Use Of Agents essay topics

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  • Used As A Chemical Warfare Agent
    2,836 words
    Chemical Warfare 1.0 What are Chemical Warfare Agents Chemical weapons include any chemical substance, whether in a gaseous, liquid, or solid state, which can be used to cause loss of performance, permanent injury, or death in humans. These chemicals are commonly man-made toxicants, however, there is increasing research in the use of natural biological toxins as chemical warfare agents. Many thousands of chemicals produced by humans are highly poisonous, however, only about seventy of these have...
  • Royal Agents
    548 words
    Carolingians Charlemagne could not visit or directly rule various lands local and regional aristocracies remained Bavarians fought as Bavarians establishment of a son in a sub-kingdom recognition of regional power more than an attempt to control more tension from relationship of son to ruler (Charlemagnes reorganisation of Louis fisc) and ruled than resentment to central directives few and far between. Royal household structure managed by a leading aristocrat who used positions of household as p...
  • Use Of Agents
    1,791 words
    Internal and External Negotiating. The Pie Contradiction. When the discussion on this type of topic comes up, it is important to understand several key points. First is the fact that negotiations of this nature are done by one group (or institution) to another group. Now, knowing this it is also safe to assume that groups of people are not a collective of one mind and one thought, and thus the group will not act as one. Inside these groups, many different and sometimes conflicting ideas and inte...
  • Biological Agent Detection
    2,567 words
    BIOTERRORISM Jennifer Salvo Troy State University Professor O'Reilly-Dickerson SCI 2233 February 15, 2005 Abstract Throughout time, the quest to dominate another is limited only to the imagination of one man poised against the other. From feces smeared arrows to poisonous snakes, from infected blankets to super bugs created in a lab. Sometimes common flu symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, and shortness of breath are the first signs of bio terrorism. For some reason...
  • Used As Defenses Against Chemical Agents
    413 words
    Chemical warfare is war fought with chemicals. The development of chemical weapons and defenses against these weapons are usually considered together in military training. These weapons can be designed to kill large numbers of people, disable them for a while, or destroy their food supplies. The weapons are usually effective without destroying property. Chemical agents affect the nervous system, breathing centers, skin, eyes, nose, or throat. They include gases, liquids, sprays, and powders. The...
  • Effects Of Chemical Agents And Biological Agents
    1,231 words
    Luke Corrigan Per. 2 Chemical warfare What is Chemical Warfare: To understand chemical warfare you must first understand what a chemical agent is. A United Nations report from 1969 defines chemical warfare agents as '... chemical substances, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, which might be employed because of their direct toxic effects on man, animals and plants... '. This means basically that any chemical that is used to directly effect and harm a person, plant, or animal would be an act of che...
  • Agent Orange Registry Program
    533 words
    Agent orange was an herbicide used in Vietnam. It was use to kill overgrown trees and shrubs that were in the way of advancing United States troops. Agent orange got its name from the barrel it was transported in; the barrel had a large orange stripe running across it. Agent orange was heavily used; in fact, it was the most used of all herbicides in Vietnam. From 1962 until 1971 over 20 millions gallons were used to cover a large 6 million acre area. The most heavily covered areas were those whe...
  • Diseases And Starvation Agent Orange
    892 words
    AGENT ORANGE- A FATAL MISTAKE The Vietnam War was a major war in American history. It was a totally different war, with new tactics and technology. One example of this was the use of a chemical substance with the code name of Agent Orange, named after the orange tanks they were stored in. This liquid was sprayed on the dense Vietnamese forests by means of aircrafts and helicopters, and its objective was to kill the trees and shrubberies in which the "enemy" hid in (Agent Orange- Overview and Int...
  • Effect Of Mustard Agent
    715 words
    Chemical Warfare and Its Uses Chemical warfare is the use of natural and man-made toxic substances to incapacitate or kill an enemy. There are many different types of agents used in chemical warfare, some of which are mustard gases, nerve gases, psychotomimetic agents, tear gases, hydrogen cyanide, and arsines. All of which are very poisonous and lethal when exposed to humans in large amounts. Until the 20th century such warfare was primarily limited to starting fires, poisoning wells, distribut...
  • Flooded Type Halon System Concentration
    992 words
    Halon an extinguishing agent was developed after World War II for the protection of aircraft engines. Several types were developed, and several were banned and discontinued such as halon 104. Other types were halon 1202, halon 1211, halon 1301, and halon 2402, which was never widely used in the United States due to its high toxicological concerns. Halon type 1101 was widely utilized for aircraft engines. The two most common types being; halon 1301, C BrF 3, which is most commonly used infixed sy...
  • Supply Of Licorice Root
    564 words
    LICORICE There are several varieties of the herb, Licorice. Its name is derived from the two Greek words meaning 'sweet' and 'root'. It is one of the oldest and best-known remedies for coughs and chest complaints. The knowledge and use of it dates back to the time of the early days of Egyptian civilisation. The Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, and Chinese all knew about the values of Licorice. It is an enduring herb, which grows in most moderate countries. It varies from about two to five fe...
  • Agent Orange The Vietnam Veteran
    3,236 words
    Just saying the name Agent Orange gets the attention of every Vietnam veteran, and I dare say most of the Australian and American public, not to mention the Vietnamese. It has been argued about, written about, researched and debated, published in magazines and newspapers, talked about on radio and television. It was the subject of documentaries, legal battles, and in Australia a Royal Commission that lasted some two years and cost 3.8 million dollars. Agent Orange was the code name for a herbici...
  • Contamination Of VI Et Nam With Dioxin
    1,287 words
    Though the American war in Vi^et Nam has been over for almost 30 years, hundreds of thousands of innocent children still suffer horrific, painfully sad birth deformities and other illnesses, as the effects of Agent Orange defoliant used by Americans enters a third generation. Between 1962 and 1971, the US employed chemical weapons by spraying more than 75 million litres of defoliants, containing almost 375 pounds of dioxin - the most dangerous chemical known to man - over massive areas of southe...
  • 4 Filtering Agents 10 6 2
    4,499 words
    Index Abstract 2 1. Introduction: Problems being solved 2 1.1 What is an intelligent agent? 3 2.12 layer Business model 4 2.1 Vision 4 2.2 Business model 4 2.3 Business strategies 4 2.4 Business processes and rules 5 2.4. 1 Retrieving user's requirements 5 2.4. 2 Before starting to search 6 2.4. 3 Filtering Information 6 2.4. 4 Packaging Information 6 2.5 Organizational design. 7 3. Benefits of the solutions 7 4. Contrast with traditional solutions. 7 5. My opinion 8 6.1 Types of software agents...
  • Agent Orange In The Vietnam War
    682 words
    Agent Orange, a deadly mixture of the chemicals 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, was used in the Vietnam war to instantly destroy vegetation in order to cripple the Vietcong by exposing their hideouts and shelters (Wilcox 27). However, the U.S. didn't know how harmful the chemical actually was. They didn't know at the time, but Agent Orange contains dioxins, which are very dangerous to not only plants but also humans and other mammals. Exposure to dioxins ...
  • Leading Nerve Agents Since World War II
    911 words
    Now imagine that you are on a beach code-named OMAHA during World War II. As you travel inland from the beach, suddenly you see your commanding officer on the ground; he is dead but not from a bullet wound. After you take a few steps away from him you start to shake, very hard, then all of a sudden everything goes BLACK, into oblivion. You have just been a victim of one of the most deadly gases ever developed before or after World War II. Even though nerve agents were never used in World War II,...
  • Early Detection Of An Act Of Bioterrorism
    1,938 words
    You wake up early for work and kiss your family goodbye. On your daily transit you see a man drop a glass vial in the subway, but you think nothing of it. Moments later you become a statistic. A statistic of Bioterrorism. The threat of Bioterrorism, long ignored and denied, has heightened over the past years and needs to be publicly addressed. There are three possible solutions to this threat that are within grasp. The first of which would be a nation wide vaccination against all agents that cou...

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