Use Of The Herb essay topics

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  • Italians Call Oregano The Mushroom Herb
    324 words
    Organum Vulgare The culinary herb oregano is mostly used in foods. Oregano also known as the 'pizza herb' is used in a number of Italian dishes as it goes especially well with tomatoes. All the flavors of oregano are prominent in Italian cooking and in robust dishes of certain other cuisine, such as Mexicans chili con carne. Italians call oregano the mushroom herb but use it with many other foods as well. The Spanish word oregano means marjoram. Oregano is also known as marjoram in northern and ...
  • Type Of Problems Herbs
    739 words
    Your studying for your final exams when all of a sudden you feel it coming on. A headache. It's definitely your worst one yet, and to make matters worse, you " ve only just started studying an hour ago. It's probably from going over all those problems in the small print of your text book. The test is tomorrow and the pain in your head is so unbearable that the only way known to make it go away is to go to bed. But, in the back of your mind, you know that you haven't finished studying yet and if ...
  • Herbal Healing Every Herb
    1,994 words
    Herbs Herbal History The history of herbs date back thousands of years to the times of when doctors didn t have many tools of medicine to cure the ill with. They would use plants, berries, roots, and event the barks of some trees to cure an ailment. In those times there wasn t much background research on herbal remedies and so sometimes a cure from a doctor could increase the sickness or even be fatal. Europe and the Mediterranean have been using herbs to cure and help for 4000 years and there a...
  • Medicinal Herbs As Scientists Mowry Pigs
    1,655 words
    Herbal Extracts and Hormones Herbs are found everywhere, and hormones are a natural product of everyone's body. The production of hormones increases and decreases with the age and development of the individual. Due to the nature of hormones and the ongoing research still being done, this article will investigate only two hormones that are in common use by the everyday person. Herbs, on the other hand, can be found from California to China and as far as consumers are concerned, they are now mains...
  • Rastas Roots
    906 words
    The Rastafarian religion originated in Africa. It is often associated with the poorer black population of Jamaica. It is not just a religion, but a way of life. Rastafarians speak out against; poverty, oppression and inequality... not just religious ideas but global problems. Rastafarians will use the Bible for guidance. The prime basic belief of the Rastafarians is that Haile Selassie is the living God for the black race. Selassie, whose previous name was Ras Tahari, was the black Emperor of Et...
  • True Benefits Of The Use Of Chicory
    844 words
    Chicory, chi corium intybus, is a weed which produces blue flowers. It is also known as endive, succory, watcher of the road, and barbe de capuchin (beard of the monk). It commonly grows at the side of the road and paths blooming in June to October. It grows in North and South America, eastern Asia, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. It can be both domestic and wild, growing in gardens as well as the side of the road. Chicory has leafy stems. The leaves alternate from lance-shaped with te...
  • Analgesic Herbs Alone For A Toothache
    1,256 words
    I have been plagued by many a toothache in my time. Although there is no replacement for dental work and proper dental hygiene, once you have a toothache, there are several herbal methods for treating it without pharmaceuticals. Herbs for a toothache are best taken in tincture form, because the alcohol content is disinfecting and astringent, which helps with the infection and to reduce inflammation. I suggest taking a teaspoon of the tincture (undiluted) and holding it in your mouth, gently swis...
  • Use Of Marijuana
    799 words
    For many years the legalization of marijuana has been debated all over the world. The use of marijuana has been used for recreation and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The hemp plant, the source of the drug hashish, is one of the commonest weeds in the world. There is little danger that it will seriously promote the drug habit. Fear of its abuse has been expressed in various localities where the plant has been discovered growing. Hemp has been in this country for many years, having be...
  • Use Of Medicinal Herbs
    521 words
    "Medical Practices in the Early Middle Ages" The Article "Medical Practices in the Early Middle Ages" is placed in the chapter directly before the reading on health and medical practices in the Carolingian times. This is a good place because it expresses the high use of medicinal herbs. The article goes a step further then the chapter by giving examples of remedies from three different medical manuscripts from Anglo-Saxon England. From the first manuscript, Anglo-Saxon Herbal, they give cures fo...

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