; they either will have premarital sex, or they will abstain. These two stances shed light on why sex is out...

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