Use Of Gas essay topics

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  • Costs Of Conversion Of Natural Gas
    784 words
    Ken French er 3/19/99 Chem 136 Liquid Fuels from Natural Gas We have known for a long time that eventually our oil deposits will dry up, and it would be helpful at that time if we had some kind of alternative fuel to power all of the machines that we use. Over the past two decades more oil has been pumped than has been found in the world. For this reason scientists have been looking to potential alternative fuels for the future. One of these alternative fuels may come in the form of natural gas....
  • Ideal Gas At Standard Temperature And Pressure
    2,690 words
    Chemistry Independent Study: Gas Laws Gas Laws Since the days of Aristotle, all substances have been classified into one of three physical states. A substance having a fixed volume and shape is a solid. A substance, which has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape, is a liquid; liquids assume the shape of their container but do not necessarily fill it. A substance having neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume is a gas; gases assume both the shape and the volume of their container. The structures...
  • Body Nitrous Oxide Gas
    771 words
    In this research paper I will attempt to explain what whippets are. I will try to give the necessary information to show the benefits and possible side effects. I will discuss a brief history of the gas and how young adults obtain the chemicals to make "whippets". Whippets are charge dispensers that deliver nitrous oxide as (en. wikipedia. org) describes. Nitrous oxide is a colorless, non-flammable gas. It has a slightly sweet taste and odor. It is non-toxic and non-irritating and when inhaled i...
  • My Opinion On Mustard Gas
    504 words
    Mustard Gas is a group of chemical compounds used in chemical warfare, so called because of its mustard-like smell. Mustard gas contains carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine, with either sulfur or nitrogen. When it comes in contact with skin, mustard gas causes severe blisters. Clothing can be worn to protect the skin, but breathing it produces extreme damage to the lungs and other internal tissues. These compounds are particularly harmful to moist areas of the human body, such as the eyes, armpits, a...
  • Ch 2 N 2 Alkanes
    401 words
    Alkanes The alkanes are the simplest form of organic compounds. They are made up of only Carbon atoms and Hydrogen atoms. All of the bonds are single and the number of hydrogen atoms versus carbon atoms follows this formula: Ch 2 n+2 Alkanes are all non-polar molecules so they aren't soluble in water. Here are some more facts. -Referred to as 'Saturated' -They have-low densities-low melting points-low boiling points -Refer to 'Slide 29's heat We couldn't find any information on who discovered th...
  • Used First By The Germans In 1915
    324 words
    This is a Mills Bomb; a grenade developed by William Mills in 1915 that was used by British troops. It has a central spring-loaded firing pin and spring-loaded lever locked by a pin. Once the pin was released, and the grenade was in the air, the lever flew up and released the striker. This ignited a four-second time fuse which allowed the thrower to take cover before it exploded. It was an improvement on other grenades that would often wound the front lines of both armies. This shows everyone is...
  • Lung Cancer From Radon
    1,614 words
    Radon Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive element that can be found in soil, underground water, and outdoor air. Some of the properties of this gas include being odorless, tasteless, and colorless. The concentrations vary throughout the country depending on the types of rocks that are found in the soil. Exposure over prolonged periods of time to radon decay products has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. (3) The EPA describes an elevated concentration as being at or ab...
  • Algeria's Main Exports
    818 words
    Algeria which is officially known as the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria has a population at about 33,375,089 citizens. Arabic is the official language spoken in this country but the people that live here also speak French and Berber dialects. Islam is the state religion which falls at about ninety-nine percent as for the other one percent it's a mixture of Christian and Jewish. Although I could not find the specific type of foods eaten in Algeria most likely the people there eat the sam...
  • Hydrogen And Chlorine Gases
    412 words
    Chlorine Chlorine is (at room temperature) a greenish-yellow gas that can be readily liquefied at 5170 Tarr or 6.8 atmospheres, at 20 C (68 F), and has avery disagreeable odor. It's Element Symbol is Cl, atomic number is 17, and atomic mass is 35.453. Chlorine's melting point is -101 C or 149.8 F. The boiling point is -34.05 C or -29.29 F, at one atmosphere pressure. Chlorine is a member of the halogen group. Chlorine was discovered by Swedish scientist Karl Wilhelm in 1784, but he first thought...
  • Mixture Of Stable And Radioactive Isotopes
    609 words
    I am the chemical element known as Krypton. Ican also be referred as Kr. I will be telling you about my history, my properties, my family and my occurrence. I will also be telling you about my uses and ores, also the analytical methods based on me. I received the name krypton from the Greek word " hidden' because I was hiding for so long, undetected. I am from a rare group of gases called noble gases. The other noble gases are helium, xenon, neon, argon and radon. I was discovered in England in ...
  • Airship Gains Altitude And The Gas
    1,929 words
    Airships INDEX PROLOGUE 2 TYPES OF AIRSHIP 2 RIGID AIRSHIP 2 NONRIGID AIRSHIP 3 HISTORY OF RIGID AIRSHIPS 3 HISTORY OF NONRIGID AIRSHIPS 4 AIRSHIPS TODAY 5 HINDENBURG 6 HINDENBURG DISASTER 7 PROLOGUE An airship is a type of lighter-than-air aircraft with propulsion and steering systems, it is used to carry passengers and cargo. It obtains its buoyancy from the presence of a lighter-than-air gas such as hydrogen or helium. The first airship was developed by the French, called a ballon dirigible, ...
  • Temperature Of 2 17 K Superfluidity
    1,483 words
    Cryogenics and the Future Cryogenics is a study that is of great importance to the human race and has been a major project for engineers for the last 100 years. Cryogenics, which is derived from the Greek word kayos meaning 'Icy Cold,' is the study of matter at low temperatures. However low is not even the right word for the temperatures involved in cryogenics, seeing as the highest temperature dealt with in cryogenics is 100 (C (-148 (F) and the lowest temperature used, is the unattainable temp...
  • Use Of Freon And Other Propellants
    498 words
    Aerosol Spray Cans Spray cans produce an aerosol, the technical term for a very fine spray. They do this by means of a pressurized propellant, which is a liquid that boils at everyday temperatures. Inside the can, a layer of gaseous pressure increased, and eventually it becomes so high that boiling stops. when the nozzle is pressed, the gas pressure forces the product up the tube in the can and out of the nozzle in a spray or foam. The propellant may emerge as well but, now under less pressure, ...
  • Deadly Chemicals In War
    1,059 words
    Biological warfare is war waged with deadly chemicals, biological agents, or radioactive materials (CBR). They can be used to kill large amounts of people, destroy food, or just temporarily stun them for a matter of time so troops can come in and torture them or do whatever troops led by an manipulative tyrant who destroys everything. Using CBR, allowed you to kill everything and leave the buildings standing instead of nuclear weapons which destroy everything, put fallout in the air, and have ra...
  • Psychology Telecommuting
    407 words
    TELECOMMUTING Psychology Telecommuting has positives and negatives psychologically. Some positives include staying home with children; more free time, and making your own schedule, etc. Some say that looks very inviting. Many people, employees and managers, don't look at the negatives (no set times, difficulty communicating, being looked upon as a slacker, no face to face contact and so on) before they volunteer for their chance at freedom. Technical One of the most important things for telecomm...
  • First German Chlorine Gas Attacks
    2,817 words
    Important Weapons and Stratagies of World War 1 World war was was indeed unlike any other war. Unique stratagies and new technology made this war what it was, a slow moving advancement and retreat for a period of 4 years. Important tactics and sweeps such as the Schlieffen Plan, Plan 17 and use of gases played the most important role in shaping the outcome, advancement and use of weapons in the war. One of the biggest weapon advancements which differentiated the war from past wars was the machin...

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