Text Of The Play essay topics

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  • Traditional Female Role
    892 words
    In 'The Taming of the Shrew' by William Shakespeare, and 'Ten things I hate about you', directed by Gil Junge r, both contexts reflect the society of when each text was composed. When comparing these two texts and observing the themes, it is indisputable that these contexts have shown the similarity and differences of the values during the time, thus, it shows the evolution of society. Firstly, 'The Taming of the shrew's ugg ests money to be a very important necessity of life during the time. It...
  • Characters Unlike The Play
    648 words
    In the Greek century most drama plays were tragic, as was the play 'The Love of the Nightgale,' written by Timberlake Wertembakers. Without reading the play first, we were given the chance to watch the play on campus. After reading the book I found there to be many similar and different perspectives between the both of them. When the audience views the play, the production depends on how well the actors portray their character. On the opening night there wasn't as many audience members so the ch...
  • Nature Of Domestic Life And The Facades
    2,009 words
    The poem 'The Ballad of Calvary Street' by James Baxter, the film 'American Beauty' (directed by Sam Mendes and released in 1999), and the play 'An Inspector Calls' written by J.B. Priestley and performed at Circa Theatre in 2005, are all texts that share a similar theme. Although these three texts are different in terms of authorship and the medium through which the significant messages are communicated, what the texts do have in common is that they all convey ideas about how facades and superf...
  • Meaning Of The Play In Beckett's Mind
    572 words
    Samuel Beckett was born in Ireland in 1906. His family was both relatively well to do and fairly eccentric. Athletic and imposing, Beckett was also awkward and socially maladjusted. This all comes to play in "Endgame" where we see the twisted remains of two couples, interacting with a brutal vocabulary. Beckett's early life is particularly linked to the exchanges between Nagg and Hamm; ostensibly a father-son relationship that has ceased to be anything but an exchange of abuse. In an early draft...
  • Lighting Appropriate For The Mood
    1,886 words
    Assignment #6 Lobster Alice Space 1. What type of theater was it? How large or small was it? How opulent or elaborate? How simple or modern? What type of stage did it have: proscenium, thrust, arena, or some other type? How did the stage space relate to audience seating? A thrust type stage was used in the small and cozy Stages Repertory Theatre. The stage was rectangular in shape and was simple which allowed the actors to move about freely for everyone to see and hear. 2. What was the size and ...
  • Notes Following The Text
    1,025 words
    An Edition of The Rover This project grew out of an exercise designed primarily to give graduate students practical experience in the processes of textual bibliography. It was continued and completed based on two beliefs: first, that the errors found amoung extant editions are significant enough to warrant further revision, and second, that the existence of a text with format and language accessible to modern readers is essential to the survival of this important work. With these aims in mind, w...

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