Use Of Animals In Research essay topics

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  • Use Of Animals In Research
    4,144 words
    ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION Holly Anderson was a strong supporter for animal rights. When she was a little girl, she saw a cat get run over by a car. As she watched it die slowly, some young boys were poking it with a stick. She screamed, "Why don't you leave that poor cat alone!" One boy replied, "We wanted to see if maggots will come out of its nose! Hey Jimmy!" the boy yelled at his friend, "Go get your firecrackers!" Holly started crying and ran away. From then on, she viewed all scientists who u...
  • Use Of Animals For Research
    2,330 words
    Animals and man have shared this planet since humans first appeared on earth. Animals have provided transportation, food, clothing, shelter, companionship and entertainment through the ages. Therefore, it is our duty to treat animals with respect, care and kindness and not cause them undue suffering, because they have, in many ways, made it possible for man to survive on earth. However, because normal adult humans have superior mental abilities in the hierarchical scale in nature, animals have f...
  • Humane Treatment And Use Of Laboratory Animals
    1,891 words
    Animal Experimentation Introduction Animal experimentation has been a part of biomedical and behavioral research for several millennia; experiments with animals were conducted in Greece over 2,000 years ago. Many advances in medicine and in the understanding of how organisms function have been the direct result of animal experimentation. Concern over the welfare of laboratory animals is also not new, as reflected in the activities of various animal welfare and antivivisectionist groups dating ba...
  • Use Of Animals In Research
    420 words
    Argument Essay Where would we be Without Animal Testing? Is the use of animals in research justified? Should animal experimentation be permitted? Should these animals be liberated? A logical person would say the benefits justify the research. Without animal testing, products would be based on theory. No one would want to use something, which may damage eyes, be poisonous, cancerous, and cause birth defects. Animals used in testing are not from the endangered species list; also many of the types ...
  • Use Of Animal Research
    899 words
    Animal Testing: Right or wrong? A topic that has always been close to many people hearts is the one of animal testing. Some believe that it is right completely, some that it is right but only under certain circumstances and others that believe that all animal testing is wrong and will go to extraordinary lengths to stop it. There are many organisations that are against animal testing and that arrange protest marches and demonstrations against it. This is an important issue as there are so many d...
  • One Case Animal Right Activists
    1,589 words
    Animal Rights Do you think a rat should have the right to go up to your table and eat with you No, of course not. We are higher up in the world. This is what animal right activists are fighting for. They say give animals the rights they deserve. The truth is if we give animals rights, we will be putting them on the same level as the human race. I know that I do not want to be on the same level as a rat. Animals should not have rights! The use of animals in medical research is necessary in develo...
  • Use Of Animals In Research
    2,834 words
    Each year an estimated 70 million animals in the United States of America and 3 million animals in Britain, are maimed, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, and otherwise hurt and killed ("Animal Testing / Yes or No?" 1). All this is done by private institutions, household product and cosmetics companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and scientific centers ("Animal Testing / Yes or No?" 1). Any being capable of feeling anything, weather it is pain or ...
  • Use Of Animal Research
    554 words
    People all over the world have different opinions on whether animal lab testing is a sufficient way to test products. Well, the fact is animal lab testing does not harm animals nor does it humans. This happens because animals in laboratories are not in pain. The animals' rights are not harmed during the testing. Lastly, the numbers are decreasing for animal research. All of these reasons are supporting why animal lab testing is a decent way to test products. To begin with, animals in testing and...
  • Opponents To Animal Experimentation
    1,414 words
    An Animal Experimentation uses living animals to find out answers to scientific questions. People in medical research use animals for two main reasons: to make sure that medicines are as safe and effective as possible before doctors give them to people and to find out more about how the body works. Without animal experimentation, many of the most important advances in modern medicine would never have occurred. But for researchers' painstaking work with animal subjects, deadly viruses like rabies...
  • Use Of Animal Research Data
    2,286 words
    An increasing number of researchers, scientists and practitioners are questioning the use of animals in research on ethical, moral, socio-political and scientific grounds. Use of animal research data to affect change in their patients is rarely used by clinical psychologists. This is certainly a public interest issue as it involves an enormous amount of brutality. Animal research is a very lucrative business, since billions of tax dollars are invested in it annually. An enormous amount of this m...
  • Animals For Medical Research
    1,616 words
    One of the questions facing society today is whether animals should be used in scientific experimentation. In the middle of this controversy, many ideas about nature, primarily animals, are formed. Each side has different arguments, each one posing questions on the place of humans with respect to animals and the rest of the natural world. The history of the benefits of animal research is marked by dramatic breakthroughs. Working with animals in research is vital to continue medical progress. The...
  • Animals In Medical Research
    685 words
    An Argument For Animal Research English 103 Paper #1 Animal Rights Medicine has come a very long way since the days when men used to puncture holes into the skull to release tension or evil spirits. In the last one hundred years, for the sake of humanity, numerous vaccinations have been developed, disease and disorders of all types have been prevented, surgical techniques have been advanced, drugs have been developed to cure ailments and the list continues endlessly. The progress that has been a...
  • Use Of Animals For Research
    1,187 words
    For Animal Research Animal Research For the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and scientific research is ethical. Whether it is or isn't, most people believe that some form of cost-benefit test should be performed to determine if the action is right. The costs include: animal pain, distress and death where the benefits include the collection of new knowledge or the development of new medical therapies for humans...
  • Biomedical Research And The Animal Rights Movement
    1,845 words
    Animal rights groups go too far By Travis Kirin? Animal rights groups, such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, claim to be preventing animal abuse, but instead seek to impose their anti human ideology by trying to stop people from using animals to save human lives and helping terrorist organizations firebomb and threaten those who oppose them.? The modern animal rights movement got its start in the 1970's when Tom Regan and Peter Singer both wrote books claiming it was "species-ist'...
  • Use On Animals As The Research Model
    2,690 words
    Animal Testing Anderson 1 A Look at Animal Testing They " re Pinky and the Brain, They " re Pinky and the Brain, One is a genius; the other's insane, they " re laboratory mice, Their genes have been spliced, They " re Pinky, They " re Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain (NBC). This is the theme song to a popular cartoon dealing with experiments carried out on animals. In the cartoon one mouse is made very smart and wants to take over the world while the other is clearly not as smart....
  • Use Of Animal Research
    1,028 words
    For Animal Testing Animal Testing For centuries, animals have been used in medical research. Since 1875, animal experimentation has been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals are ethical. At the very start, the movement against animal testing focused mainly on the "inhumanity of hurting and killing living beings for experimental discovery' (Achor 95). However, in these few decades, scientific invalidity was one of the focusing claims to object to vivisection, which is an "i...

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