Used For Fuel essay topics

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  • Fuel Assemblies For Nuclear Power Reactors
    998 words
    SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIA L'Special nuclear material' (SNM) is defined by Title I of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as plutonium, uranium-233, or uranium enriched in the isotopes uranium-233 or uranium-235. In 1789, Uranium was discovered in the mineral called pitchblende, by a German chemist named Martin Klaproth. It was named after the planet Uranus, which had been discovered eight years earlier. Uranium-233 and plutonium are formed in nuclear reactors because they do not occur naturally. It has ...
  • Ballard's Fuel Cell Transit Buses
    413 words
    THE BALLARD FUEL CELL The Ballard fuel cell is a power generating device which combines hydrogen (which can be obtained from methanol, natural gas, petroleum) and oxygen without the use of combustion in order to generate electricity. Since fuel cells operate very quietly and efficiently and their only emissions are pure water and heat they are expected to be the future of power generating machines. The PEM fuel cell is made of two plates with a plastic membrane coated with a catalyst in the midd...
  • Used Petroleum Product
    1,231 words
    Limited Petroleum Reserves: Is Nuclear Energy an Alternative The twentieth century has been the age of petroleum. Oil in its various refined derivative forms, such as gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel, has a unique combination of many desirable and useful characteristics. These include a current availability in abundance, a currently high net energy recovery, a high energy density, ease of transportation and storage, relative safety, and great versatility in end use. Oil is also useful as more...
  • Fuels And Note Down The Results
    492 words
    Science Investigation AIM: In this investigation we are going to find out which fuel contains the most energy by burning each fuel and using its heat to heat up water. PREDICTION: I predict that Ethanol will contain the most energy. I can backup my answer by referring to my scientific knowledge, Ethanol will burn the quickest because it has more energy stored within its bonds C-C-C. METHOD: In this experiment I will change the fuels, I will use different fuels. I will use 120 ml of water to boil...
  • Few Natural Fuel Wood Resources
    517 words
    Fuel wood Availability in Africa Throughout Africa there is various regional variations of fuel wood availability. In the chart shown for this essay, it breaks up Africa into 4 different areas of fuel wood amounts. Mostly on the northern area of Africa there is few natural fuel wood resources. And also near the southern areas of Africa there is Fuel wood scarcity because of other little deserts. In the northern region of Africa there is the Sahara desert. This is why there are very few natural f...
  • Nu Guard Ntw Wr 1 2
    391 words
    Re: Bosch fuel tube report August 26, 2003 On August 9th, Bosch realized a failure of their fuel pump / filter unit for a new model fuel tank. In the past they used a 1/2 " gasket on the old fuel tank, when GM changed the design, this became a problem. There was no longer a 1/2 " gasket, thus causing problems for the pump to retract all the way to the top flange of the pump unit. The top flange has a rough grove on top where the fuel tube comes in contact. I was asked by Bosch to investigate a m...
  • Alternative Fuel Vehicles To The Lotus Fleet
    2,407 words
    Abstract The feasibility of adding AFVs (alternative fuel vehicles) to the Lotus Rental Car fleet is examined in the attached research. The advantages and disadvantages of AFVs were analyzed. In addition, the environmental effect of AFV use on future generations is also discussed. By comparing the overall information and data of AFVs vs. petroleum-fueled vehicles, and researching how other fleets have successfully incorporated AFVs, the result is conclusive evidence that the addition of AFVs to ...
  • Pyrotechnic Special Effects Materials
    521 words
    PYROTECHNICS Pyrotechnics special effects are widely used in motion picture production to create all types of effects involving explosions, fires, light, smoke and sound concussions. The types of pyrotechnics materials used include flash powder, flash paper, gun cotton, black powder (gunpowder), smokeless powder, detonator explosives, and many more. They are used in bullet hits (squibs), blank cartridges, flash pots, fuses, mortars, smoke pots, sparkle pots, etc. The main problems of pyrotechnic...
  • First Use Of Hydrogen As A Fuel
    1,043 words
    It is no secret that the Gulf war was fought for superiority of the vast oil reserves in the Arab regions. This point to the fact that the superpowers are experiencing a severe shortage of fuel for its un-satiated energy needs. While the advanced nations in the world are the biggest consumers of fuel, their fuel production capacities are very limited or almost non-existent. Scientists predict that the world's oil reserves will not last for long and we need to find out alternative forms of fuel f...
  • Fuel From The Gas Tank Through Lines
    972 words
    Fuel System sPT- 264 By: Bobbie Day 3/28/2005 In this report I will explain the fuel systems in an automobile. I will cover different parts and how they work. First thing to do is explain how the fuel system works. The purpose of the fuel system is to store and supply fuel to the cylinder chamber where it can be mixed with air then vaporized and burned to produce energy. The fuel, which can be either gas or diesel is stored in a fuel tank. A fuel pump draws the fuel from the gas tank through lin...
  • Most Common Use Of A Fuel Cell
    276 words
    Fuel Cells Fuel cells are very important because they offer an alternative environmentally friendly fuel for transportation, which causes a major amount of the damage to or earth and the growing problem of global warming. This issue of course is a factor everywhere on our planet especially in metro areas where cars and transportation are major issues. A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device. A fuel cell converts the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water, and in the process ...
  • Fuel Cell Car's Electric Motor
    1,449 words
    Air pollution has been a known problem for a very long time. There have numerous measures to try to lower the levels of pollutants that factories, chemical plants, incinerators, and power generating facilities create. These facilities are now regulated strictly by governments around the world. There is still an even greater threat to our atmosphere, the pollutants that come out the exhausts of internal combustion engines (ICE) of automobiles. Cars are our a permanent part of our society, they ca...
  • Diesel Engine And Used Biodiesel
    835 words
    In 1895, Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine and used biodiesel made from peanut oil to fuel the engine (Emery 44). Biodeisel is made from domestic, renewable vegetable products like soybean oil and recycled cooking grease (Emery 44). Biodiesel is the best alternative fuel because it helps the environment by reducing CO 2 emissions, it's easy to convert to from regular diesel engines, and it's a domestic, renewable energy source. B 20 is a biodiesel blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum ...
  • Hydrogen And Fuel Cell Technology
    1,959 words
    Audience: Fossil fuel / gasoline consumers and automobile users For many reasons, it is obvious that now is a perfect time for America (and the world) to reassess its present energy structure and organization. In the future, a large shift away from our dependence on petroleum and fossil fuels will be necessary. Fuel reserves cannot sustain our rampant use for much longer, nor can our environment. A hydrogen based economy is the only plausible, efficient, and clean alternative. Hydrogen is an ine...
  • Robert Goddard
    693 words
    On October 5, 1882, in Worchester, Massachusetts, an amazing man was born. Ten minutes later, a little ways down the road, Robert Hutchins Goddard, was born as well. I say this because being from a middle class Massachusetts family, no one at that time knew how the world was about to change due to this ordinary little boy. A student at the Worchester Polytechnic Institute, Robert soon became interested in science, due to the many books and magazines he read. On October 19, 1899, he climbed into ...
  • Incorporation Of 2 Biodiesel Into Conventional Fuel
    2,027 words
    Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be produced from completely renewable American resources. Biodiesel is not only renewable it is also less polluting than regular petroleum diesel. In fact if there would ever be a biodiesel spill it would degrade about the same as sugar. It is the only alternative diesel fuel that as completed an emissions and health test from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has had successful documentation on 30 million road miles. Biodiesel is made through tr...
  • Being Known For The Fuel Cell Technology
    773 words
    Fuel cell technology was created by Sir William Robert Grove in 1839. It was later established and developed by Ballard Power systems. A fuel cell is a device that produces electricity from a fuel and an oxidizer, a substance that combines with fuel. Fuel cells have a high efficiency level. They are used in boats, trucks, and laptops. To this day, fuel cells are providing the electricity for the Apollo spacecraft. They are used in high-tech equipment because they are quiet, clean, and sturdy. No...
  • First Use Of Hydrogen As A Fuel
    1,884 words
    Why are we as Americans so afraid to change? Even if it is a change for the better? The world has been using oil coal and other petroleum products to power just about everything that moves for the last 150 years. Yet most cars in the United States only get 10-20 miles a gallon and even the "good" ones can get only a petty 20-50 miles a gallon. So why do we put up with the inefficiency when there are far better alternatives out there? Hydrogen, the first element of the periodic table, is composed...
  • Use Of Ethanol Fuels
    4,521 words
    Alternative Fuel Vehicles You Can Buy Today From the earliest days of the automotive industry alternative fuels have always competed with petroleum for powering vehicles. Nicholas Cug not made the first self-powered road vehicle in 1769 with a steam engine, and the first gasoline automobile didn't appear until over 100 years later from Karl Benz. Through the late 19th and early 20th century steam and electric power remained strong contenders. The invention of the self-starter for gasoline engine...

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