Use Of Imagery essay topics

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  • Precise Use Of Descriptive Words
    553 words
    T.S. Eliot Imagery of Preludes In T.S. Eliots poem Preludes he portrays the alienation of the individual from society. His imagery is sharp and clear and he uses many techniques to achieve this. A clear description of what something is, can be pictured in the mind by his precise use of imagery. For example, the words, withered leaves (7) gives a clear image, as does, dingy shades (22). The effect is achieved through descriptions of the human influence, word choice, syntax, and rhythm. Eliot uses...
  • Use Of Water And Fire Imagery
    1,048 words
    Critics such as Adrienne Rich argue that Jane Eyre has to choose between the "temptation" of following the rule of passion by marrying Rochester, which would have made her dependent on him and not his equal, or of living a life of complete renunciation of all passions, by marrying St John Rivers. Fire and water imagery symbolizes the two forces competing for dominance in Jane Eyre, both on a personal and metaphorical level. Throughout the novel, such imagery is used by Bront, in keeping with her...
  • Blood In Macbeth
    1,998 words
    Froug, 1 Shakespeare's Macbeth is a story taken from Scottish history and presented to the Scottish king James I. Shakespeare took this gory tale of murderous ambition, however, and transformed it into an imaginative tale of good and evil. Shakespeare brought about this transformation by relying upon "imaginative verbal vigor" that im beds itself in the brilliantly concentrated phrases of this literary work. Critics have dubbed it his darkest work, along with King Lear. In his critique of Shakes...
  • Esther's Mental Illness
    699 words
    Sylvia Plath's autobiography, The Bell Jar, tells the story of Plath's own mental breakdown and suicide attempt, as well as her recovery and eventual reentrance into the outside world. The Bell Jar shows the transition of Plath as a young, hopeful girl into a cynical, suicidal woman. The main character whom represents Plath, Esther Greenwood, is first shown as an aspiring writer who is full of dreams and whose life is brimming with opportunities. As Esther becomes more and more depressed, Plath ...
  • Conscience Mind Of Stephen
    1,059 words
    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Many James Joyce In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, several uses of imagery are used in relation to themes and motifs. Categories of these uses of imagery are in such literary devices as motifs, sensory details, color, and the stream of consciousness. With all this imagery and devices, Joyce can use it and Stephen to explore the depths of the human mind and the human heart. Motifs such as names and the role of the artist are present in ...
  • Shakespeares Macbeth
    565 words
    Imagery in Shakespeare Macbeth Authors use many literary techniques and devices to make their work more interesting. They use what is called word imagery. Word imagery is another word for a metaphor: a comparison not using like or as. In Shakespeares Macbeth, imagery is very often used. No where in Shakespeares genius for metaphor more apparent than in his use for clothing imagery. In the beginning of the play, Shakespeare uses a great example of clothing imagery when Ross tells Macbeth that he ...
  • Use Of Heat And Cold Imagery
    1,162 words
    A Comparison of the Heat and Cold Imagery Used in Nawal El Saadawi's Woman at Point Zero and Yasunari Kawabata's Thousand Cranes In the books Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi, and Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata, both authors use various forms of imagery that reoccur throughout the works. These images are used not to be taken for their literal meanings, but instead to portray a deeper sense or feeling that may occur several times in the book. One type of imagery that both Saadawi and...
  • Yo Life
    494 words
    Little Porter Osborne, Jr. grew up on a farm in Georgia where the people own the land and the land, in turn, owns the people. In the novel, Run with the Horsemen, Porter fights his way through adolescence and the depression, learning more about life every day from the big boys under the tree at lunch. Ferrol Sams is able to portray a realistic account of life on a farm during the depression by using humor, dialect, and vivid imagery. Humor is used throughout the book to keep the reader intereste...
  • Two Types Of Imagery Collection Platforms
    702 words
    2 SEP 2002 THE MOST VALUABLE INTELLIGENCE DISCIPLINE: IMINT believe that the most valuable discipline will be the IMINT field, but with good evidence. During the Gulf War, the IMINT field was detrimental to mission accomplishment. The field of Battle Damage Assessment is in my opinion one of the factors that makes imagery so important to combative assessments. The forward observers that would ordinary be sent out to the battlefield to obtain target information are in a very vulnerable position a...
  • Dead Carl In Their Mind
    679 words
    In the passage be ginning "They had picked... ". from the novel Snow Falling On Cedars, the author, David Guterson, uses many techniques to give the passage a depressing, and frightening mood. He uses vivid imagery to describe Carl's dead body. He also uses figurative language, such as metaphors and similes to show the severity of the situation. Finally, his diction shows the reader how reading about a crime scene can seem real if the word choice is right. All the techniques Guterson use help th...
  • Used Animal Imagery Throughout The Novel
    2,722 words
    The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath, a remarkable novel that greatly embodied the entire of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl in the 1930's. The usage of imagery and symbolism help to support his many different themes running through the course of the novel. His use of language assisted in personifying the many trials and tribulations which the Joad family, and the rest of the United States, was feeling at the time. This was a time of great confusion and chaos becau...
  • Use Of Animal Imagery
    577 words
    In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the Pardoners Prologue, we see the theme of hypocrisy throughout the play. The pardoner knows he is a con artist and liar and freely admits it in both word and action in his tales prologue. The pardoner begins with the tale itself. In his sermon he describes gluttony in detail, and defines it as not only overeating, but the intense pleasure of doing it. He also denounces wine with examples of drunkenness. He also discusses swearing and cursing and concludes with co...
  • Example Of Hawthorne's Use Of Syntax
    1,238 words
    Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of The Scarlet Letter, has an extremely elaborate, and well-depicted vocabulary. Many of his sentences and paragraphs tend to be very verbose, but at the same time very helpful in giving the reader an accurate representation of the exactly how Chillingworth reacts when he first sees Hester. Within the passage on page sixty-seven Hawthorne is giving an intricate description of Chillingworth's reaction when he first sees Hester after she is released from prison. Wit...
  • Theme Of Conscience Versus Temptation
    597 words
    Soto's narration of his childhood experience of sin and guilt utilizes many rhetorical strategies. Every aspect of his prose including his pacing, repetition of phrases, imagery, and use of contrasting elements gives the reader a deeper understanding of what he felt during the pie raid. He clearly portrays how a child would react to the situation. Although throughout the essay, pacing is most clearly used as a literary device in paragraph two. Soto uses a quick pace to convey a sense of nervous ...
  • Imagery Use
    603 words
    The Cask of Amontillado In the short story The Cask of Amontillado, Edgar Allen Poe uses imagery to relay the atmosphere and the feelings of the setting and character. We find that he uses this imagery to talk about a moment, an attitude and places. Foreshadowing is also used to let the audience know how he intended to interact the other character. It lets the reader know and understand why certain behaviors and actions take place. Without his extensive use of imagery and brief flirt with foresh...
  • Symbol For King Lear's Mental State
    555 words
    Writers often need to convey very complex characters and ideas to their audience. An essential means of doing this is through symbolism and imagery. Symbolism is the use of physical things to represent abstract ideas, while imagery uses language to create mental pictures. In Shakespeare's King Lear, symbolism and imagery help define characters and the environment. In this report we will attempt to discuss the family and the state, the wheels of fortune and fire, madness versus reason, the storm,...
  • Use Of Imagery
    391 words
    Whenever modern literature is researched, the roots of the writing should always be evaluated to understand fully what the writer used as inspiration or guidance when writing his work. My paper deals with that exact aspect of writing and an extravagant writer in J.R.R. Tolkien. The roots of Tolkien's writing, I think, lies in the epic poem, Beowulf, written by an unknown author. I don't however believe this was the inspiration for all of Tolkien's works. In this paper, I show the reader how J.R....
  • Imagery The Different Languages And Poetic Styles
    715 words
    Throughout the play Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare has created many wonderful characters that all have their own distinct personalities. One will begin to see through imagery the different languages and poetic styles that are throughout the play. Helena and Puck are two character examples that Shakespeare created to present different types of imagery using different and similar language and poetic style. Helena is the lovesick, maiden. She is tall and fair, and until events conspire agains...
  • Madeleine's Descriptive Characterization Readers
    599 words
    A Wrinkle in Time is an exciting adventure of supernatural proportions. The amount of excitement being proved by the quote, ' Wild nights are my glory,' said by one of the extraordinary figures that help the heroes and heroine throughout their ordeals. Madeleine L'Engle, the author, writes in such a way that when read, the readers feel like they are actually in the story. Various emotions and thoughts will be felt and thunk throughout the book, from imagining L'Engle's fantastic creatures to loa...

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