Urban Cities essay topics

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  • Urban Transport Demand
    3,247 words
    CHALLENGES FACING URBAN TRANSPORT IN ASIA Abstract- One of the greatest challenges facing the new millennium is to effect a well integrated and environmentally acceptable solution for urban transportation. In spite of many decades of studies, involving research and experiments, success has often been elusive and more importantly, there is still a lack of consensus of what constitutes an acceptable integrated transport policy within the urban fabric The paper analyses the global trend towards urb...
  • Modern Day City Life
    403 words
    "The Weary Blues" and "Lenox Avenue: Midnight" by Langston Hughes are two poems written as scenes of urban life. Although these poems were written more than seventy years ago, it is surprising to see some general similarities they share with modern day city life. Diluted down with word play and irrelevant lines such as "And the gods are laughing at us". , the underlying theme is evidently urban life. "The Weary Blues" and "Lenox Avenue: Midnight" approach the general topic of urban life from two...
  • City And Suburbs To Rural Areas
    540 words
    PAPER FIVE " More Immigrants find roots in U.S. Soil"1 Using the text from the book there are three demographic variables; fertility, mortality, and migration. Fertility is the number of children an average woman bears (text pg. 394). Mortality refers to the annual number of deaths per 1,000 population (text pg 394). Finally, migration in the difference between number of people moving in (immigrants) and the number of people moving out (emigrants) per 1,000 population (text pg 394), and the best...
  • C The City As Private Enterprise 1
    952 words
    I. Urbanization A. Industrial Sources of City Growth 1. Until the Civil War, cities were centers of commerce not industry. 2. Cities were places where merchants bought and sold there goods. 3. After mid-century, industry began to abandon the countryside. 4. NY, Phil., Brooklyn, St, Louis were among the largest cities. 5. Many smaller cities became one-industry towns. 6. As factories became bigger, their size cont. to urban growth. B. City Building 1. The commercial cities of the early nineteenth...
  • Centre Of Greek Cities
    2,255 words
    "What gave rise to urbanization in the Mediterranean region?" What is urbanization? To 'urbanize' is to 'make (a rural area) more industrialized and urban', urban meaning 'of or living in a city or town'. Marja C.V. Vine argues that "The word urbanization was used for the first time in Spain a little more than one hundred years ago" to show the "quantitative and qualitative growth if cities". The degree of urbanization is quite different when comparing towns or cities of antiquity to the modern ...
  • Dayton Citizen And The City
    1,184 words
    URBAN SPRAWL BOB TACKETT The definition of urban sprawl according to WORDS MYTH 1. spreading of the urban structure into adjoining suburbs and rural areas. The definition of urban sprawl according to Merriam-Websters on line dictionary: the spreading of urban developments (as houses and shopping centers) on undeveloped land near a city. The definition of urban sprawl according to Dictionary. com The unplanned, uncontrolled spreading of urban development into areas adjoining the edge of a city. M...
  • Urban Renewal
    690 words
    Urban Renewal in Boston the West End and Government Center Boston's West End is the most well documented neighborhood destroyed by urban "renewal", made famous initially by Herbert Gans's book, The Urban Villagers, 1962. Although approximately 63 percent of the families displaced by urban renewal were African-American or Hispanic, this Boston community was mainly inhabited by working class Italians. It was a little piece of Italy, with narrow winding streets alive with urban social life. Too cro...
  • Ending Of Ancient Cities
    2,204 words
    The Ancient City was more than a cluster of classical buildings. If we were to define an Ancient City we would undoubtedly mention the public buildings, the civic monuments, the theatres, the temples and the colonnaded streets. However the term Ancient City has a deeper meaning. In our definition we must also state that the classical cities were run by the curiale classes on councils, and that ancient cities were essentially self-governed. Historians see the Ancient City in its political and cul...
  • Cities And Urban Sensibilities In Ways
    644 words
    Early Motion Pictures and the Urban Experience Early motion pictures were a way of seeing cities and urban sensibilities in ways we have never seen before. As discussed in class, "unlocking" cities and urban landscapes before us in panoramas and conversely labyrinths. Walter Benjamin said that films were a way "man could represent his environment". The 19th century environment was civically not a wholesome or healthy one. It was in shambles and it took a book of rules to simply move through the ...
  • Urban Society And The Working Classes
    2,754 words
    Conditions of the Workhouse In the 17th and 18th centuries, the parish workhouse was a place where - often in return for board and lodging - employment was provided for the poor. Parish workhouses were often just ordinary local houses, rented for the purpose. Sometimes a workhouse was purpose-built. In some cases, the poor were "farmed" - a private contractor undertook to look after a parish's poor for a fixed annual sum; the paupers' work could be a useful way of boosting the contractor's incom...
  • Modernization Of Ho Chi Minh City
    2,206 words
    The film "Three Seasons" was made in 1999 by Tony Bui, an ethnic Vietnamese. As a boy, his family migrated to seek a better life in the United States, where he, while barely out of film school made this directorial debut based on his experiences of his many trips back to Vietnam. "Three Seasons" is set in Ho Chi Minh City, on the south of Vietnam. The recurring theme here is the urbanization, modernization and the western capitalism that comes with it. The main characters in this film do not mee...
  • South Bronx
    1,456 words
    Chapter 1: The South Bronx, From the Bottom Up The tale of the South Bronx is one that many people do not understand. This is a city that made a remarkable turnaround without getting rid of or enriching their poor. It was done over the course of many years and a lot of money, but this money was not needed in one lump sum. It began with Jimmy Carter, who went to the South Bronx, hoping that he could help restore the area. He never actually promised any money, but in later years, when the story wa...
  • Canada's Largest Cities
    717 words
    Urbanization is a big part of the modern world, without it, we would all be lost. While countries are growing at a rapid rate, the once 'old' cities of the past are expanding onto previously un-occupied lands and even sometimes creating new towns and cities. Suburbs of cities spring up all over the world all the time, and populations grow with them. Major areas or cities of countries are usually hubs of economic significance, and help shape the country into it's true self. These areas help the c...
  • Urban Trends In Developed Countries
    1,927 words
    MEADOW TO MEGACITY: MEETING FUTURE NEEDS IN AN URBAN ENVIRONMENT Abstract: There has been considerable interest in determining whether urbanisation is enhancing or degrading the earth's environmental capacity when separated from economic growth and population growth. The environmental sustainability of cities in the developing world is contrasted against cities in the developed world. Results show that sustainability is improved by urbanisation when economic and population growth is constant. Ke...

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