Use Of Guns essay topics

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  • People Against Gun Control
    1,255 words
    Gun control in todays society is one of the major problems we face in the use and misuse of guns. Guns are deadly weapons that can change a persons life physically and emotionally, mostly when it is not used properly. Many people possess at least one handgun for the purpose of their own protection in home; while others own guns for their own pleasure. Although it may serve as a protection to an individual, it can also be misused. This is why it should be limited to the use of authorities such as...
  • Use Guns For Protection
    948 words
    A proposed federal law to outlaw all guns would be more effective at disarming law-abiding citizens than at disarming the criminals who abuse them. If guns were outlawed, the criminals would not stop carrying guns, but the good, law-abiding citizens would. It would do nothing about the illegally obtained handguns in the possession of criminals. In The NRA is Right, Josh Sugarmann states that "One tenet of the National Rifle Association's faith has always been that handgun controls do little to s...
  • Anti Gun Users
    624 words
    Roger ian Argument - Final For some time now the question of whether or not handguns should be legal to all citizens has haunted our society. Is it morally right for anyone to carry a gun and shoot it when they feel it to be necessary Doesn't the second amendment still hold true today These question are ones that have been thrown back and forth between pro and anti gun users for some time and will probably continue for some time longer. There are people who say handguns in the home can only caus...
  • Greater Gun Control
    741 words
    Guns are becoming a fast growing concern among today's society. Due to its increasing use, violence has increased in once peaceful communities, even though crime rates have recently been below average for most of LA. However, controlling that violence has become a major issue and most people want their kids to feel and play safely in their neighborhood. Many senseless tragedies have taken place over the last couple of years to bring upon this fear, and many parents feel that greater gun control ...
  • Gun Control Laws
    1,703 words
    Do you like gun or like to own a gun? Would like to have a gun for self protection if the time comes? If so the gun control laws could cause you not to be able to. For that reason gun control laws are way too strict. Some of the elderly that live alone look to guns as self defense. That is way is why I believe there shouldn't be so much gun control. Approximately 2.5 million times a year guns are used in self defense. There is about 62,200 victims of violent crimes one percent of them use guns a...
  • Guns And Handguns
    774 words
    By: Rick E-mail: Handguns Must Go People own hand guns for many reasons. Some keep handguns for protection; others collect them as a hobby. There is a substantial amount of people in America that own handguns for one specific reason, to commit crimes. Usually they are committing a crime just by having a gun in their possession. The person is breaking current laws anyways; making tougher gun control laws will not change the fact that they are committing a crime. How can guns be kept away from cri...
  • Juvenile Gun Violence
    1,323 words
    Juvenile gun violence is an ever-increasing problem in our country. With a wave of school shooting behind us it is time to get this under control. Many studies have been done on how to effectively diminish juvenile gun violence. It is clear that this must be handled on a state and local level with the federal government backing the states. Prevention and law enforcement is the key to successfully eradicate our nation of the ugly stain caused by youth gun violence. Prevention should begin in the ...
  • Models Of The Gatling Gun
    671 words
    Richard Jordan Gatling was born in January 1818 in Winton North Carolina, and died at the age of 85 in 1903. Gatling's career as an inventor began when he assisted his father in the construction of machines for sowing cottonseeds, and also for thinning cotton plants. He spent a lot of time in the fields with his father who helped him build some of his inventions. Richard Jordan Gatling was a medical doctor with numerous patents for his farm equipment inventions. To his credit he came up with the...
  • Gun Owners
    629 words
    I believe that it is time for laws that govern guns to be tightened and a compromise to be made between gun banning and complete gun freedom. First I strongly believe that the gun owners must be responsible for their guns, no matter who gets a hold of them or how. A gun is a deadly weapon and if you own one and it is used in a crime, you should bear some responsibility. People need to be responsible for their dogs, and although some dogs are dangerous, they are much less dangerous than a gun. If...
  • People Against Gun Control
    442 words
    Controlling sales and the registration of guns and owners is necessary because of the homicide rate involving guns and the violence caused by criminals using guns. Since the early days of the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and as a means of hunting or sport. As we near the end of the 20th century the use of guns has changed significantly. Because the increase in crime and the fight for the right to own a handgun, the introduction of legislation for...
  • Hand Gun And Rifle
    512 words
    Cowboys with Guns during the Wild Wild West In the Old West, guns played an important role in the lives of cowboys. There were various kinds of guns that cowboys used. They fell into two categories: hand gun and rifle. The most common handguns were the Derringer and the Colt. 45; as for rifles there was the Winchester. Most of the time guns were used for shooting animals for food or calming the cattle. Occasionally, a cowboy might have to use one against Indians or rustlers. On the trail most co...
  • Opponents Of Gun Control Including The Nra
    2,337 words
    At Close Range, Survival is Rare Gun Control issues have been apart of American landscape since the days of pioneers. The use of guns has changed over the years. Once used by settlers to survive, guns are now used in killing humans across the United States. Jim Reibsame, a contributor to the Dallas Morning News stated, There is an urban outrage at some of the practices at controlling predators. There is a popular notion that we should let the wolves live, which happens to contrast with a century...
  • Guns Through Private Dealers
    711 words
    It is being argued that gun control violates our constitutional rights stated in the second amendment. The second amendment states that A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed (Harris, 1998). Pro-gunners believe that the second amendment gives them the right to have any and all typed of firearms. But, the second amendment was written during a time when the nation was at war. Ordinary citizens...
  • New Gun Control Laws In Canadian
    2,241 words
    In the Interests of the Public: New Gun Control Laws in Canadian increase in gun control is not in the best interests of society, it just provides a false sense of security. Through out history governments have used guns as a scapegoat for their problems with violent crime. Guns are not the problem when it comes to society's problems with violence, people are. Guns do not commit the crimes people do. You must control the criminals in order to control crime. The first restrictions on firearms in ...
  • Stricter Gun Control Laws
    1,289 words
    Gun Control People for Gun Control The recent events that has happened, such as the school shootings and all the violence seen on television, has without a doubt made many of us consider gun control as a possible solution to the violence that has spread across the nation. On the other hand there is other ways to reduce the violence besides using gun control to do that, which are teaching proper gun handling and making mandatory licensing to obtain a gun. With gun control laws the government is p...
  • Legalize Guns
    820 words
    We as a people need to grasp a reality that has been hanging over our for quite some time. We can not keep tucking away the thought of gun control in the back of our minds, pretending that it is not there. It is. The right to carry guns is a big privilege that is constantly abused in the United States. Every day, someone dies from a gun shot wound. It is no longer necessary to go to a sporting goods shop to buy a gun. Every minute of every day someone buys a gun right off the street. On the stre...
  • Bebe Gun As A Dangerous Weapon
    665 words
    Why bebe-guns are dangerous This past summer, when I was "horsing" around with my friends, I came to realize how dangerous a bebe-gun can be. I learned that I had made a big mistake by not thinking before my actions, and that is what got me into trouble. My friends and I were fooling around with a bebe-gun, shooting at cans. One bebe ricocheted off one of the cans and hit a man on the golf course. I wanted to apologize, but was frightened to at the time. The park police came to my house and ques...
  • Supporters Of Gun Control After Brady
    570 words
    THE FUTURE OF GUN CONTROL This report is about the future of gun control. The future of gun control is basically that guns will soon be very hard to get your hands on and even after you get them then you will be very restricted on where, when, and how you will be able to use your firearm. The types of guns that most people are against are already banned. People do not take the time to do the research to find out that the types of guns that are used for hunting are not most commonly used in armed...
  • Their Own Perspective On Gun Control
    947 words
    A REPORT ON GUN CONTROL As stated in court records on Kitchen vs. K-Mart Corp., On the night of December 14, 1987, petitioner Deborah Kitchen was shot by her ex-boyfriend, Thomas Knapp, and rendered a permanent quadriplegic, shortly after Knapp purchased a. 22 caliber bolt-action rifle from a local K-Mart retail store. Knapp testified that he had consumed a fifth of whiskey and case of beer beginning that morning and up until he left a local bar. He returned to the bar and, after observing Kitch...
  • Stricter Regulations On The Control Of Guns
    673 words
    You " re sitting in your living room talking to your mom and hear a gun shot. You run out hoping it's not a loved one but sadly your brother or sister has just been shot. What do you do? Since the shootings at the schools have happened I have taken an interest for gun control. There's so much violence out there that have guns involved and I want to stop that. There should be stricter regulations on the control of guns. To get my point across we have to see the history on guns, the laws an d how ...

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